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Your search for "*" yielded 528236 hits

Tissue sparing and functional recovery following experimental traumatic brain injury is provided by treatment with an anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein antibody

Axonal injury is a hallmark of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and is associated with a poor clinical outcome. Following central nervous system injury, axons regenerate poorly, in part due to the presence of molecules associated with myelin that inhibit axonal outgrowth, including myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG). The involvement of MAG in neurobehavioral deficits and tissue loss following experi

Electrical resistivity tomography and induced polarization for mapping the subsurface of alluvial fans : A case study in Punata (Bolivia)

Conceptual models of aquifer systems can be refined and complemented with geophysical data, and they can assist in understanding hydrogeological properties such as groundwater storage capacity. This research attempts to use geoelectrical methods, Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Induced Polarization parameters, for mapping the subsurface in alluvial fans and to demonstrate its applicability;

Perceptions of the European Union's Fledgling Delegations: More Coherence, More Effectiveness?

The debate surrounding the challenge of improving coherence in European Union (EU) foreign policy is ongoing. EU Delegations (EUDs), operating under the European External Action Service (EEAS) were recently established to provide a focal point for the EU in third countries, providing potential for improving EU coherence. Using the case study of the EUDs, this article adds to theorizations of EU co

Det motsägelsefulla beslutet : Om kvinnors syn på och erfarenheter av mammografiscreening

Cancer har kommit att bli en av de största folksjukdomarna i den industrialiserade västvärlden och enbart i Sverige insjuknar över 55 000 personer varje år. Det faktum att var tredje person kommer att drabbas av en cancersjukdom någon gång under sin livstid innebär, förutom ett stort mänskligt lidande, att samhället står inför stora folkhälsopolitiska utmaningar att nå medborgarna med sina hälsofr

A Model Analysis of Mechanisms for Radial Microtubular Patterns at Root Hair Initiation Sites

Plant cells have two main modes of growth generating anisotropic structures. Diffuse growth where whole cell walls extend in specific directions, guided by anisotropically positioned cellulose fibers, and tip growth, with inhomogeneous addition of new cell wall material at the tip of the structure. Cells are known to regulate these processes via molecular signals and the cytoskeleton. Mechanical s

Some Notes on Present European and Scandinavian Co-production Practices Through the Prism of ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ (2009)

In a critique of the sometimes confusing ways in which the term transnational has been repeatedly used, Mette Hjort, in 2010 attempted to outline what she called a “typology of transnationalisms” in connection with contemporary audio-visual production (2009: 12–33). Hjort’s palpable purpose here is to more specifically illuminate and contextualize the increasingly more used concept of transnationa

The normal squamocolumnar junction is circumferentially even and minimal irregularities are manifestations of gastroesophageal acid reflux

Background: The macroscopic appearance of the normal squamocolumnar junction (SCJ) is often described as serrated with short projections of columnar mucosa that extend into the esophagus. As studies of the normal SCJ are sparse, the aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the normal SCJ is even and that irregularities are manifestations of acid reflux. Method: Fifty asymptomatic subjects

Roadmap on ultrafast optics

The year 2015 marked the 25th anniversary of modern ultrafast optics, since the demonstration of the first Kerr lens modelocked Ti:sapphire laser in 1990 (Spence et al 1990 Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO, pp 619-20) heralded an explosion of scientific and engineering innovation. The impact of this disruptive technology extended well beyond the previous discipline boundaries of lasers, re

Trisomy 8 in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia : A NOPHO-AML study

Trisomy 8 (+8) is a common cytogenetic aberration in acute myeloid leukemia (AML); however, the impact of +8 in pediatric AML is largely unknown. We retrospectively investigated 609 patients from the NOPHO-AML database to determine the clinical and cytogenetic characteristics of +8 in pediatric AML and to investigate its prognostic impact. Complete cytogenetic data were available in 596 patients (

Intercalation of graphene on SiC(0001) via ion implantation

Electronic devices based on graphene technology are catching on rapidly and the ability to engineer graphene properties at the nanoscale is becoming, more than ever, indispensable. Here, we present a procedure of graphene functionalization on SiC(0001) that paves the way towards the fabrication of complex graphene electronic chips. The procedure resides on the well-known ion-implantation technique

Compound eyes of some deep-sea and fiord crustaceans

The compound eyes of the deep-sea mysid Boreomysis scyphops and the two mysid species Amblyops abbreviata and Pseudomma affine, which are indigenous to deep fiords in Norway, have been investigated. The eye stalks are greatly transformed, but contain hypertrophied retinas. The ommatidia of all three species lack a dioptric apparatus, possessing only retinular cells, which are arranged in a cylinde

Impact of amoxicillin therapy on resistance selection in patients with community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections : A randomized, placebo-controlled study

Objectives: To determine the effect of amoxicillin treatment on resistance selection in patients with community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Methods: Patients were prescribed amoxicillin 1 g, three times daily (n = 52) or placebo (n = 50) for 7 days. Oropharyngeal swabs obtained before, within 48 h post-treatment and at 28-35 days were asse