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Parents' experience of having a child with autism and learning disabilities living in a group home: A case study.

Some children with autism and learning disabilities also have aberrant behaviours that are difficult to regulate and stressful for both the child and family members. This case study concerns experiences of 10 parents from five families before and 2 years after entrusting their 10- to 11-year-old child with autism to a group home. Hermeneutic phenomenological analysis of narrative interviews with t

Topological dynamical systems of type I

The equivalence of existence of a Borel section to nonexistence of recurrent aperiodic points for homeomorphisms of locally compact topological spaces is proved using the theory of C*-algebras.

Median Implantation Depth and Implantation Profile of 3-18 keV Positrons in Amorphous Polymers.

Most applications of positron beams require knowledge of the implantation characteristics for an appropriate interpretation of the experimental data. In this work, the median implantation depth as a function of implantation energy, z1/2(E), of 3–18 keV positrons and their implantation profile P(z,E) in a total of 13 thin films of atactic polystyrene, poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile), and polymethylm

Automated solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry determination of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and its metabolites in urine and plasma

A method for the simultaneous determination of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and its metabolites 5-hydroxyl-N-pyrrolidone (5HNMP), N-methylsuccinimide (MSI) and 2-hydroxy-N-methylsuccinimide (2HMSI) in plasma and urine has been developed. Samples were purified by SPE using an ASPEC XL4. Analysis was performed using LC-MS equipped with an APCI interface. The analysis provided linear responses in the

Multiparticle-hole States of High Spin in N

High-spin states of the neutron deficient nucleus Nb-88 have been studied following the reaction Fe-56 (Cl-35, 2pn) Nb-88 at 120 and 123 MeV bombarding energy. Neutron gated and pure gamma gamma-coincidences were measured with a neutron-gamma gamma-coincidence setup; in addition gamma gamma-coincidences were detected with the OSIRIS-cube at the Cologne tandem accelerator. Via the analysis of gamma

Trygg kollektivtrafik : trafikanters upplevelse av kollektivtrafikresor och åtgärder för att öka tryggheten. Sammanfattningsrapport

Otryggheten vid kollektivtrafikresor är relativ hög. Drygt hälften av vaneresenärerna har känt sig otrygga i samband med en kollektivtrafikresa. Även om de allra flesta endast har känt otrygghet ibland, kan detta leda till att människor reser mindre kollektivt än de önskar; att de hellre kör bil eller att deras rörlighet minskar. För att minska otryggheten vid kollektivtrafikresor kan det vara nöd

The Lund Nuclear Microprobe sub-micron set-up. Part I: Ion optics calculation

A new beam line for generating a sub-micron beam spot for high-resolution nuclear microprobe applications has been constructed at the Lund nuclear microprobe facility. In this paper, the first in a series of three, a detailed theoretical investigation of different focusing systems is presented based on calculations performed with the computer programs PRAM and OXTRACE. Comparison is made between a

Relay Feedback and Multivariable Control

Popular Abstract in Swedish Återkoppling är en fundamental princip inom reglertekniken. Genom att mäta vissa variabler kan andra påverkas så att ett system uppför sig på önskat vis. Denna doktorsavhandling behandlar två typer av återkoppling: reläåterkoppling och flervariabel återkoppling. Reläåterkoppling är den enklaste formen av återkoppling. Endast tecknet på en uppmätt variabel återkopplas: This doctoral thesis treats three issues in control engineering related to relay feedback and multivariable control systems. Linear systems with relay feedback is the first topic. Such systems are shown to exhibit several interesting behaviors. It is proved that there exist multiple fast relay switches if and only if the sign of the first non-vanishing Markov parameter of the linear system is pos

Mellan människor och ting : En interaktionistisk analys av samlandet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom de flesta sociologiska forskningsperspektiv tillskrivs mellanmänsklig interaktion avgörande betydelse för att förstå olika aspekter av det sociala livet. I denna studie ligger emellertid fokus på den praktiska och erfarenhetsmässiga relationen mellan människor och ting ? en relation med stor betydelse för individers identitet och sociala liv. Detta är ett ofta bortIn most sociological paradigms the importance of human interaction for the understanding of societies, is a well established fact. In this study, the focus is the interaction between human beings and material things as it is occurring in practice. Such an approach with its important consequences for understanding both social life and self, is often overlooked in studies within the field of sociolo

Recovery of cognitive and emotional functioning following withdrawal of topiramate maintenance therapy

The present investigation reports cognitive improvement following withdrawal of topiramate (TPM) maintenance therapy in two patients with intractable seizures. The first patient received a neuropsychological evaluation after 10 months of adjunctive TPM treatment and was reassessed after complete withdrawal. The second patient received a first evaluation without TPM therapy. A reassessment was cond

Nature and the Social Sciences : Examples from the Electricity and Waste Sectors

Popular AbstractWhen society first perceived the environmental condition as problematic, focus was on local emissions with local consequences. Subsequently, the center of attention partly moved beyond local effect research to a broader interest in, for instance, ecocycle processes of energy, and the whole lifecycle of materials. However, technological and natural scientific analyses of these phenoThe book has two interrelated objectives. One objective is meta-theoretical and concerns the exploration of theoretical debates connected to issues of studying society and environmental problems; another objective is empirical/analytical, referring to the analysis of "green" public participation in the electricity and waste sectors in Sweden, and partly in the Netherlands as well as the UK. The me