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Diffusivity measurements using holographic laser interferometry in a cubic lipid-water phase

The diffusion of glucose in a cubic lipid-water phase was studied with holographic laser interferometry. The X-ray diffraction data showed that the structure of the cubic phase could be described as a primitive cubic lattice under the experimental conditions used. The present study shows that holographic laser interferometry is suitable for determining the concentration profile due to diffusion, e

Effects on the function of arctic ecosystems in the short- and long-term perspectives

Abstract in UndeterminedHistorically, the function of Arctic ecosystems in terms of cycles of nutrients and carbon has led to low levels of primary production and exchanges of energy, water and greenhouse gases have led to low local and regional cooling. Sequestration of carbon from atmospheric CO2, in extensive, cold organic soils and the high albedo from low, snow-covered vegetation have had imp

Downstream Processing Using Membrane Technology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Membranteknik är en separationsteknik där stora partiklar skiljs av från mindre partiklar m.h.a. ett membranfilter. I min forskning har jag tittat på hur membranfiltrering kan användas inom bioteknikindustrin. Jag har tittat på hur mjölksyra kan renas upp från en lösning av jäst "vetemjölsvälling" samt hur första steget i uppreningen av protein A från en industriellt prMembrane filtration is a very gentle separation technique and can be used at low temperatures. This makes it suitable for liquids that contain micro-organisms and/or are heat sensitive, which is often the case in liquids processed in the field of biotechnology. However, one drawback is that these liquids are often very complex, which is a disadvantage when using membrane technology as it makes the

A systematic overview of radiation therapy effects in breast cancer

A systematic review of radiation therapy trials in several turnout types was performed by The Swedish Council of Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU). The procedures for evaluation of the scientific literature are described separately (Acta Oncol 2003; 42: 357-365). This synthesis of the literature on radiation therapy for breast cancer is based on data from 29 randomized trials, 6 meta-anal

Affinity cryogel monoliths for screening for optimal separation conditions and chromatographic separation of cells

Suitable conditions for separating cells using a chromatographic procedure were evaluated in parallel chromatography on minicolumns. A 96-hole minicolumn plate filled with cryogel monoliths (18.8 mm x 7.1 mm O) with immobilized concanavalin A was used. Chromatographic columns (113 mm x 7.1 mm O) were used for chromatographic resolution of a mixture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli

Det ideologiska landskapet

The present work is one of nine parts making up the archaeological project The Öresund Fixed Link. The book begins with an account of all the features and artefacts that are considered to have belonged to the ideological sphere within the project. The focus is on two sites, one located on the coast, the other in the outer hummocky landscape. As regards remains on the coast, this work concentrates

Asymmetric Information and The Production of Health

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det samlade temat för de sju artiklarna i denna avhandling är att se på hur modern national-ekonomiska teori, som behandlar problem rela-terade till förekomsten av asymmetrisk infor-mation, kan användas för att studera insatser för åstadkomma bättre hälsa. Artiklarna rör dels vård på sjukhus,dels produktionen av läkemedel. För sjukhusen handlar det om hur man via olika The common theme of this thesis is the analysis of asymmetric information when applied to the market for health care production. The thesis consists of six more or less independent papers and an introduction to the thesis were purpose and methodology are stated (part one). Part two is an investigation into the pricing of pharmaceuticals in Sweden. This chapter deals with issues such as cost sharin

Interstitial laser hyperthermia of a rat liver adenocarcinoma

The aim of this study was to compare interstitial laser thermotherapy with excision of a liver tumour. A dimethylhydrazine-induced adenocarcinoma was implanted into the left lateral lobe of the rat liver, and treatment was performed 8 days later. Rats were treated with resection of the tumour-bearing lobe or underwent interstitial laser thermotherapy, which was performed at a steady-state temperat

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variability as possible causes for different drug responses in migraine. A comment

The pharmacokinetics of antimigraine drugs zolmitriptan and sumatriptan varied considerably with a fourfold to 10-fold variation in plasma levels. In addition, the pharmacodynamics of triptans as investigated in vitro also varied considerably. In theory, there should probably be a 10-fold variation in doses available, but in clinical practice a fourfold difference in doses will probably cover the

The Faint Optical Stellar Luminosity Function in the Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

Analyses of their internal stellar kinematics imply that the dwarf spheroidal (dSph) companion galaxies to the Milky Way are among the most dark matter-dominated systems known. Should there be significant dark matter in the form of faint stars in these systems, the stellar luminosity function must be very different from that of a similar metallicity globular cluster, for which there is no evidence

High proteinase 3-anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) level measured by the capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method is associated with decreased patient survival in ANCA-associated vasculitis with renal involvement

Wegener granulomatosis (WG) and microscopic polyangiitis (MP), diseases associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), had an extremely poor prognosis before the introduction of cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids for their treatment. However, there is still reduced patient survival, and some studies have documented severe side effects of the immunosuppressants used. This 10-yr fol