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The impact on trade of the Brexit referendum between the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth

The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of the Brexit-referendum on export trade between the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth countries. The UK has long historical ties with the Commonwealth countries, in addition to its departure from the EU, it is interesting to investigate the British trade policy after Brexit. By constructing a synthetic United Kingdom from the remaining countrie

Dynamic Hedging Errors and Investment Banking Profits

This article classifies the option hedging strategies of investment banks, explains why dynamic hedges produce hedge errors in imperfect markets, and studies the magnitude and direction of hedge errors produced by different types of options under different hedging strategies. With the help of deep learning models, we predict prices in the next day and actively hedge, overcoming the losses caused b

How has the Philipps curve developed in the 21st century in Sweden and what are the possible reasons behind this development?

This thesis investigates the development of the Philipps curve in the 21st century, with focus on Sweden in comparison to Germany and the USA. Using a VAR model with impulse response functions the study analyses if the classic inverse relationship between unemployment and inflation is accurate or has weakened over time. The findings suggest that the traditional negative relationship appears to hav

Patience Pays Off: n Epidemiological Approach to Understanding the Link Between Culture and Educational Attainment

This paper investigates the impact of cultural differences, specifically time and risk preferences, on cross-country variations in higher education attainment. Employing individual-level data on educational attainment and migration background from the European Social Survey and aggregate-level measures of preferences from the Global Preferences Study, I investigate the relationship between nationa

Swedish Banks’ Exposure to Climate Risks

This thesis quantifies and examines the exposure of Swedish banks to climate risks by implementing multivariate GJR- and DCC-GARCH models to dynamically estimate climate beta and assess climate risk. The study focuses on the four largest Swedish banks, which collectively manage approximately 75% of the total assets in the Swedish banking sector, and evaluates their sensitivity to transition risks a

Pangpriser i Göteborg? En RD-analys av skjutningarnas och bombdådens effekt på Göteborgs bostadspriser.

I denna masteruppsats undersöks effekten av skjutningar och bombdåd på bostadspriser i Göteborg med hjälp av regression discontinuity-analys (RD). Uppsatsen använder data från bostadsförsäljningar och brottsincidenter mellan 2018 och 2024 för att analysera hur dessa våldshändelser påverkar fastighetsmarknaden. Resultaten visar på att det är stor variation i RD-skattningarna och att ingen tydlig efIn this master's thesis, the effect of shootings and bombings on housing prices in Gothenburg is examined using regression discontinuity analysis (RD). The thesis utilizes data from housing sales and crime incidents between 2018 and 2024 to analyze how these violent events impact the real estate market. The results show significant variation in the RD estimates, indicating no clear effect. The

Trade Effects of Monetary Non-Integration: Evidence from Denmark

This study examines the impact of monetary non-integration on trade flows, specifically focusing on Denmark and how Danish trade with the founding members of the Eurozone would have developed if Denmark would have adopted the Euro in 1999. We turn to the Synthetic Control Method (SCM) to create a synthetic Denmark that adopted the Euro in 1999 and find significant negative effects for Danish trade

The empirical study about international investor sentiment and its impact on the U.S. stock market

Based on behavioural finance theory and stock market data, this paper studies the contagion of investor sentiment in international markets and its impact o n the US stock market . We use monthly data on four indicators (business confidence index, consumer confidence index, the volume of initial public offerings, and trading volume) for eight countries (the United States, Canada, China, Japan, Germ

Long-term IPO performance in Sweden: A Two-Decade Analysis

This study examines the long-term performance of Swedish Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) from 2000 to 2023. Employing Cumulative Abnormal Returns (CAR) and Buy-and-Hold Abnormal Returns (BHAR) methodologies, this study analyze the impact of market cycles on IPO returns. The findings reveal overperformance of Swedish IPOs during a three year period. Additionally, the research analyzes the influence

On the China Shock: A New Approach & Cross-Country Evidence

This study proposes a new approach to decompose trade flows between their supply- and demand-driven components as an alternative to the instrumental variable approach used in the literature. With the data obtained from this new approach, I run a cross-country analysis of Chinese imports on domestic labour markets across several margins. I find that Chinese manufacturing imports of final goods have

Tradition, entrepreneurship, and innovation : The craft of Japanese fine dining

Research Summary: This study explores how traditional craft produces novelty, which appears to be at odds with its emphasis on continuation. While prior research has explored how tradition is rediscovered and revived from the past, traditional craft can produce intrinsic novelty potentially through its own repetitive acts. This study examines a Japanese cuisine Kaiseki, which is traditional but si

