Det ryska hotet : en studie om den säkerhetspolitiska förändringen av de aktuella hotbilderna i Finland
Agreements for Alliances between Countries : a Historical Political Theory of International Relations found in Hugo Grotius' Legacy of International Law
Två sidor av samma mynt? : en jämförande idéanalys av aristotelisk dygdetik och deliberativ demokratiteori
Errare humanum est, Sed in errore persevare diabolicum (To Err is Human, But to Continue to Err is Diabolic) : a Study of Sweden's Economic Policy Decision-making Process of Autumn 1992
Landsting möter landsting i gränsöverskridande samverkan : om förändring och beslutsfattande i offentlig verksamhet
Refugees and the European Union : a Study of the Discrepancy Between the Asylum Policies of the European Union and the Human Rights Norm of the Geneva Refugee Convention
The Formation and Change of National Identity and National Interest : an Analysis of Finland's National Identity and National Interest Formation and Their Change from 1960's Until Present
Inshallah?! : a Minor Field Study of the State-building Process and Transition to Democracy in Somaliland