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Tillväxt, sortering och fördelning - utbildningspolitikens dilemma
Propagation in bianisotropic media - reflection and transmission
In this paper a systematic analysis that solves the wave propagation problem in a general bianisotropic, stratified media is presented. The method utilizes the concept of propagators, and the representation of these operators is simpli- fied by introducing the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. The propagators propagate the total tangential electric and magnetic fields in the slab and only outside the slab
Panel Debatt om ”FN och den arabiska våren” FN-Förbundets , Stockholm . 2011-10- 21.
Rättsliga förutsättningar för ett internationellt kommunalförbund. Promemoria författad med anledning av utredningsuppdrag från regeringen (Finansdepartementet) till Lunds universitet.
New Hopes for Democracy or a Pirated Elite? Swedish Social Media Users and Political Mobilisation.
In this study, a group of Swedish social media users – politically active as well as “unpolitical” users – are interviewed in focus groups as well as individually about their attitudes towards online political participation, providing a deeper, more informed view of how social media participation works. Sweden, with its high levels of voluntary participation and with an avant-garde position in Int
Dangerous Innuendoes or Hostile Interpretation: Some Remarks on the Varying Conceptions of the Characters "Ming" and "Qing" During the Qianlong Reign
Impact of forest fires, biogenic emissions and high temperatures on the elevated Eastern Mediterranean ozone levels during the hot summer of 2007
On the Challenges for Time-of-Flight Electron Spectroscopy at Storage Rings
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den rykande startpistolen eller Konsten att ta tid på en flygande elektron Flygande elektroner kan berätta mycket om hur världen sitter ihop. Elektroner som lämnar ytan av något material avslöjar både vilka atomer som finns i materialet och hur de kemiska bindingarna ser ut. Allt detta är nödvändigt att förstå när man vill utveckla nya material – till exempel för kretTime-of-flight (TOF) techniques for energy analysis have been common in electron spectroscopy for many decades. TOF-based electron spectrometers benefit from higher transmission and information rate compared to their main competitor: the hemispherical analyser; the drawback being their lower energy resolution. However, the advent of angle-resolved TOF spectrometers for electron energy analysis cha
Deposition of 30 to 150 nm Au particles in the airways of C57BL/6 mice
Management of Requirements in ERP development: A Comparison between Proprietary and Open Source ERP
Palestine needs recognition
Retail Image As Seen Through Consumers’ Eyes
Båstad kammarmusikfestival 2010 - utvärdering av enkätsvaren
Delrapport från en enkätstudie vid Båstad kammarmusikfestival 2010. Ingår i studien "konstmusik i kris".