Pionjärernas proletära pedagogik: Bruket av pedagogisk bildning, inlevelse och skapande med målet att uppfylla den kommunistiska utopin, 1924 –1929

The Proletarian Pedagogy of the Pioneers: Education Through Self-Cultivation, Immersion, and Creativity with the Aim to Achieve the Communist Utopia, 1924–1929. The thesis examines how the Swedish pioneer movement between the years 1924 and 1929 tried to raise the new socialist generation through a pedagogy which they believed were necessary to achieve the Communist Utopia, the classless society.

Tailoring the Use of Central Pancreatectomy Through Prediction Models for Major Morbidity and Postoperative Diabetes : International Retrospective Multicenter Study

OBJECTIVE: To develop a prediction model for major morbidity and endocrine dysfunction after CP which could help in tailoring the use of this procedure.SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Central pancreatectomy (CP) is a parenchyma-sparing alternative to distal pancreatectomy for symptomatic benign and pre-malignant tumors in body and neck of the pancreas CP lowers the risk of new-onset diabetes and exocrine

Högerpopulismens kvinnliga dragningskraft

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur högerpopulistiska kvinnor i USA attraherar kvinnliga väljare till sin politik. Högerpopulismen har på senare år varit framträdande i USA, särskilt inom det republikanska partiet. Studien utförs genom en kvalitativ framing-analys på tre tal av de högerpopulistiska kvinnorna Candace Owens, Kristi Noem och Marjorie Taylor Greene. I talen observeras ett antal

Den feministiska freden och FN - En narrativ analys av FN:s respons till inbördeskriget i Myanmar

Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka FN:s respons till Myanmars pågående inbördeskrig ur en kritisk feministisk synvinkel, genom att utvärdera om fredsnarrativet som konstrueras är förenligt med feministisk fred. Uppsatsen syftar även till att belysa vad FN:s möjliga agerande är i Myanmar utifrån de fredsnarrativ som skapas. Detta sker genom en tematisk narrativanalys av två typer av officiel

Monarkier och maktens lugn

In the past, absolute monarchy was the most common form of government across the world. Since then, we have seen a great decline in this specific government type. However, in a world that still consists of several autocratic regimes, some absolute monarchies still remain. Not only do they exist in a time of democracy and autocracy, but they are also considered to be the most stable form of autocra

Efter regn kommer solsken - eller?

Vår uppsats syftade till att bidra till den omfattande befintliga forskningen kring abortfrågan i USA. Detta genom att djupdyka i två organisationer - Americans United for Life (AUL) och American Life League (ALL) och deras narrativ mot abort. Vi undersökte också vad kullkastandet av Roe mot Wade sa om det progressiva narrativet, och dess dominans som förklaringsmodell. Med avstamp i tidigare fors

Diskursens makt: En jämförande diskursanalys av Sveriges nutida migrations- och integrationspolitik

Denna uppsats analyserar och jämför diskurser och problemframställningar inom migrations- och integrationspolitiken under den S-ledda regeringen (2018-2022) och den nuvarande Tidöregeringen (2022-nutid). Genom att använda socialkonstruktionism, diskursteori och Carol Bacchis WPR-metod undersöker studien hur olika regeringar konstruerar problem och vilka antaganden som ligger till grund för deras p

Konfucianismen som kinesisk språngbräda för statslojalitet?

Den här uppsatsen utforskar hur Xi Jinping använder sig av och åberopar konfucianska värden för att skapa legitimitet och följaktligen lojalitet till den kinesiska staten. Genom tillämpning av en sovjetiskt baserad legitimeringsmodell och en utvecklad och anpassad idéanalysmetod visar vi hur Xi Jinpings betoning av familj, enhetlighet och ledaransvar främst utgör ideokratisk legitimering som drar

Prevalence and Trends of Not Receiving a Dose of DPT-Containing Vaccine Among Children 12-35 Months : An Analysis of 81 Low- And Middle-Income Countries

Not receiving a DPT-containing vaccine in early childhood indicates an absence of routine immunization, which puts children at an elevated risk of mortality, morbidity, and worse human development over the life course. We estimated the percentage of children 12-35 months who did not receive a dose of DPT-containing vaccine (termed zero-dose children) using household surveys from 81 low- and middle