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Dödens pris

Vardagstrycket på UB i Lund innehåller många priskuranter. Här ligger fokus på priser för död och begravning under tidigt 1900-tal. Begravningskostnader motsvarande en månadslön för en arbetare innebar inga extravaganser. En påkostad begravning kunde däremot handla om summor motsvarande flera årslöner för en arbetare.

Ambulanssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att handleda genom peer learning inom ambulanssjukvård: En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Peer learning är en handledningsmodell där två studenter går i par med en gemensam handledare. Modellen är utbredd i sjukvården och i sjuksköterskeutbildningen i stort men mer begränsad i ambulanssjukvården. För att möta sjuksköterskebristen i Sverige behövs fler platser vid landets sjuksköterskeutbildningar och ett hinder för detta är bristen på VFU-placeringar. Ambulanssjukvården besk

Samverkan vid överlämning från ambulanspersonal på akutrum - Akutläkares erfarenheter

Bakgrund: Överlämningar till akutmottagningar är en vanlig arbetsuppgift för ambulanspersonal, där innefattas att lämna över kritiska patienter på ett akutrum. Brister i överlämningssiutionen kan leda till att patientsäkerheten påverkas. Samverkan i team är en kärnkompetens som beskriver behovet av att skapa god kommunikation mellan professioner och genom att kombinera kunskaper och erfarenheter s

A current view on the phenotypic antibiotic resistance of leading pathogens in wounded patients during the war in Ukraine

Background and aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs through cluster analysis of antibiotic sensitivity data from clinical isolates of Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas spp., obtained from soft tissue wounds and burn injuries. Methods: The cohort included 76 clinical isolates of Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas spp. obtained from 141 patients (male – 95,

Closing the loop without reinventing the wheel : public procurement for innovation promoting a circular economy

This theoretical paper adopts a procedural perspective to identify the challenges associated with the implementation of the full scope of approaches to circular public procurement (CPP). We contend that beyond considering CPP from a substantive standpoint (i.e. the procurement affects outside of the organization), adopting a procedural perspective (i.e. the procurement affects inside an organizati

Pharmaceutical Industry Payments to Patient Organizations in Poland : Analysis of the Patterns, Evolution, and Structure of Connections

Drug company funding can create conflicts of interest that compromise the integrity of patient organizations, a problem studied primarily in Western Europe and North America. To address this research gap, we conducted a case study in Poland, a Central European country. Between 2012 and 2020, 33 companies reported payments worth €13 729 644 to 273 patient organizations in Poland. The funding was hi

The complexity of needs and roles of family members during breast cancer rehabilitation : a qualitative study

Background: Family members play a crucial role in supporting women with breast cancer during their recovery. In the complex situation of being an informal caregiver, their own health and ability to support the patient needs to be acknowledged. The aim was to explore the experiences, needs and roles of family members throughout the rehabilitation process of women with breast cancer. Methods: A qual

EPOS2020/EUFOREA expert opinion on defining disease states and therapeutic goals in CRSwNP

Severe chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP), a form of diffuse bilateral (usually type 2) CRS, is a debilitating disease with a significant impact on quality of life (QoL). With novel knowledge and treatment options becoming available, there is a growing need to update or revise key definitions to enable communication across different specialties dealing with CRS, and to agree on nove

DNA methylation in cord blood partially mediates the effects of prepregnancy BMI on early childhood offspring BMI

OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether prepregnancy BMI (prePregBMI) in women with obesity was associated with differential DNA methylation (DNAm) in cord blood (CB) and whether DNAm may mediate the association of prePregBMI and early childhood BMI z score (BMIz).METHODS: From the Treatment of Obese Pregnant Women (TOP) study, 232 mother-child pairs were included. We conducted an epigenome-wide associ

Novel tools to quantify total, phospho-Ser129 and aggregated alpha-synuclein in the mouse brain

Assays for quantifying aggregated and phosphorylated (S129) human α-synuclein protein are widely used to evaluate pathological burden in patients suffering from synucleinopathy disorders. Many of these assays, however, do not cross-react with mouse α-synuclein or exhibit poor sensitivity for this target, which is problematic considering the preponderance of mouse models at the forefront of pre-cli

1, 2, 3 Playtime

Through workshops, lectures, and multidisciplinary approaches, the project 1, 2, 3 Playtime 2023–24 explored the intersections of play, games, and art. This collaboration between Inter Arts Center (IAC) and Region Skåne brought together twelve participants from various artistic disciplines and the cultural heritage sector to explore and develop game-based art as form, pedagogy, and critical reflec

Delade åsikter om dödshjälp bland palliativ vårdpersonal

Läkartidningen 5-6/2025. Egenreferat. Dödshjälp, det vill säga eutanasi och läkarassisterat självmord, är olaglig i Sverige, men debatten om legalisering är fortsatt aktuell.Läkarförbundet genomförde 2021 en enkätundersökning om läkarkårens inställning till dödshjälp. 41 procent av de svarande ansåg att dödshjälp bör tillåtas enligt svensk lag (medan 34 procent motsatte sig detta), men endast 29 p

Proposal for revised criteria for daylight provision in the European daylight standard based on calculations for Swedish multifamily residential buildings

The European standard EN 17037 was first introduced in 2018 with the aim of encouraging building designers to ensure adequate daylight in buildings. Experience has shown that the standard’s criteria for daylight provision are generally perceived to be too challenging, and this in turn has hindered its implementation in national legislations. This article proposes a revised illuminance-based criter

Ion Migration and Redox Reactions in Axial Heterojunction Perovskite CsPb(Br1-xClx)3 Nanowire Devices Revealed by Operando Nanofocused X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Metal-halide perovskites (MHPs) have gained substantial interest in the energy and optoelectronics field. MHPs in nanostructure forms, such as nanocrystals and nanowires (NWs), have further expanded the horizons for perovskite nanodevices in geometry and properties. A partial anion exchange within the nanostructure, creating axial heterojunctions, has significantly augmented the potential applicat

Overlapping Systemic Proteins in COVID-19 and Lung Fibrosis Associated with Tissue Remodeling and Inflammation

Background/Objectives: A novel patient group with chronic pulmonary fibrosis is emerging post COVID-19. To identify patients at risk of developing post-COVID-19 lung fibrosis, we here aimed to identify systemic proteins that overlap with fibrotic markers identified in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and may predict COVID-19-induced lung fibrosis. Methods: Ninety-two proteins we