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Transcending Antagonism in South Asia: Advancing Agonistic Peace through the Partition Museum

India and Pakistan are entrenched in an antagonistic relation that is constantly on the verge of, once more, developing into an armed conflict. There are, presently, no signs of conciliatory initiatives on the level of state-to-state interactions, which, contrariwise, tend to uphold incompatible conceptions of regional order, nationhood and the Partition as a constitutive moment. The latter furthe

Low prevalence of ideal cardiovascular health in the general Swedish population : Results from the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS)

The aim of the current study was to examine the prevalence of ideal cardiovascular health (iCVH) in the general Swedish middle-aged population. To address this aim, we utilised data from the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS) which is a large Swedish population-based study (N=30,154) that combined comprehensive state-of-the-art imaging technology with clinical examinations and include

Reclaiming the Right to the City : De-commodification of Shopping Malls in Insurgent Hong Kong

According to Lefebvre, modern capitalism has led to the commodification of urban life. Even though commodification has taken multiple distinct forms across the urban fabric, it could be argued that no urban feature is more representative of the proliferation of exchange values than shopping malls. Despite being privately owned and managed, commercialised and highly securitised, shopping malls have

A Theoretical Study Of Stator Flux Linkage DC Offset Based Stator Fault Detection For PMSM Drive Systems

The main focus of this paper is to establish diagnostics of stator faults of the stator windings of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) drive system. To accomplish this objective, a new diagnostic method is proposed. In the proposed method, stator fault detection is based on the dc offset of the Stator Flux Linkage (SFL) in the antisynchronous reference frame (ASRF). The DC offset of the

The Apparent Organ-Specificity of Amyloidogenic ApoA-I Variants Is Linked to Tissue-Specific Extracellular Matrix Components

Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) amyloidosis is a rare protein misfolding disease where fibrils of the N-terminal domain of the protein accumulate in several organs, leading to their failure. Although ApoA-I amyloidosis is systemic, the different amyloidogenic variants show a preferential tissue accumulation that appears to correlate with the location of the mutation in the protein sequence and with th

The indirect association between moral disengagement and bystander behaviors in school bullying through motivation : Structural equation modelling and mediation analysis

Guided by the social-cognitive theory and self-determination theory, this study examined whether moral disengagement is indirectly associated with pro-bullying, passive bystanding, and defending, mediated by autonomous motivation, introjected motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation to defend victims of bullying among early adolescents. Participants were 901 upper elementary students from

Reasoning with Expectations About Causal Relations

Reasoning is not just following logical rules, but a large part of human reasoning depends on our expectations about the world. To some extent, non-monotonic logic has been developed to account for the role of expectations. In this article, the focus is on expectations based on actions and their consequences. The analysis is based on a two-vector model of events where an event is represented in te

Non-Fungible Tokens as a Framework for Sustainable Innovation in Pharmaceutical R&D: A Smart Contract-Based Platform for Data Sharing and Rightsholder Protection

Research and Development (R&D) in the pharmaceutical sector traditionally occurred in closed, siloed institutional settings. This approach was a function of a rights-oriented model which framed access and reuse of data (data sharing) as a threat to rights-holders. However, a closed model of explorative collaboration is less suited to today’s more complex scientific ecosystem, where external en

Sleep problems during and after paediatric brain tumours

Brain tumours are among the most common cancer diagnoses in paediatrics. Children with brain tumours are at risk of developing sleep problems because of direct and indirect effects of the tumour and its treatment, in addition to psychosocial and environmental factors. Sleep has an important role in physical and psychological wellbeing, and sleep problems are associated with many adverse outcomes.

