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Dimensions of Health among Patients in Mental Health Services

Popular Abstract in Swedish Empiriska studier som fokuserar på subjektivt upplevd hälsa hos patienter i psykiatrin är sällsynta och merparten av de frågeformulär som finns är baserade på en medicinsk grund där objektivt observerbara sjukdomsindikatorer betonas. I studie I och II analyseras och beskrivs uppfattningar av begreppet hälsa hos patienter och sjuksköterskor i psykiatrisk vård med hjälp aEmpirical studies focusing on the subjective experience of health among patients in contact with the mental health services are rare and most questionnaires are based on a medical model that emphasizes objectively observed disease-oriented health indicators. In studies I and II perceptions of the concept of health among patients and nurses in mental health services were explored and described usin

Wilms' tumour in infancy

During a 15-y period, 48 children were treated for Wilms' tumour (WT). Seven of them were < 1 y of age at diagnosis. One child presented with non-traumatic haematuria, but in all the other children WT was revealed as a palpable abdominal mass at routine examination or investigation due to another disease. The four children under 6 months of age at diagnosis were primarily operated upon; the others

Evidence for soil water control on carbon and water dynamics in European forests during the extremely dry year: 2003

The drought of 2003 was exceptionally severe in many regions of Europe, both in duration and in intensity. In some areas, especially in Germany and France, it was the strongest drought for the last 50 years, lasting for more than 6 months. We used continuous carbon and water flux measurements at 12 European monitoring sites covering various forest ecosystem types and a large climatic range in ord

A folding variant of human alpha-lactalbumin induces mitochondrial permeability transition in isolated mitochondria

A human milk fraction containing multimeric alpha-lactalbumin (MAL) is able to kill cells via apoptosis. MAL is a protein complex of a folding variant of alpha-lactalbumin and lipids. Previous results have shown that upon treatment of transformed cells, MAL localizes to the mitochondria and cytochrome c is released into the cytosol. This is followed by activation of the caspase cascade. In this st

Flow cytometric DNA ploidy and number of cell populations in the primary breast cancer and their correlation to the prognosis.

In a prospective study on 516 breast cancer patients flow cytometry DNA ploidy and number of cell populations (defined as number of DNA stem lines) detected in the primary tumor were evaluated for prognostic purposes. the median follow-up time was about 5 years. in the 241 node negative cases, those patients with three or more cell populations had the worst prognosis, with a distant recurrence-fre

Genetic probes of three theories of maternal adjustment: I. Recent evidence and a model

Studies focusing on genetic and social influences on maternal adjustment will illumine mother's marriage, parenting, and the development of psychopathology in her children. Recent behavioral genetic research suggests mechanisms by which genetic and social influences determine psychological development and adjustment. First, heritable, personal attributes may influence individuals' relationships wi

Djuretik i teori och praxis

In animal ethics animal capacity to suffer and experience is a selfevident point of departure when elaborating theories for respecting animals. Less often the practical consequences of "respecting an animal" is discussed in these theories, still they want to influence our behavior towards the animals. So, in order to know what is respectful, we need to connect scientific knowledge about an animal