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Mothers, Plastic People och Vaclav Havel. Om undergroundkultur och samhällsförändring i Tjeckoslovakien
Skånes klimat i korthet.
Effektsamband för gående och cyklisters säkerhet - litteraturstudie
Denna rapport är en litteraturstudie om trafiksäkerhetseffekter av åtgärder med avseende på cyklisters och gåendes säkerhet. Åtgärder som behandlas i denna rapport är fysiska åtgärder, samt drift- och underhållsåtgärder. Syftet med rapporten är att sammanställa empirisk kun-skap om trafiksäkerhetseffekterna av olika åtgärder för gång- och cykeltrafik. Åtgärderna delades in i tre grupper, nämligen
Utskrivning och fortsatt rehabilitering
Framing educational research through bibliometrics and sociology of science theories: Internal Report
Severely mentally ill individuals in the community: Needs for care, quality of life and social network.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avinstitutionaliseringen av den psykiatriska vården har medfört att personer med funktionshinder p.g.a. en psykisk sjukdom numera huvudsakligen bor och erbjuds vård ute i samhället. I Sverige har få systematiska studier genomförts som undersöker livssituationen för individer med en allvarlig psykisk sjukdom som bor ute i samhället. Att drabbas av en sjukdom som schizofrThis 18-month follow-up study investigated needs for care and support, quality of life and social network in individuals with schizophrenia or a schizoaffective disorder living in the community and in contact with psychiatric services. The validity of Antonovsky's sense of coherence (SOC) measure was also examined. At baseline 120 patients were interviewed and 94 of these participated in the follo
The Politics of Rural Reform in China: State Policy and Village Predicament in the Early 2000s
Fungi a driving force in normalisation of the terrestrial cabon cycle following the end-cretaceous extinction
Geologists have long recognized the magnitude, abruptness, and the global pattern of the major biotic turnover across the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary approximately 65.5 million years ago. It was associated with one of the most catastrophic events in the history of life, involving mass mortality in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems globally; vast amounts of dead biomass covered the Ea
Toward a comparative study of hegemonic decline in global systems
Endoglucanase sensitivity for substituents in methyl cellulose hydrolysis studied using MALDI-TOFMS for oligosaccharide analysis and structural analysis of enzyme active sites
The properties of modified cellulose polymers, such as methylcellulose, are significantly influenced by the distribution of substituents along the polymer backbone. This distribution is difficult to determine due to the lack of suitable analytical methods. One approach is to use cellulose-degrading enzymes to gain information from the capability of the enzymes to cleave the bonds between glucose u
Kvinnor, karriär och familj : En studie om chefer i fyra olika branscher
Women at the managerial level are an interesting group considering that there are few women managers, especially at the senior level. One purpose of the present study was to examine how individual and situational factors have influenced women managers' career development. A second aim was to find out the personal views of women managers on different aspects of their career and also how they combin
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Security Evaluation of Stream Cipher Enocoro-128v2
Abstract in Undetermined This report presents a security evaluation of the Enocoro-128v2 stream cipher. Enocoro-128v2 was proposed in 2010 and is a member of the Enocoro family of stream ciphers. This evaluation examines several different attacks applied to the Enocoro-128v2 design. No attack better than exhaustive key search has been found.
Possession/trance phenomena
An introduction to the anthology Perspectives on the Entangled History of Communism and Nazism. A Comnaz Analysis.
Attityder och livsstil påverkar energianvändningen
SMEs and the Home Consumer Market, Purgatory or El Dorado?
According to, for instance Severin Sorensen, the home security market (consumer market) as well as the Small businesses market has not really taken of and there has been debate as to why this is. Many seem to view the market with small businesses, as well as the regular consumer business, as something that requires too much sales time, too much support time and too little overall gains to be worth
Trygghetslagstiftningen - Hur trygghetslagarna påverkat situationen för dem som friges från fängelse.
Kommunernas kontakter i utlandet
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