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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Low Band Gap Polymer Solar Cells With Minimal Voltage Losses

One of the factors limiting the performance of organic solar cells (OSCs) is their large energy losses (E loss) in the conversion from photons to electrons, typically believed to be around 0.6 eV and often higher than those of inorganic solar cells. In this work, a novel low band gap polymer PIDTT-TID with a optical gap of 1.49 eV is synthesized and used as the donor combined with PC71BM in solar

Temperatures and metallicities of M giants in the Galactic bulge from low-resolution K -band spectra

Context. With the existing and upcoming large multifibre low-resolution spectrographs, the question arises of how precise stellar parameters such as Teff and [Fe/H] can be obtained from low-resolution K-band spectra with respect to traditional photometric temperature measurements. Until now, most of the effective temperatures in Galactic bulge studies come directly from photometric techniques. Unc

Computational study of pH-dependent oligomerization and ligand binding in Alt a 1, a highly allergenic protein with a unique fold

Alt a 1 is a highly allergenic protein from Alternaria fungi responsible for several respiratory diseases. Its crystal structure revealed a unique β-barrel fold that defines a new family exclusive to fungi and forms a symmetrical dimer in a butterfly-like shape as well as tetramers. Its biological function is as yet unknown but its localization in cell wall of Alternaria spores and its interaction

Wurtzite GaAs Quantum Wires : One-Dimensional Subband Formation

It is of contemporary interest to fabricate nanowires having quantum confinement and one-dimensional subband formation. This is due to a host of applications, for example, in optical devices, and in quantum optics. We have here fabricated and optically investigated narrow, down to 10 nm diameter, wurtzite GaAs nanowires which show strong quantum confinement and the formation of one-dimensional sub

Clefts in contrast : a contrastive study of it clefts and wh clefts in English and Swedish texts and translations*

This paper presents corpus-elicited contrastive data relevant to the interand intralanguage study of cleft constructions. It is shown that even in closely related languages like English and Swedish, the frequency and distribution of different types of cleft constructions vary greatly. Previous approaches to the study of clefts in English have attempted to derive distributional differences between

Preserved leukocyte CD11b expression at the site of interstitial inflammation in patients with high-flux hemodiafiltration

The impact of high-flux hemodialysis on clinical outcomes remains controversial. We have previously shown that in vivo transmigrated leukocytes from patients with low-flux bioincompatible hemodialysis have an impaired capacity to upregulate CD11b at the site of interstitial inflammation. In the present study, we investigated the in vivo capacity of transmigrated monocytes and granulocytes to expre

DBS-LC-MS/MS assay for caffeine : Validation and neonatal application

Aim: DBS might be an appropriate microsampling technique for therapeutic drug monitoring of caffeine in infants. Nevertheless, its application presents several issues that still limit its use. This paper describes a validated DBS-LC-MS/MS method for caffeine. Results: The results of the method validation showed an hematocrit dependence. In the analysis of 96 paired plasma and DBS clinical samples,

Impaired thermoregulation and beneficial effects of thermoneutrality in the 3×Tg-AD model of Alzheimer's disease

The sharp rise in the incidence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) at an old age coincides with a reduction in energy metabolism and core body temperature. We found that the triple-transgenic mouse model of AD (3×Tg-AD) spontaneously develops a lower basal body temperature and is more vulnerable to a cold environment compared with age-matched controls. This was despite higher nonshivering thermogenic act

GSK-3β-induced Tau pathology drives hippocampal neuronal cell death in Huntington's disease : involvement of astrocyte-neuron interactions

Glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) has emerged as a critical factor in several pathways involved in hippocampal neuronal maintenance and function. In Huntington's disease (HD), there are early hippocampal deficits both in patients and transgenic mouse models, which prompted us to investigate whether disease-specific changes in GSK-3β expression may underlie these abnormalities. Thirty-three post

A PBX1 transcriptional network controls dopaminergic neuron development and is impaired in Parkinson's disease

Pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox (PBX) transcription factors are known to regulate organogenesis, but their molecular targets and function in midbrain dopaminergic neurons (mDAn) as well as their role in neurodegenerative diseases are unknown. Here, we show that PBX1 controls a novel transcriptional network required for mDAn specification and survival, which is sufficient to generate mDAn from human s

Nonmedical Use of Antihistaminergic Anxiolytics and Other Prescription Drugs among Persons with Opioid Dependence

Nonmedical prescription drug use (NMPDU) is an increasing problem, insufficiently studied among people in opioid maintenance treatment (OMT). This study investigates the prevalence of and factors associated with NMPDU for drug classes insufficiently described in opioid-dependent populations, including antihistaminergic anxiolytics and central stimulants. Methods. Study participants were recruited