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Connecting Social Science and Information Technology : Democratic Privacy in the Information Age

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett stort problem med samhällsvetenskapliga studier som på ett eller annat sätt behandlar informationsteknologins följder är att det är svårt, ibland helt omöjligt, att jämföra resultat och slutsatser. Detta beror delvis på att man behandlar ”informationsteknologi” eller ”IT” på så olika vis. Någon kanske konceptualiserar ”IT” som att vara en viss typ av hemsidor, andraThis work has two main ambitions. First, we will develop a generic framework which, properly used, can drastically reduce the intrinsic complexity of the continually evolving IT-environment, making it less unwieldy. That should prove advantageous for anyone trying to analyse social aspects of the moving target that is classified as "IT". Using (and at the same time demonstrating) his framework, w

Bacterial translocation: Impact of probiotics

There is a considerable amount of data in humans showing that patients who cannot take in nutrients enterally have more organ failure in the intensive care unit, a less favourable prognosis, and a higher frequency of septicaemia, in particular involving bacterial species from the intestinal tract. However, there is little evidence that this is connected with translocation of bacterial species in h

Ekonomens många ansikten - ekonomer i kommuner, landsting och regioner

Varför avbilda ekonomer och hur går det till? Den här studien är en uppföljning, upprepning och utvidgning, av studien ”Ekonom i sikte – bilder av ekonomen i Sveriges kommuner och landsting” som presenterades vid millennieskiftet (Ramberg 2000). Nu, sex år senare, har samma frågor ställts till en långt större population. Ambitionen har varit heltäckande; ett bekvämare representativt urval har inte

Quantitative estimates of tree species selectivity by moose (Alces alces) in a forest landscape

An extensive literature is available on browsing preference for certain tree species. However, useful predictive tools for estimating the impact of deer on forests production and biodiversity can still be improved. A step in that direction is not only to rank preference among tree species but also to quantify the relative risk of being browsed. The foraging selectivity of moose was evaluated using

REGULATED UPTAKE OF BIOPOLYMERS Role of cell surface proteoglycans Implications for drug and gene delivery

Cells continuously export, import, and recycle molecules over the plasma membrane. Internalization, i.e. cellular import of extracellular material, is a fundamental process, which provides cells with nutrients and enables the immune cells of higher organisms to remove debris, sample their surroundings for antigens and to fight microbes. Moreover, internalization regulates complex cellular signalli

Rekommendationer från Svenska kvalitetskommittén för karotiskirurgi. Ultraljud bra preoperativ metod för gradering av karotisstenos

The estimated degree of carotid stenosis is decisive for the selection of patients who would benefit from surgical treatment. Carotid thrombendarterectomy is recommended in patients with symptomatic > or = 80 procent internal carotid artery stenosis (ECST method). Many vascular centers now often rely entirely on duplex ultrasonography to select the patients for carotid surgery. The results of a re

Energy dependent boundary conditions and few-body scattering problem

An exactly solvable problem with energy dependent interaction is investigated in the present paper. The selfadjoint model operator describes the scattering problem for three one-dimensional particles. It is shown that this problem is equivalent to the diffraction problem in the sector with energy dependent boundary conditions. The problem is solved with the help of the Sommerfeld-Maluzhinetz repre

Masonhalea, a new lichen genus in the Parmeliaceae.

The new genus Masionhalea is segregated from Cetraria s. lat. on the basis of anatomy, morphology, ecology and chemistry. Its only species, M. richardsonii (Hook. in Richardson) Kärnef. is described and illustrated and a distribution map is provided.

Läkarstudenter upplever mer stress än andra studenter.

Medical students at a Swedish university were satisfied with their choice of future profession and they felt that the studies were stimulating. However, they experienced their student role as unclear, and that there was a lack of feedback from the teachers. The medical students showed a higher level of stress in comparison with non-medical students. The women had more stress and mental symptoms th

CCL25 Enhances CD103-Mediated Lymphocyte Adhesion to E-Cadherin.

Our results demonstrate that (1) CD103 is upregulated on CD8(+) T cells subsequent to their entry into the small intestinal epithelium, and (2) that the chemokine CCL25 enhances CD103-mediated adhesion to E-cadherin. These results suggest a novel role for chemokines in modulating interactions between lymphocytes and epithelial cells at mucosal surfaces.

Cost effectiveness of nasal budesonide versus surgical treatment for nasal polyps

Objective: To conduct a cost-effectiveness study of nasal budesonide versus surgical treatment in the management of nasal polyps. Design and methods: A decision-tree model reflecting two different treatment strategies for nasal polyps in Sweden was developed. The first strategy was initial polypectomy, performed under three different sets of circumstances: inpatient functional endoscopic surgery,

Implementing Cognitive Semantics

This book is about how concepts are structured and processed. It is based on the findings in cognitive linguistics over the last decade, where thorough studies have been made about how concepts function. Concepts appear as image schemata, a spatial form of representation with very powerful properties. It embodies prototypicality, boundedness, orientation, plexity, scale proportions, part-whole re

Transient disruption of autocrine TGF-beta signaling leads to enhanced survival and proliferation potential in single primitive human hemopoietic progenitor cells.

Hemopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are maintained at relative quiescence by the balance between the positive and negative regulatory factors that stimulate or inhibit their proliferation. Blocking the action of negative regulatory factors may provide a new approach for inducing HSCs into proliferation. A variety of studies have suggested that TGF-beta negatively regulates cell cycle progression of HSCs

One-line modelling of complex beach conditions: An application to coastal erosion at Hai Hau beach in the Red River Delta, Vietnam

The long-term shoreline evolution at Hai Hau Beach in the Red River Delta, Vietnam was simulated using the one-line model GENESIS (Hanson, 1989). Dikes were modelled as seawalls and the sediment continuity equation in GENESIS was modified to take into account the offshore transport of fine-grained sediment. The model performed well, reproducing the magnitude and trend of the long-term shoreline ch

Analysis and Design of Hybrid Control Systems

Different aspects of hybrid control systems are treated: analysis, simulation, design and implementation. A systematic methodology using extended Lyapunov theory for design of hybrid systems is developed. The methodology is based on conventional control designs in separate regions together with a switching strategy. Dynamics are not well defined if the control design methods lead to fast mode sw

Venösa bensår kan behandlas både bättre och billigare. Beräkning av årliga kostnader baserad på en enkätstudie

Weekly resource use data for local wound treatment was collected from a clinical survey (138 patients). Annual costs were calculated from the weekly resource usage multiplied by unit costs and published epidemiological prevalence data for Sweden. The average weekly cost was 101 euro, though it differed depending by ulcer size. The total direct annual cost of venous leg ulcers in Sweden could be es

IdeS, a novel streptococcal cysteine proteinase with unique specificity for immunoglobulin G.

Recent work from several laboratories has demonstrated that proteolytic mechanisms significantly contribute to the molecular interplay between Streptococcus pyogenes, an important human pathogen, and its host. Here we describe the identification, purification and characterization of a novel extracellular cysteine proteinase produced by S.pyogenes. This enzyme, designated IdeS for Immunoglobulin G-