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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Proceedings from the workshop on estimating the contributions of sodium reduction to preventable death

The primary goal of this workshop was to identify the most appropriate method to estimate the potential effect of reduction in sodium consumption on mortality. Difficulty controlling hypertension at the individual level has motivated international, federal, state, and local efforts to identify and implement population-wide strategies to better control this problem; reduction of sodium intake is on

Patients experiences of negative pressure wound therapy at home for the treatment of deep perivascular groin infection after vascular surgery

Aims and objectives: To explore experiences of negative pressure wound therapy at home, in patients with deep perivascular groin infection after vascular surgery and management in daily life. Background: Deep surgical site infection after vascular surgery with exposed vessels often requires long-term treatment with negative pressure wound therapy, and continued therapy at home has become routine.

Fear of falling, falls and near falls in Parkinson’s disease

ABSTRACTAIM: The overall aim of this longitudinal PhD project was to gain increased knowledge about factors associated with fear of falling (FOF) falls and near falls, as well as to contribute to improved clinical fall prediction for peoplewith mild Parkinson’s disease (PD).METHODS: People diagnosed with PD and receiving care at the university hospital outpatient neurology clinic were assessed dur

Modelling anisotropic interactions in colloidal systems

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattningUnder den senaste tiden har det varit ganska populärt att studera smart materia som kan bilda nya strukturer beroende på externa förhållanden. Detta arbete är fokuserat på att studera hur man kan designa sådan ma- teria. Med hjälp av dator simuleringar har vi modellerat partiklar med riktade interaktioner och studerat deras beteenden i bulk.Förhoppningen är att omThere has been an increased interest to design “smart materials” which can self-assemble into complex structures in accordance to external factors such as for example electromagnetic fields. By designing particles with directional interactions one is able to control how particles will interact with each other. By means of both Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulations we study the interaction

Synaptic inputs from stroke-injured brain to grafted human stem cell-derived neurons activated by sensory stimuli

Transplanted neurons derived from stem cells have been proposed to improve function in animal models of human disease by various mechanisms such as neuronal replacement. However, whether the grafted neurons receive functional synaptic inputs from the recipient's brain and integrate into host neural circuitry is unknown. Here we studied the synaptic inputs from the host brain to grafted cortical ne

The influence of incommensurability on the long-range periodicity of the Pd(100)-(5×5)R27°-PdO(101)

The structural model of the (5×5)R27°-PdO(101) surface oxide grown on Pd(100) has been proposed and refined by a number of authors over more than a decade. In the current contribution we discuss the long-range periodicity of this structure arising along one of the crystallographic directions due to its incommensurability with the substrate. Analyzing the results of surface sensitive diffraction st

An Adaptive QR Decomposition Processor for Carrier Aggregated LTE-A in 28 nm FD-SOI

This paper presents an adaptive QR decomposition (QRD) processor for five-band carrier aggregated LTE-Adownlinks. The design uses time and frequency correlationproperties of wireless channels to reduce QRD computationswhile maintaining an uncoded bit error rate loss below 1 dB.An analysis on the performance of a linear interpolating QRD ispresented and optimum distances for different channel condi

Simplifying Nanowire Hall Effect Characterization by Using a Three-Probe Device Design

Electrical characterization of nanowires is a time-consuming and challenging task due to the complexity of single nanowire device fabrication and the difficulty in interpreting the measurements. We present a method to measure Hall effect in nanowires using a three-probe device that is simpler to fabricate than previous four-probe nanowire Hall devices and allows characterization of nanowires with

Should Finland and Sweden form a monetary union?

Aims to shed light on the choice of exchange rate system facing Finland and Sweden by using theories of optimum currency areas as framework. Review of theories dealing with optimum currency areas; Relationship of Finland and Sweden and between these two countries and other industrial countries; Advantages of a Finnish-Swedish monetary union over membership within the European Monetary Union.

Hur bör entreprenörer beskattas?

Den 3:e november 2016 presenterade 3:12-utredningen sitt förslag om skärpta regler kring beskattningen av fåmansbolag. 3:12-regelverket har varit omdiskuterat och förändrats ett antal gånger sedan det infördes i samband med skattereformen 1990/91 och detta förslag är sannolikt inte det sista regelförändringsförlaget. Det kan därför finnas anledning att mer principiellt diskutera hur entreprenörska

Mr imaging agent, imaging medium and methods of imaging wherein such an imaging medium is used

The invention relates to hyperpolarised 13C-α-ketoisocaproate, its use as imaging agent, an imaging medium comprising hyperpolarised 13C-α-ketoisocaproate and methods of 13C-MR detection wherein such an imaging medium is used. Further, the invention relates to methods of producing hyperpolarised 13C-α-ketoisocaproate.The invention relates to hyperpolarised 13C-α-ketoisocaproate, its use as imaging agent, an imaging medium comprising hyperpolarised 13C-α-ketoisocaproate and methods of 13C-MR detection wherein such an imaging medium is used. Further, the invention relates to methods of producing hyperpolarised 13C-α-ketoisocaproate.