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Your search for "*" yielded 533524 hits

Iron as a precursor of aggregation and vector of organic carbon to sediments in a boreal lake

While organic matter (OM) interactions in the water column prevent iron (Fe) precipitation and sedimentation, Fe also acts as a precursor of aggregation and a vector of OM to sediments. This study aims to characterize Fe–OM interactions to understand the role of Fe in promoting aggregation and transport of OM. Samples of Fe and OM were collected from water, settling material, and sediment along a

De allmänna förvaltningsdomstolarna - En rättshistorisk studie av deras tillkomst och utvecklingen av treinstanssystemet

Domstolarna i det svenska rättsväsendet delas primärt upp i två grupper: de allmänna domstolarna och de allmänna förvaltningsdomstolarna. Den senare gruppen av domstolar ansvarar för förvaltningsrättskipningen och utgörs av förvaltningsrätterna (som också utgör första instans enligt överprövningsförfarandet), kammarrätterna (andra instans) och Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen, HFD (sista instans). DomThe courts in the Swedish legal system are primarily constituted by two groups: the General Courts and the Administrative Courts. The latter group is constituted by the Administrative Court (which handles cases as the first instance), the Administrative Court of Appeal (second instance) and the Supreme Administrative Court (last instance). The Administrative Courts are responsible for the administ

“Jag har ju köpt dig, kommer du ihåg?” En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra kvinnor beskriver makt och kontroll i sexhandeln

The sex trade is a market in constant change and, as a result of digitalization, has been given different conditions in the form of new arenas, conditions, and risks. This study aims to shed light on how women who have lived in prostitution describe the sex trade, focusing on how they describe power and control in the different areas of the sex trade. We have taken our empirical material from four

The Soundtrack of My Life : Using Story in Higher Music Education

Artikeln beskriver en metod för hur musikaliskt biografiskt skrivande kan användas i musiklärarutbildningen. Musiklärarstudenter vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö ställs i början av sina studier inför uppgiften att välja ut fem musikstycken som hittills varit av särskild betydelse i deras liv. Utifrån teorierna om symbolisk interaktionism och biografiskt lärande uppmuntras studenterna att skriva om sina

Sju Scener och en Foajé på Strömsholmen i Norrköping

There is an abandoned island in the center of Norrköping. It lays in the river Motala Ström and its future is constantly debated in the local press. People are longing for something to happen here. Historically, it has been a vivid place with small cafés, restaurants and small stages. During the 19th century it became a popular meeting point for the bourgeoise population in Norrköping which at the

Microfluidics-Driven Manufacturing and Multiscale Analytical Characterization of Nanoparticle-Vesicle Hybrids

Coating synthetic nanoparticles (NPs) with lipid membranes is a promising approach to enhance the performance of nanomaterials in various biological applications, including therapeutic delivery to target organs. Current methods for achieving this coating often rely on bulk approaches which can result in low efficiency and poor reproducibility. Continuous processes coupled with quality control repr

Designing and developing the Professional Development Course for External Examiners

A 2015 review of external examining in the UK assessed the effectiveness of the external examining system in safeguarding academic and quality standards in higher education. The development of the Professional Development Course for External Examiners was a key response to the recommendations from this review. This chapter contains an overview of the structure of the course, the key messages commu

Harnessing the microbiomes of water treatment and distribution for cleaner water

Many water treatment processes used to improve the quality of drinking- and wastewater directly or indirectly affect, or are affected by, the activity of microbes. These activities can improve water quality, presenting sustainable alternatives to mechanical or chemical processes. As water is distributed, it is also changed by microbes. Harnessing the potential of microbes to improve water quality Many water treatment processes used to improve the quality of drinking- and wastewater directly or indirectly affect, or are affected by, the activity of microbes. These activities can improve water quality, presenting sustainable alternatives to mechanical or chemical processes. As water is distributed, it is also changed by microbes. Harnessing the potential of microbes to improve water quality

III-V heterostructure tunnel field-effect transistor operation at different temperature regimes

Tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs) are a potential alternative to MOSFETs for low-temperature electronics. We provide an in-depth experimental characterization of TFETs analyzing the fundamental physical behavior at different temperature regimes. TFET characteristics from 13 to 300 K both in forward and reverse bias are discussed by employing a variation in InAs/InGaAsSb/GaSb heterojunction v

Serine phosphorylation mimics of Aβ form distinct, non-cross-seeding fibril morphs

The self-assembly of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) into fibrils and oligomers is linked to Alzheimer's disease (AD). Fibrillar aggregates in AD patient's brains contain several post-translational modifications, including phosphorylation at positions 8 and 26. These play a key role in modifying the aggregation propensity of Aβ, yet how they affect the mechanism of aggregation is only poorly understood. He

Nonneutralizing antibodies in Nordic persons with moderate hemophilia A and B (the MoHem study)

Background: The impact of nonneutralizing antibodies (NNAs) in moderate hemophilia is elusive. Objectives: To explore the presence of NNAs in Nordic persons with moderate hemophilia A (MHA) and B (MHB) in relation to treatment modality, clinical outcome, history of inhibitor, and the corresponding factor VIII (FVIII)/factor IX (FIX) gene mutation. Methods: A cross-sectional multicenter study cover

Randomized Trial of Very Early Medication Abortion

Background Medication abortion, with a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol, is highly effective and safe. However, there is insufficient evidence on efficacy and safety at very early gestations before a pregnancy can be visualized with ultrasonography. Methods We conducted a multicenter, noninferiority, randomized, controlled trial involving women requesting medication abortion at up to 42

The influence of anterior cingulate GABA+ and glutamate on emotion regulation and reactivity in adolescents and adults

During adolescence, emotion regulation and reactivity are still developing and are in many ways qualitatively different from adulthood. However, the neurobiological processes underpinning these differences remain poorly understood, including the role of maturing neurotransmitter systems. We combined magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) and self-reported em

HHH whitepaper

We here report on the progress of the HHH Workshop, that took place in Dubrovnik in July 2023. After the discovery of a particle that complies with the properties of the Higgs boson of the Standard Model, all Standard Model (SM) parameters are in principle determined. However, in order to verify or falsify the model, the full form of the potential has to be determined. This includes the measuremen

Abundances of iron-peak elements in 58 bulge spheroid stars from APOGEE

Context. Stars presently identified in the bulge spheroid are probably very old, and their abundances can be interpreted as due to the fast chemical enrichment of the early Galactic bulge. The abundances of the iron-peak elements are important tracers of nucleosynthesis processes, in particular oxygen burning, silicon burning, the weak s-process, and α-rich freeze-out. Aims. The aim of this work i