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Assist or desist? Conditional bailouts and fiscal discipline in local governments

Central government bailouts of local governments are commonly viewed as a recipe for local fiscal indiscipline, as local governments learn that the center will come to rescue in times of trouble. Little is however known about whether such tendencies can be dampened if assistance is made conditional upon the local governments' own fiscal efforts. We examine a case in which the Swedish central gover

Making a vocal tract closure longer and shorter

This study examined lip and tongue kinematics in stop and fricative consonants of different durations. Native speakers of Japanese served as subjects. An analysis of the lower lip closing movement indicated that it differed for the long and short labial consonants. In particular, the lower lip reached its highest vertical position later during the closure for the long than for the short consonants

Statistical Physics of DNA: Melting and Confinement Effects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Studier av enstaka makromolekyler gör det möjligt att få insikt i och karakterisera viktiga biologiska processer. DNA, livets molekyl, är av särskilt intresse här. I denna avhandling användar vi metoder från statistisk fysik för att studera olika aspekter av DNA i nanokanaler och dess smältegenskaper. DNA-smältning är inte bara relevant för förståelsen av denna molekylsInvestigation of single macromolecules makes it possible to gain insight into and characterize important biological processes. DNA as the molecule of life is of special interest here. In this thesis tools from statistical physics are used to study different aspects of DNA confined to nanochannels, with particular regard to its denaturation properties. The study of DNA melting from the theoretical

Kan förstainstansrättens andra avdelning utlokaliseras till Öresundsregionen

Att denna lokalisering av den dömande och ekonomiska verksamheten i Europa varit bra för lilla Luxemburg är entydigt, men är en dylik rättskoncentration bra för Europa? Detta inlägg granskar de problem domstolen står inför, diskuterar de alternativ som erbjuds och om en utlokalisering av den högsta rättsskipningen i Europa kan vara ett alternativ till en fortsatt koncentration till Luxemburg. Avsl

Alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenases in plant mitochondria - localisation, catalytic functions and physiological roles

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla flercelliga organismer är uppbyggda av celler. Cellen omges av ett plasmamembran, som innesluter cellens vätska (cytosol) i vilken finns små organeller. Varje organell har sin uppgift i cellen, som t.ex. kärnan innehåller genetiskt material (DNA) och mitokondrier producerar energi i form av ATP. Många uppbyggnadsprocesser som sker i celler t.ex. proteinsyntes kräveIn addition to complex I, the plant mitochondrial electron transport chain possesses several alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenases, not present in animals. These enzymes allow nonenergy-conserving electron transfer from cytoplasmic and matrix NAD(P)H to ubiquinone. The mitochondrial inner membrane was permeabilised with a channel-forming antibiotic, alamethicin, and the activity of internal NADH deh

Effects of dopamine and excitotoxicity in experimental models of Huntington's disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om en ärftlig hjärnsjukdom som heter Huntingtons sjukdom, eller danssjuka. Sjukdomen leder till personlighetsförändringar, ofrivilliga rörelser (som ser ut som om personen dansar) och demens. Personer som drabbas dör 15-20 år efter att symptomen har brutit ut, och en god behandling eller botemedel saknas. Sjukdomen orsakas av att HuntingtongenenHuntington's disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expansion of a CAG repeat in the HD gene, that leads to dysfunction and death of striatal neurons. The pathogenetic mechanisms underlying HD are not known, but excitotoxicity and dopamine (DA) have been suggested to play a role. In this thesis, the effects of excitotoxicity and DA have been studied in striatal in vit

A gender perspective on interreligious dialogue

Interreligious dialogue is designed to take into account a plurality of faiths. But at the same time it often excludes or marginalizes women, both physically and conceptually, which is disqualifying for a dialogue that have pretensions to be non-oppressive. The article illustrates some areas where a gender perspective may be relevant, as in the selection of the participants of the dialogue and in

On Feminist Activist Aesthetics

This paper discusses some trends in critical theory and activist aesthetics in contemporary feminist performing arts in Sweden. The 2000s have witnessed at least two “turns” in feminist theory, namely the affective turn and the social, or as it is called here, the solidarity turn. The status of poststructuralist theory has been widely debated and Marxist, class-based analyses have returned to the