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Macrocyclic Carbohydrate/Amino Acid Hybrid Molecules - Synthesis and Evaluation as Artificial Receptors

Methods were developed for the synthesis of three different types of macrocyclic carbohydrate/amino acid hybrid molecules. In the synthesis of the first type of macrocycles, a glucosamine derivative was oxidized at C6 and the obtained sugar amino acid was coupled to tripeptides. The resulting hybrids were transformed into dimers and cyclized in a macrolactamization step to obtain C2-symmetric macr

Renaissance 1.5

Projektet Renässans 1.5 utgår ifrån det faktum att det i den traditionella produktutvecklingsprocessen normalt krävs flera iterationer i processens olika faser innan man kan nå en acceptabel kompromiss mellan estetiska krav och konstruktions- och tillverkningskrav. Den snabba utvecklingen inom optimeringsteknik och kunskapsbaserad konstruktion gör det möjligt att integrera ett datorbaserat formgivThe Renaissance 1.5 project was based on the observation that in traditional product development, several iterations are needed to obtain a compromise between engineering, manufacturing constraints and aesthetics. The rapid advances in optimisation methods and in knowledge-based engineering (KBE) make it possible to integrate engineering and manufacturing constraints in a computer-based industrial

AF:s Arkiv & Studentmuseum

Presentation av samlingarna i Akademiska Föreningens arkiv och museum med tonvikt på ett antal föremål knutna till utställningen "Mellan liv och död" på Lunds Konsthall 31 augusti - 27 oktober 2002.

Selenium Compounds in Milk. Studies of Selenoproteins, Selenium Enrichment and Oxidative Stability of Food

Popular Abstract in Swedish Selen är ett essentiellt näringsämne som har många viktiga fysiologiska funktioner. Hos människor och djur utövar selen sin funktion bara om elementet är specifikt bundet i selenoproteiner som aminosyran selenocystein. Viktiga funktioner hos selenoproteiner är att verka som antioxidanter, upprätthålla redox-balansen i cellerna och reglera sköldkörtelhormonernas aktiviteSelenium is an essential nutrient and in animals and humans it can either be specifically incorporated into proteins as selenocysteine or randomly as selenomethionine. It can also occur as low-molecular-weight compounds and the form of selenium in foods may also influence food quality. The aims of the present studies were: to study selenium and other trace element compounds in milk and whey; to el

Microbial remediation of heavy metal ion polluted soil and water

Contamination of soil and water by heavy metal ions (HMs) is a problem all over the world.The use of biological methods alone or in combination with other techniques for treatment of such polluted sites constitutes a major challenge. The present thesis summarizes work based on four basic technologies: 1) use of Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRBs) for production of hydrogen sulphide which is used to

Hydrolytic and oxidative catalytic activities of bio-inspired dinuclear metal complexes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Enzymer är en nödvändig del av allt liv på jorden. De katalyserar en stor mängd biologiska reaktioner, som utan enzymer skulle vara mycket långsamma. Det är väl belagt att fastän enzymer är stora och har en komplicerad struktur är det bara en liten del av varje enzymmolekyl som tar del i den kemiska reaktion som enzymet katalyserar. Denna del av enzymet kallas dess aktiA number of homo- and heterodinuclear complexes have been synthesized as structural and functional models for the the active sites of phosphoesterases and soluble methane monooxygenases. The complexes are based on four new dinucleating ligands containing a central, potentially bridging, phenolate moiety. The hydrolytic activity of the complexes was examined by exploring the ability of the complexe