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Patient-Specific Measurable Residual Disease Markers Predict Outcome in Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Related Diseases After Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation

PURPOSE: Clinical relapse is the major threat for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) undergoing hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT). Early detection of measurable residual disease (MRD) would enable preemptive treatment and potentially reduced relapse risk.METHODSPatients with MDS planned for HSCT were enrolled in a prospective, observational study evaluating the association b


We consider the Boussinesq equation on the line for a broad class of Schwartz initial data for which (i) no solitons are present, (ii) the spectral functions have generic behavior near \pm1, and (iii) the solution exists globally. In a recent work, we identified 10 main sectors describing the asymptotic behavior of the solution, and for each of these sectors we gave an exact expression for the lea

Emotions of perpetrators and victim-survivors: multi-layered violence against Chinese women during the Asia-Pacific War

This essay uses a microhistory of Chinese comfort women during the Asia-Pacific War to illuminate the gendered dynamics of violence and the contrasting emotions experienced by both sexually abused women and their Japanese perpetrators, forming a perpetrator-victim dyad. The essay employs the concept of intersectional emotions within a micro-historical framework to demonstrate that this violence ag

Prediction of Decay Heat from PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel Using Fuel Parameters

In the context of a geological repository for nuclear waste, fast and accurate predictions of decay heat are needed for different applications ranging from canister loading optimization to comparing decay heat predictions from state-of-the-art codes with experimental measurements. This work uses a large database of simulated pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) with an extensiv

Flooding in Sebeya catchment, Rwanda - A review of causes, impacts, and management

Flooding is one of the natural hazards that pose the most serious threat to human societies in Rwanda, particularly in the Sebeya catchment located in the northwestern part of the country. The main aims of this study are to identify the current flooding issues in the Sebeya catchment in Rwanda and to propose recommendations for improved flood risk management (FRM). The methodology employed encompa

Composition tunable and stable spontaneous emission and lasing in Cd-alloyed perovskite microdisks

All-inorganic Pb-Cd mixed-cation halide perovskites have emerged as semiconductors exhibiting improved optical and optoelectronic properties. We establish a reliable correlation between photoluminescence and Cd content x in bulk CsPb1−xCdxBr3 compositions, propose pathways of photoexcited charge carrier dynamics in them, and show improved stability of lasing in whispering gallery mode microdisks.

Hemmasittarproblematik utifrån föräldrars perspektiv - En kvalitativstudie om föräldrars upplevelser kring kampen för sina hemmasittande barn

This study aims to increase the understanding of the parents' experiences with children sitting at home. Furthermore, we want to contribute knowledge of how parents experience the relationship with professionals and how they experience the support offered. The research method we used was qualitative, with six semi-structured interviews. We chose parents because their children are of primary sc

”Jag var en marionettdocka som blivit hjärntvättad” En kvalitativ studie om mäns kontrasterande positioner som offer och förövare i en hederskontext – En analys av kvinnors självbiografier.

This study aims to explore the complex positions of men as both victims and perpetrators within the context of honor-based violence and oppression. A qualitative method, utilizing self-biographies written by women, examines how the established norm of masculinity in honor culture portrays men as victims and perpetrators. The analysis focuses on two primary themes: “men as victims” and categories s

Cleavage of Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP) by ADAMTS4 generates a neoepitope associated with osteoarthritis and other forms of degenerative joint disease

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly prevalent joint disease, affecting millions of people worldwide and characterized by degradation of articular cartilage, subchondral bone remodeling and low-grade inflammation, leading to pain, stiffness and disability. Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP) is a major structural component of cartilage and its degradation has been proposed as a marker of OA seve

Loss of glymphatic homeostasis in heart failure

Heart failure (HF) is associated with progressive reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and neurodegenerative changes leading to cognitive decline. The glymphatic system is crucial for the brain's waste removal, and its dysfunction is linked to neurodegeneration.In this study, we used a mouse model of HF, induced by myocardial infarction (MI), to investigate the effects of HF with reduced ejectio

South Asian Nationalisms: Guest Editors' Introduction

This article intends to raise questions related to nationalism in South Asia, whilealso addressing the rationale for this special issue. Is nationalism a monolithicconstruct based on a European precedent or is it something much larger that isdeveloped pluralistically in a variety of contexts around the world? If the latteris true, which is our position, then how do we go about studying the variousThis article intends to raise questions related to nationalism in South Asia, while also addressing the rationale for this special issue. Is nationalism a monolithic construct based on a European precedent or is it something much larger that is developed pluralistically in a variety of contexts around the world? If the latter is true, which is our position, then how do we go about studying the var

Intelligent Monitoring Applications of Landslide Disaster Knowledge Graphs Based on ChatGLM2

Over the years, the field of landslide disaster research has amassed a wealth of data and specialized knowledge. However, these resources originate from a wide array of sources and often feature complex data structures, highlighting a persistent lack of methods to integrate multi-source, heterogeneous data. Traditional landslide monitoring methods typically focus on singular monitoring targets and

Effects of chemical pretreatment on the enzymatic hydrolysis of post-consumer waste viscose

The pretreatment of post-consumer waste viscose before enzymatic hydrolysis was tested and evaluated to develop a tertiary recycling strategy for waste viscose, as no such strategy currently exists. There were differences between hydrolyzability of pre-consumer and post-consumer viscose, as we obtained 100% glucose yield from pre-consumer viscose while only 60-80% could be achieved from post-consu

The Contribution of Lighting Control Systems to Improve the Energy Performance of a Swedish School Case Study

Electric lighting is crucial for the building energy performance of public building, including the educational ones. Electric lighting use is affected by various factors such as natural light availability, building envelope characteristics, and lighting system design. In Europe, lighting designers can use the Lighting Energy Numerical Indicator (LENI) to estimate the energy use for electric lighti

Simulation and prediction of sulfamethazine migration, transformation and risk diffusion during cross-media infiltration from surface water to groundwater driven by dynamic water level : Machine learning coupled HYDRUS-GMS model

Seasonal water level fluctuations in rivers significantly influenced the cross-media migration, transformation, and risk diffusion of antibiotics from the vadose zone into groundwater. This study developed a coupled model integrating machine learning (ML) with HYDRUS-3D and GMS to accurately predict sulfamethazine migration under dynamic water levels. The predictive accuracy (E≥0.98) of this ML-HY

Fredrik Værslev’s Curtain Bangs

From the press text by Hans Dieter Huber:"For his new curtain objects, he uses thin cotton of the kind used in shirt production. He primes it very thinly with 20-30 layers of colour in an aqueous solution. These can be normal colour pigments, but also metal pigments. He uses a long stick with a lambskin roller to apply the paint. This is important for him in order to achieve a certain distance fro