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Theoretical estimates of supernova-neutrino cross sections for the stable even-even lead isotopes : Charged-current reactions

A detailed study of the charged-current supernova electron neutrino and electron antineutrino scattering off the stable even-mass lead isotopes A=204, 206, and 208 is reported in this work. The proton-neutron quasiparticle random-phase approximation (pnQRPA) is adopted to construct the nuclear final and initial states. Three different Skyrme interactions are tested for their isospin and spin-isosp

Observation of a topologically non-trivial surface state in half-Heusler PtLuSb(001) thin films

The discovery of topological insulators, materials with bulk band gaps and protected cross-gap surface states in compounds such as Bi2Se3, has generated much interest in identifying topological surface states (TSSs) in other classes of materials. In particular, recent theoretical calculations suggest that TSSs may be found in half-Heusler ternary compounds. If experimentally realizable, this would

Single-Cell Sequencing of Human Pancreatic Islets—New Kids on the Block

RNA sequencing of human pancreatic islets has provided important insights into the islet transcriptome but little information on the specific cells. In this issue, Segerstolpe et al. (2016) and Xin et al. (2016b) report on the transcriptome of single pancreatic cells from non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic donors.

Socio-economic inequalities in health and health service use among older adults in India : results from the WHO Study on Global AGEing and adult health survey

Objective The objectives of this study were to measure socio-economic inequalities in self-reported health (SRH) and healthcare visits and to identify factors contributing to health inequalities among older people aged 50-plus years. Study design This study is based on a population-based, cross-sectional survey. Methods We accessed data of 7150 older adults from the World Health Organization's Stu

A novel high mobility group box 1 neutralizing chimeric antibody attenuates drug-induced liver injury and postinjury inflammation in mice

Acetaminophen (APAP) overdoses are of major clinical concern. Growing evidence underlines a pathogenic contribution of sterile postinjury inflammation in APAP-induced acute liver injury (APAP-ALI) and justifies development of anti-inflammatory therapies with therapeutic efficacy beyond the therapeutic window of the only current treatment option, N-acetylcysteine (NAC). The inflammatory mediator, h

The use of the partnering concept for Public-Private collaboration : How well does it really work?

This paper critically scrutinizes the key success factors and tools described in the partnering literature by exploring how they are implemented in a public–private partnering collaboration. In addition to this the paper investigates to what extent these tools facilitate the relationship between the parties in a partnering process. The empirical data consist of two longitudinal case studies. Both

Experimental biodiversity enrichment in oil-palm-dominated landscapes in Indonesia

Tropical biodiversity is threatened by the expansion of oil-palm plantations. Reduced-impact farming systems such as agroforests, have been proposed to increase biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In regions where oil-palm plantations already dominate the landscape, this increase can only be achieved through systematic ecological restoration. However, our knowledge about the underlying ecologi

N-glycosylation proteome enrichment analysis in kidney reveals differences between diabetic mouse models

Background: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a late complication in both type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and T2DM. Already at an early stage of DN morphological changes occur at the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix where the majority of the proteins carry N-linked glycosylations. These glycosylated proteins are highly important in cell adhesion and cell-matrix processes but not much is kno

Income and its distribution in preindustrial Poland

This article presents per capita GDP and income distribution estimates for preindustrial Poland. It is based on a social table for the Voivodeship of Cracow in 1578. Our evidence indicates that income in Poland was distributed more equally than in contemporary Holland. However, the extraction rate was much higher than in the North Sea area. Furthermore, income inequality in the countryside of the

Contextual Factors and Crisis Attribution in Social Media Crisis : Revisiting Situational Crisis Communication Theory in the Chinese Context

The neglect of broader social and cultural contexts in crisis communication research raises the question of the applicability of Western originated theories in nonwestern contexts. To address the issue, this study revisits Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) in Chinese contexts by taking an online discussion on Weibo about a high-profile homicide in a McDonald’s restaurant as the case.

HER2-encoded mir-4728 forms a receptor-independent circuit with miR-21-5p through the non-canonical poly(A) polymerase PAPD5

We previously reported that the human HER2 gene encodes the intronic microRNA mir-4728, which is overexpressed together with its oncogenic host gene and may act independently of the HER2 receptor. More recently, we also reported that the oncogenic miR-21-5p is regulated by 3′ tailing and trimming by the non-canonical poly(A) polymerase PAPD5 and the ribonuclease PARN. Here we demonstrate a dual fu

Catalytic mechanism of human glyoxalase i studied by quantum-mechanical cluster calculations

Density functional theory has been used to study the mechanism and stereospecificity of the catalytic reaction of human glyoxalase I. We used the quantum mechanical cluster method to model the enzyme active site. Glyoxalase I accepts both enantiomers of the hemithioacetal between methylglyoxal and glutathione and converts them to the S-D enantiomer of lactoylglutathione. We have compared several p

Towards a conceptual framework for explaining variation in nocturnal departure time of songbird migrants

Most songbird migrants travel between their breeding areas and wintering grounds by a series of nocturnal flights. The exact nocturnal departure time for these flights varies considerably between individuals even of the same species. Although the basic circannual and circadian rhythms of songbirds, their adaptation to migration, and the factors influencing the birds' day-to-day departure decision

Recombination dynamics in aerotaxy-grown Zn-doped GaAs nanowires

In this paper we have investigated the dynamics of photo-generated charge carriers in a series of aerotaxy-grown GaAs nanowires (NWs) with different levels of Zn doping. Time-resolved photo-induced luminescence and transient absorption have been employed to investigate radiative (band edge transition) and non-radiative charge recombination processes, respectively. We find that the photo-luminescen