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Your search for "*" yielded 533265 hits

Reactivity of contact allergenic haptens to amino acid residues in a model carrier peptide, and characterisation of formed peptide-hapten adducts

The type of chemical reaction between hapten and carrier protein in the formation of a complete antigen in vivo giving rise to an allergic contact dermatitis (ACD, type IV allergy) is essentially unknown. About 4,000 low-molecular organic compounds are known to have allergenic properties. ,-Unsaturated carbonyl structures are frequently present among these compounds. Haptens giving rise to antibod

Evaluation of progesterone content in saliva using magnetic particle-based immuno supported liquid membrane assay (m-ISLMA)

Progesterone in saliva was monitored using a new method called magnetic particle-based immuno supported liquid membrane assay (m-ISLMA) in a sequential injection (SI) setup, allowing automatic sample cleanup, analyte enrichment, and detection in a single analysis unit. Progesterone (Ag) diffuses from a continuous flowing sample - the donor - into a supported organic liquid membrane (SLM), based on

Beneficial non-targeted effects of BCG--ethical implications for the coming introduction of new TB vaccines

Non-targeted effect of BCG: Several recent studies suggest that BCG has beneficial non-targeted effects on general child survival in low-income countries. Studies of the effect of BCG on morbidity in humans are scarce; some found a positive effect of BCG and others show no effect. Non-targeted effects of vaccines-possible bias and confounding: The major argument against comparing vaccinated and un

Basic Tendencies of Adjectival Accentological Development in Contemporary Russian

The present doctoral thesis is a study of the problem of "variation" in relation to word-stress in Russian adjectives, in both their short and long forms. The stress variation in adjectival forms is investigated from various viewpoints, the main of which is the revelation of the basic processes of stress reorganisation in these groups of words and the establishment of main tendencies of adjectival

Transgenerational priming of immunity: maternal exposure to a bacterial antigen enhances offspring humoral immunity

Young vertebrates have limited capacity to synthesize antibodies and are dependent on the protection of maternally transmitted antibodies for humoral disease resistance early in life. However, mothers may enhance fitness by priming their offspring's immune systems to elevate disease resistance. Transgenerational induced defences have been documented in plants and invertebrates, but maternal primin

Reovirus type 1 associated with meningitis

A previously healthy 3-month-old girl presented with symptoms of meningitis, diarrhoea, vomiting and fever. Green monkey kidney (GMK) cells inoculated with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) revealed reovirus-like particles by electron microscopy. RNA-gel electrophoresis, immunofluorescence and virus neutralization identified the pathogen isolated from CSF as reovirus type 1. Antibody determination by immu

Low molecular weight heparin compared with dextran as prophylaxis against thrombosis after total hip replacement

The effect of low molecular weight (LMW) heparin given once daily as prophylaxis against venous thrombosis was compared with that of dextran 70 in an open randomised trial of 100 patients undergoing elective total hip replacement. Four patients were withdrawn after randomisation and thus 96 were included in the final analysis. The development of thrombus was surveilled by the 125I fibrinogen test,

Determinants and characteristics of help provision for elderly people living at home and in relation to quality of life

The aim of this study was to investigate determinants of help from informal or formal caregivers or a combination of both among people aged 75 or more and living at home, and the characteristics of the recipients, the help they received and their quality of life (QoL). The sample for this study was 448 elderly people, 75-99 years of age, living at home and receiving help with activities for daily

The voltage-gated Ca2+ channel is the Ca2+ sensor of fast neurotransmitter release

Previously it demonstrated that in the absence of Ca2+ entry, evoked secretion occurs neither by membrane depolarization, induction of [Ca2+]i rise, nor by both combined (Ashery, U., Weiss, C., Sela, D., Spira, M. E., and Atlas, D. (1993). Receptors Channels 1:217-220.). These studies designate Ca2+ entry as opposed to [Ca2+]i rise, essential for exocytosis. It led us to propose that the channel a

On the tail of the waiting time in a Markov-modulated M/G/1 queue

We show that the "exponential decay parameter" of the waiting time in a Markov-modulated M/G/1 queue is no larger than that of the corresponding M/G/1 queue with "averaged" parameters, and we give a necessary and sufficient condition for equality. We also explore the effect of speeding up the modulation process. A key tool is a Markov-modulated fluid model.