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Introduktion - Fyra aktuella frågor. Språket, aktivismen, korruptionen och "splittringen"

10TAL nr 17/18 Ukraina är en unik intro­duk­tion till sam­tida ukrainsk lit­te­ra­tur, konst och kul­tur­de­batt. Vi pre­sen­te­rar 25 ukrainska för­fat­tare, över­sät­tare och konst­nä­rer, som alla på ett eller annat sätt för­hål­ler sig till kri­get, inva­sio­nen och lit­te­ra­tu­rens roll i dagens Ukraina. 10TALs num­mer är det första någon­sin som helt foku­se­rar på Ukrainas sam­tida lit­te­

Functional germline variants in driver genes of breast cancer

Purpose: Germline mutations in tumour suppressor genes cause various cancers. These genes are also somatically mutated in sporadic tumours. We hypothesized that there may also be cancer-related germline variants in the genes commonly mutated in sporadic breast tumours. Methods: After excluding the well-characterized breast cancer (BC) genes, we screened 15 novel genes consistently classified as BC

Jerusalem in Tønsberg : Round Churches and Storytelling

Remains of a basilican round church were discovered in 1877–78 in Tønsberg, Norway, and identified as the Premonstratensian monastery church of Saint Olav. The round church has been interpreted as fortified with several floors using Nylars on Bornholm in Denmark as a model – or as symbolic copy of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, although Templar churches have also been mentioned as models. The church

Participatory as everyday life : From creativity-based initiative to the production of networked space in Southeast Asian cities

The notion of creative city has been extensively discussed both in academic debate as well as public discourse, including on Asian context. However, a tendency to study only on strategic government policies in relation to this matter has led many multi-dimensional aspects being left behind. One of these important aspects is the creativity-based activities initiated and conducted by local groups, c

Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of microswimmer-tracer interactions

Hydrodynamic interactions in systems composed of self-propelled particles, such as swimming microorganisms and passive tracers, have a significant impact on the tracer dynamics compared to the equivalent "dry" sample. However, such interactions are often difficult to take into account in simulations due to their computational cost. Here, we perform a systematic investigation of swimmer-tracer inte

The complexity of value : Considerations for WEEE, experience from lighting products, and implications for policy

This paper presents a general overview of WEEE and value considerations (both real and potential) as well as the specific results of a research project analysing the performance of EPR systems for lighting products, with particular focus on closing material loops. The research is based on a literature review, case studies, and interviews with key stakeholders. The case of recovery of rare earths e

Terrestrial ecosystem model performance in simulating productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in the northern permafrost region

Realistic projection of future climate-carbon (C) cycle feedbacks requires better understanding and an improved representation of the C cycle in permafrost regions in the current generation of Earth system models. Here we evaluated 10 terrestrial ecosystem models for their estimates of net primary productivity (NPP) and responses to historical climate change in permafrost regions in the Northern H

ON-Line alkali measurement for fuel quality control in biomass-Operated boilers

Today's power plants are shifting their combustion toward a more complex fuel mix on the grounds of environmental impact, cost, availability and regulations. Certain new types of fuel can be classified into the following groups: herbaceous material (straw and grass), agricultural by-products (pits, shells and hulls), wood, and waste fuels. These fuels contain various amounts of alkali metals, main

Application of a dynamic gastrointestinal in vitro model combined with a rat model to predict the digestive fate of barley dietary fibre and evaluate potential impact on hindgut fermentation

Processing affects the composition, structure and physico-chemical characteristics of dietary fibres, and further changes can occur along the gastro-intestinal tract before entering the colon where undigested carbohydrates may serve as a substrate for the microbiota. To elucidate the effects of dietary fibre characteristic and the impact of processing on the digestive fate of dietary fibre compone

Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma in Sweden between 2000 and 2014 : An analysis of the Swedish Lymphoma Registry

Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) is an indolent CD20+ lymphoma. Its scarcity has made clinical trials difficult and there is no consensus on first-line treatment. We conducted a population-based study of all patients diagnosed with NLPHL in Sweden between 2000 and 2014 (N = 158; 41 women and 117 men), focusing on clinical features, therapy and overall survival. The median fe

Release of cytokines and proteases from human peripheral blood mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells following phagocytosis and LPS stimulation

Release and cellular contents of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, neutrophilic elastase and secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor (SLPI) were measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in peripheral blood mono- and polymorphonuclear cells stimulated with preopsonized yeast cells or lipopolysaccharide. Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) was also measured with a bioassay. TNFα producti

Helicobacter pylori infection, chronic corpus atrophic gastritis and pancreatic cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort : A nested case-control study

The association between H. pylori infection and pancreatic cancer risk remains controversial. We conducted a nested case-control study with 448 pancreatic cancer cases and their individually matched control subjects, based on the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort, to determine whether there was an altered pancreatic cancer risk associated with H. pylori inf

Resuscitation with Pooled and Pathogen-Reduced Plasma Attenuates the Increase in Brain Water Content following Traumatic Brain Injury and Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats

Traumatic brain injury and hemorrhagic shock is associated with blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown and edema formation. Recent animal studies have shown that fresh frozen plasma (FFP) resuscitation reduces brain swelling and improves endothelial function compared to isotonic NaCl (NS). The aim of this study was to investigate whether pooled and pathogen-reduced plasma (OctaplasLG® [OCTA]; Octapha

A Sisyphean task : Experiences of perfectionism in patients with eating disorders

Background: Despite the theoretical links between eating disorders and perfectionism, the definition of perfectionism in practice is complicated. The present study explored descriptions and experiences of perfectionism described by a transdiagnostic sample of patients. Methods: In-depth, semi-structured interviews were carried out with 15 patients. The interviews were analyzed by Thematic Analysis