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Your search for "*" yielded 533866 hits

Indications, Detection, Completion and Retention Rates of Capsule Endoscopy in Two Decades of Use : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Background: Capsule endoscopy (CE) has become a widespread modality for non-invasive evaluation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, with several CE models having been developed throughout the years. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to evaluate performance measures such as completion, detection and retention rates of CE. Methods: Literature through to August 2021 was screened

The Politics of Market Change towards Sustainability : Revisiting Germany’s Policy Support Framework for Renewables

Legislative efforts for renewables-based energy decarbonisation hinge upon the support and commitment from different stakeholders holding often conflicting positions regarding disruptive processes of socio-technical transformation. However, the evolving acceptance of market actors on the policy-driven promotion of renewables over time remains under-scrutinised. Simultaneously, despite growing atte

Organotypic Cultures of Adult Human Cortex as an Ex vivo Model for Human Stem Cell Transplantation and Validation

Neurodegenerative disorders are common and heterogeneous in terms of their symptoms and cellular affectation, making their study complicated due to the lack of proper animal models that fully mimic human diseases and the poor availability of post-mortem human brain tissue. Adult human nervous tissue culture offers the possibility to study different aspects of neurological disorders. Molecular, cel

Metaphrasis : A Byzantine Concept of Rewriting and Its Hagiographical Products

Metaphrasis: A Byzantine Concept of Rewriting and Its Hagiographical Products represents a first and authoritative discussion of rewriting in Byzantium. It brings together a rich variety of articles that treat the topic of hagiographical rewriting from various angles.The contributors discuss and comment on different kinds of texts in Greek and other languages, including Apophthegmata Patrum, Passi

Baltic Finnic and Scandinavian Social Interaction in the Fur-hunting North, c AD 700-1200

In current viking-age studies, slaves are brought forward as the main commodity creating the flow of dirhams from Islamic regions to Eurasia and Scandinavia. This article instead stresses Pre-Viking and later fur hunting as the primary factor driving the Svear and other Scandinavian peoples eastwards and it presents the geographical and economic shifts in the eastern fur trade from the 7th century

Radio Ghost

This is a work for solo violin improvisation, four radios, four radio transmitters, and a four track fixed-media sound collage made from field recordings and eurorack synthesizers. This performance was at the one-night festival Sonotopia, put on by those of us who took the Sound Art as Critical Practice course at Stockholm University for the Arts in January of 2019. The film was made by Girilal Ba

Traversing The Concrete Marvel : Walking The Un-Sung City

Soundwalking has its roots as a meditative practice, engaged with ecological concerns. Its origin in R. Murray Schafer's work imbibes it with longing for environments free of industrial sound, and Pauline Oliveros' sound-walking practice seeks the subtle emerging from the silence. Although these progenitors of what we call soundwalking offer us a wonderful palette of listening and walking practice

Konsumenters attityd till beteendeanpassad reklam

Titel: Konsumenters attityd till beteendeanpassad reklam- En kvantitativ studie om skillnader i attityd till beteendeanpassad reklam på internet med utgångspunkt i ålder, varumärkesrelation, Advertising Value Model och Regulatory Focus Theory Seminariedatum: 2023-01-11 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Isabelle Risberg, Sofia Hult & Hugo Ge

Lyckad eller misslyckad individanpassad marknadsföring?

Examensarbetets titel: Lyckad eller misslyckad individanpassad marknadsföring? - En studie om unga vuxna konsumenters attityd till den individanpassade marknadsföringen och dess påverkan på kundupplevelsen Seminariedatum: 11 januari 2023 Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: William Fankl, Pelle Szegedi Jess, Victor Tomas Handledare: Veronika Tarnovskaya FTitle: Successful or unsuccessful personalized marketing? - A study on the attitude of young adult consumers towards personalized marketing and its impact on the customer experience Seminar date: January 11th 2023 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor's Degree Project in Marketing, Undergraduate level, 15 credits Authors: William Fankl, Pelle Szegedi Jess, Victor Tomas Supervisor:

Att ge plats för den andre? : Religionsdialog, ersättningsteologi och Muhammed som profet

Vilket utrymme är jag beredd att ge åt trosföreställningar och traditioner som inte är mina egna? Vad betyder mötet med människor av en annan tro för min egen tro? I ett alltmer mångreligiöst samhälle uppstår en mängd frågor i mötet med andra religioner – både teologiska och praktiska. Är exempelvis alla religioner likvärdiga vägar till Gud, och är det okej att delta i andra religioners ceremonier

Numerical Modelling of Combined Forming and Punching of Sheet Metal for Heat Exchanger Applications

In this work a strategy for numerical simulation of punching during concurrent pressing of stainless steel sheet metal has been investigated accounting for the stress triaxiality and Lode angle parameter. Modelling of the damage evolution of a sheet metal is a useful tool within the field of engineering and materials science, and can provide useful information regarding material capabilities in a

Prevalence and comorbidity of psychiatric disorders among treatment-seeking elite athletes and high-performance coaches

Objectives Few studies have evaluated the prevalence of psychiatric disorders among treatment-seeking elite athletes (EA) or high-performance coaches (HPC) in psychiatric outpatient settings. Methods Descriptive overview of EA and HPC with psychiatric disorders at two publicly funded psychiatric outpatient treatment clinics in Stockholm and Malmö, Sweden. Co-occurring psychiatric disorders were il

Gait parameters when walking with or without rollator on different surface characteristics : a pilot study among healthy individuals

Objectives: Gait parameters can measure risks of falling and mortality and identify early stages of frailty. The use of walking aid changes gait parameters. The aim of this study was to describe differences in gait parameters among healthy adults when walking on different surfaces and under different conditions, with and without a rollator. Results: Ten healthy participants walked first without an

Healthcare professionals' perceived barriers and facilitators of health behavior support provision : A qualitative study

Background: Childhood cancer survivors (CCSs) have an increased risk of developing chronic health conditions. Evidence suggests that poor health behaviors further increase health risks. Healthcare professionals (HCPs) involved in survivorship care have a key role in providing health behavior support (HBS) but can feel limited in their ability to do so. This study aims to explore European HCPs perc

The European Union’s Self-conception of its Roles in Global Affairs

In many ways, the European Union (EU) may be considered a unique foreign policy actor, combining a peculiar institutional design and set of resources with a specific normative agenda for and ambition in global affairs. Through a two-stage analysis, this chapter examines the role self-conception of the EU as it appears from the EU Global Strategy, released in 2016 as the overarching guide for forei

Dietary Intake of 91 Individual Polyphenols and 5-Year Body Weight Change in the EPIC-PANACEA Cohort

Polyphenols are bioactive compounds from plants with antioxidant properties that may have a protective role against body weight gain, with adipose tissue and systemic oxidative stress as potential targets. We aimed to investigate the dietary intake of individual polyphenols and their association with 5-year body weight change in a sub-cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer an