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Unions, the Skills Agenda and Workforce Development

This chapter explores the relationship between unions and skills at the workplace. We argue that the significance of the skills agenda is broadly concomitant with a shift in the labour process beyond mass production into newer trajectories, variously described as post-Fordism, post-industrialism, flexible specialization and new production concepts. Unions are increasingly equating their members’ l

Measured capacity gain using waterfilling in frequency selective MIMO channels

We analyze the channel capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in frequcncy selective channels, with channel knowledge at the transmitter side. An optimum transmission scheme uses Shannon's principle of waterfilling jointly in the frequency and the spatial domain. However, we show in this paper that the largest gain by using waterfilling resides in the spatial domain, and that th

The effect of footwear sole abrasion on the coefficient of friction on melting and hard ice

Footwear sole wear by natural use or artificial abrasion either increases or decreases slip resistance on floors with and without lubricant. The objectives of this paper were to study the effect of footwear sole abrasive wear on slip resistance on ice with respect to temperature, and to compare the slip resistance of abraded soles on melting and hard ice with that on lubricated steel plate. The ki

Marknadsbegreppet i konkurrensrätten och jämställdhetsrätten : om hur olika marknadsbegrepp påverkar rättstillämpningen

Marknadskrafterna är en vanlig förklaring till löneskillnader mellan kvinnor och män. På den svenska arbetsmarknaden uppfattas marknaden ofta som en självständigt verkande kraft. En individs lön anses bestå av olika delar. En del hänför sig till arbetsuppgifterna och en annan del till den individuella arbetstagarens egenskaper. Marknadspåverkan kan vara en tredje självständig lönedel. Det synsätte

III–V Nanowire Surfaces

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nanoteknologi handlar om att på ett kontrollerat sätt utnyttja strukturer med minst en dimension i nanometerområdet (i storleksordningen 1 till 100 miljondels millimeter). Nanostrukturer har använts under lång tid och redan under medeltiden användes guldpartiklar av varierande storlek för att tillverka infärgade glas. Idag använder vi nanoteknologi dagligdags, t.ex. i vThis dissertation deals with the geometric and electronic structure of surfaces on III–V semiconductor nanowires (NWs). NWs made of InAs, GaAs, and InP have been studied using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/S), low energy electron microscopy (LEEM), photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM), and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). All of the mentioned techniques have been devel

The nervous system of box jellyfish: A surprisingly complex system in a simple animal

The four surprisingly complex visual sensory organs of cubomedusae, the rhopalia, contain each six eyes of four morphologically different types, two of which are camera-type eyes. This means that the evolutionary basal nervous system of cubomedusae must process the visual signals received from a total of 24 rhopalial eyes. Since the neuronal organization of the rhopalia is obscure, the role of the

Performance modelling of database servers in a Telecommunication Service Management system

Resource optimization mechanisms, as admission control and traffic management, require accurate performance models that capture the dynamics of the system during high loads. The main objective of this paper is to develop an accurate performance model for database servers in a telecommunication service management system. We investigate the use of a server model with load dependency. Concurrent requ


Recently much attention has been paid to studies concerning bubble dynamics in the cavitation phenomena and this topic has been the subject of many research works. In fact, the simulation of non-spherical bubble dynamics and its interaction with solid boundaries have received much less attention due to the complexity of the problem. One of the main reasons of the structural damages in the cavitati

Studies on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration: Microdispensing, Neurite Guidance and Galectins

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling beskriver utvecklingen av en teknik baserad på mikrodispensering, för att skapa proteinmönster som kan användas för styrning av axoner. Samma teknik vidareutvecklades för att kunna positionera dissocierade celler, bl.a. nervceller, på cellodlingsytor. Slutligen undersöktes vilken roll galektin-3 och 8 har under nervregeneration. Avhandlingen består av fThe present thesis describes development of a microdispenser-based technique to create of protein patterns for neurite guidance. The same technique was also developed to allow direct positioning of dissociated cells, including neurons, on cell culture substrates. Finally the role of galectin-3 and 8 during nerve regeneration was investigated. The thesis consists of four papers (I-IV). Microdispen

Digitalisera de nationella proven

Digitala system för pedagogisk bedömning öppnar nya möjligheter som inte finns med papper och penna. Dessutom frigörs tid för lärarna. Vi ber därför Skolverket att tillsätta en bred arbetsgrupp för att utveckla ett digitalt system för nationella prov, skriver Agneta Gulz och Magnus Haake, båda verksamma inom utbildningsvetenskap.