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Your search for "*" yielded 533524 hits

Semiconductor nanowires and sub-micrometer platelets for nitride-based nano-LED applications

Nano-LEDs, with sizes smaller than 1 μm and close to sub-wavelengths, have received increasing attention because of their potential applications in next-generation self-emissive displays, visible light communication, optogenetics, maskless lithography, on-chip super-resolution microscopy, etc. In contrast to the top-down fabrication of nano-LEDs, where the efficiency drop caused by dry-etching rel

Microlevel prioritizations and incommensurability

This article addresses the prioritization questions that arise when people attempt to institutionalize reasonable ethical principles and create guidelines for microlevel decisions. I propose that this instantiates an incommensurability problem, and suggest two different kinds of practical solutions for dealing with this issue.

A Pretending Faith : Why Religious Non-Doxasticism Requires Imagination and Local Fictionalism

Proponents of non-doxasticism often stress the similarity between non-doxastic and doxastic faith. I argue that there are crucial differences which are easily overlooked. These differences become apparent once we pay attention to the inner side of the religious life a non-doxastic faith enables. The non-doxasticist must make extensive use of imagination and pretence to be able to include some comm

Machine Learning for Perception and Localization: Efficient and Invariant Methods

This thesis covers a set of methods related to machine perception and localization, which are two important building blocks of artificial intelligence. In Paper I, we explore the concept of regression via classification (RvC), which is often used for perception tasks where the target variable is either ordinal or when the distance metric of the target space is not well-suited as an objective funct

Le Hameau : Drottningens låtsasby

I Versaillesparken ligger Marie-Antoinettes kulissby Le Hameau. Den bestod av ett dussintal byggnader grupperade runt en konstgjord sjö. Byn var drottningens tillflyktsort där hon fick utrymme för sitt privatliv. Jonas Nordin berättar i sin artikel historien om denna märkliga plats.

An exploratory study of teachers’ supportive communication during interactive book reading in the classroom

This study examines teachers’ use of evidence-based language learn­ing techniques in the classroom and possible impact on student ­engagement. Video recordings of nine primary school teachers conducting interactive book reading with their students were analyzed both according to the Communication Supporting Classroom Obser­vation Tool-Language Learning Interactions (CSCOT-LLI) and descriptively. QThis study examines teachers’ use of evidence-based language learn­ing techniques in the classroom and possible impact on student ­engagement. Video recordings of nine primary school teachers conducting interactive book reading with their students were analyzed both according to the Communication Supporting Classroom Obser­vation Tool-Language Learning Interactions (CSCOT-LLI) and descriptively. Q

Specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenhet av bedömning samt hantering av luftvägar och andning vid drunkning.

Bakgrund: Drunkning är ett livshotande tillstånd och utgör ett allvarligt folkhälsoproblem, med ett stort antal dödsfall varje år. Syrebrist är den främsta orsaken till hög dödlighet vid drunkning, då akut hypoxi snabbt kan leda till livshotande komplikationer som hjärtarytmier, medvetslöshet och hjärtstillestånd. Även kortvarig syrebrist kan orsaka allvarliga hjärnskador, vilket gör tidig interve

Sjuksköterskor inom hemsjukvårdens upplevelser av samverkan med ambulanssjuksköterskor och övrig ambulanspersonal

Bakgrund: Antalet äldre har ökat nationellt och möjligheterna till att bedriva mer avancerad vård i hemmet gör att allt fler komplext sjuka patienter vårdas hemma. Detta har lett till en mer omfattande samverkan mellan hemsjukvård och ambulanssjukvård och ställer höga krav på ambulanspersonalens kompetens och samverkansförmåga. Samverkan är viktig för att säkerställa patientsäkerheten, arbetsmiljö

Challenging the green machine : Rejoinder to Schwartzman

We respond to David Schwartzman’s critique of our paper. We argue that his“solar communism,” his approach to the question of energy return on energyinvestment (EROI), and his critique of Georgescu-Roegen’s fourth law ofthermodynamics situate him as a left ecomodernist, albeit with sympathy fordegrowth. Schwartzman’s take on these issues illustrates how the ontologicalseparation of human ingenuity

Omission of Radiotherapy in Primary Mediastinal B-Cell Lymphoma: IELSG37 Trial Results

PURPOSE The role of consolidation radiotherapy in patients with primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL) is controversial. METHODS The IELSG37 trial, a randomized noninferiority study, aimed to assess whether irradiation can be omitted in patients with PMBCL with complete metabolic response (CMR) after induction immunochemotherapy. The primary end point was progression-free survival (PFS) at 30

Male harm suppresses female fitness, affecting the dynamics of adaptation and evolutionary rescue

One of the most pressing questions we face as biologists is to understand how climate change will affect the evolutionary dynamics of natural populations and how these dynamics will in turn affect population recovery. Increasing evidence shows that sexual selection favors population viability and local adaptation. However, sexual selection can also foster sexual conflict and drive the evolution of

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ECHOES OF THE OIL SPILL OF 2019: ASSESSMENT OF THE PRESENCE OF PAH AND BTEX IN PRODUCTS FROM FISHING. The 2019 oil spill in Brazil caused widespread contamination in the Brazilian coast, posing risks to both animal and human health through seafood consumption. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate seafood samples from different locations impacted by the oil spill. For this purpose, 44 samples un