Electron magnetic resonance spectra of Fe1-xMnx amorphous nanoparticles

Nanoparticles of Fe1-xMnx (0.07 < x < 0.20) alloys are studied using electron magnetic resonance in the temperature range 295-500 K. It is found that the temperature and manganese concentration in the nanoparticles have a noticeable effect on their electron magnetic resonance spectra. It is suggested that the Fe1-xMnx nanoparticles contain phases with different magnetic properties and that the rel

A pilot multicentre cluster randomised trial to compare the effect of trauma life support training programmes on patient and provider outcomes

Introduction Trauma accounts for nearly 10% of the global burden of disease. Several trauma life support programmes aim to improve trauma outcomes. There is no evidence from controlled trials to show the effect of these programmes on patient outcomes. We describe the protocol of a pilot study that aims to assess the feasibility of conducting a cluster randomised controlled trial comparing advanced

Fasting plasma glucose level-based formula for estimating starting daily dose in basal-bolus insulin therapy

There is no standard formula for estimating the starting daily dose (SDD) of basal-bolus insulin therapy (BBT). We aimed to develop a formula for estimating SDD and evaluate its efficacy and safety in patients with type 2 diabetes hospitalized for BBT. In the first study (n = 104), we retrospectively analyzed the relationship between peak daily dose (PDD) during hospitalization and clinical parame


Low rank recovery problems have been a subject of intense study in recent years. While the rank function is useful for regularization it is difficult to optimize due to its nonconvexity and discontinuity. The standard remedy for this is to exchange the rank function for the convex nuclear norm, which is known to favor low rank solutions under certain conditions. On the downside the nuclear norm ex

Challenges and Possibilities of Sustainability Transitions in Healthcare Systems

Although a significant source of greenhouse gases, healthcare operations are a rare topic among climate change reductions. Using the case of the Stockholm Region, this study explores opportunities and challenges associated with the governance of healthcare transitions to minimize climate change emissions and promote sustainability. A qualitative case study was conducted with foursemi-structured in

Superficial CD34-Positive Fibroblastic Tumor : A Clinicopathologic, Immunohistochemical, and Molecular Study of 59 Cases

Superficial CD34-positive fibroblastic tumor (SCD34FT) is a rare soft tissue neoplasm that shows overlapping features with PRDM10-rearranged soft tissue tumor (PRDM10-STT). This study characterizes the clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular features of SCD34FT in a series of 59 cases. Fluorescence in situ hybridization to assess for PRDM10 rearrangement was performed in 12 tumors. I

Dip-and-pull ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy as a spectroelectrochemistry tool for probing molecular redox processes

Ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS) can provide a compelling platform for studying an analyte's oxidation and reduction reactions in solutions. This paper presents proof-of-principle operando measurements of a model organometallic complex, iron hexacyanide, in an aqueous solution using the dip-and-pull technique. The data demonstrates that the electrochemically active liquid

Europe and the World : the Impact of Globalisation

Europe's relationships with the rest of the world have been, and will be, of crucial importance to understanding the changing nature of global politics and Europe's place on a globalisaing planet. In this chapter we will attempt to explore and explain these relationships froma variety of viewpoints as we consider the links between Europe and the world from fifteenth-century sea travel to twenty-fi

Världsmästerskapen i Sportswashing

Forskningsfråga: Hur påverkas landet Qatars varumärke och internationella anseende av att arrangera fotbolls-VM 2022? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur sportswashing i form av ett internationellt idrottsevenemang påverkar ett lands varumärke. En fallstudie på Qatar och dess användande av fotbolls-VM 2022 har utförts för att öka och fördjupa förståelsen kring sportswashing. MeResearch questions: How does the country image of Qatar and its international reputation get affected by hosting the FIFA World Cup 2022? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how sportswashing in the form of an international sporting event affects the image of a country. A case study of how Qatar utilizes the 2022 FIFA WC has been conducted to increase and deepen the understanding of

Accounting for nonvanishing net-charge with unified balance functions

The use of charge balance functions in heavy-ion collision studies was initially proposed as a probe of delayed hadronization and two-stage quark production in these collisions. It later emerged that general balance functions can also serve as a probe of the diffusivity of light quarks as well as the evolution of the systems formed in heavy-ion collisions. In this work, we reexamine the formulatio

A new user-friendly materials science end station at the FinEstBeAMS beamline of MAX IV

FinEstBeAMS is an atmospheric and materials science beamline located at the 1.5 GeV storage ring of the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden. It offers a very wide photon energy range 4.5-1300 eV and radiation with different polarization characteristics. The beamline has three end stations installed at two branch lines. The new solid state end station (SSES) is described in this paper. It is a high-t