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Afterword : Storytelling Animals: Human-Nonhuman Relationships in the Arctic

A common misperception among non-arctic residents is that northern environments are less productive and more hostile to human life than other biomes; after all, it is true that in most arctic regions, traditional agriculture is generally not possible, and species richness is relatively low. Combatting such misperceptions is important because while the past century has foisted many traumatic change

Beating the Casino : Conceptualizing an Anchoring-based Third Route to Regional Development

The development of new industries in peripheral regions has gained renewed attention recently. Yet, the processes through which peripheral regions can mobilize external resources and capabilities, and turn them into locally sticky resources for structural change and longer-term economic prosperity, have not been sufficiently conceptualized. This article proposes anchoring-based regional system bui

Quantifying the impact of Covid-19 on the energy consumption in the low-income housing in Greater London

Covid-19 has caused great challenges to the energy sector, particularly in residential buildings with low-income households. This study investigates the impact of the confinement measures due to the Covid-19 outbreak on the energy demand of seven residential archetype buildings in Greater London. Three levels of confinement for occupant schedules are proposed and compared with the base case before

Early-season mass-flowering crop cover dilutes wild bee abundance and species richness in temperate regions : A quantitative synthesis

Pollinators benefit from increasing floral resources in agricultural landscapes, which could be an underexplored co-benefit of mass-flowering crop cultivation. However, the impacts of mass-flowering crops on pollinator communities are complex and appear to be context-dependent, mediated by factors such as crop flowering time and the availability of other flower resources in the landscape. A synthe

On the interactions between RNA and titrateable lipid layers : implications for RNA delivery with lipid nanoparticles

Characterising the interaction between cationic ionisable lipids (CIL) and nucleic acids (NAs) is key to understanding the process of RNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formation and release of NAs from LNPs. Here, we have used different surface techniques to reveal the effect of pH and NA type on the interaction with a model system of DOPC and the CIL DLin-MC3-DMA (MC3). At only 5% MC3, differences in

Relations, territories, and politics of infrastructural regionalism

In this afterword to the special issue on ‘Water, Governance, and the Dynamics of Infrastructural Regionalism’, I reflect on three achievements of regional infrastructures that are common to all the articles. First, I discuss the relational ontologies and epistemologies that the authors use to characterise the multifaceted connections between humans and non-humans, as well as the imaginaries that

Airspace Dimension Assessment for early detection of lung function impairment in the peripheral airways of firefighters

Introduction Firefighters have increased risk of chronic respiratory disease. Standard clinical techniques used in medical checkups may not detect the earliest microstructural changes in peripheral airways. A new technique called Airspace Dimension Assessment (AiDA) has been shown to enable early detection of emphysema in COPD. This method may be useful in the occupational setting to detect early

Advanced Diffusion-Weighted MRI for Cancer Microstructure Assessment in Body Imaging, and Its Relationship With Histology

Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) aims to disentangle multiple biological signal sources in each imaging voxel, enabling the computation of innovative maps of tissue microstructure. DW-MRI model development has been dominated by brain applications. More recently, advanced methods with high fidelity to histology are gaining momentum in other contexts, for example, in oncologica

Multimodal classification of molecular subtypes in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Genomic analyses have redefined the molecular subgrouping of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Molecular subgroups guide risk-stratification and targeted therapies, but outcomes of recently identified subtypes are often unclear, owing to limited cases with comprehensive profiling and cross-protocol studies. We developed a machine learning tool (ALLIUM) for the molecular subclassificati

Diversity and relationships between Andean shrubland puna butterflies in the genus Punargentus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae)

Two new species and two new subspecies of the satyrine butterfly genus Punargentus Heimlich, P. atusparia sp. n., P. heimlichi sp. n., P. blanchardi libertas ssp. n. and P. atusparia yupania ssp. n., are described from north-central Peru (Ancash, Huánuco and La Libertad). The affinities of the new taxa are evaluated based on molecular data obtained using target enrichment and COI barcoding. Punarg

PREP- Pragmatic Research on Educational Practice

We investigate a concept called PREP - Pragmatic Research on Educational Practice, with the goal of engaging engineering educators in studying, documenting and sharing their initiatives to improve teaching practices. This concept is compared to other methodologies where the researcher and educational practitioner sometimes coincide. The study is based on a pilot, with six participants following th


The purpose of this Bachelor’s de- gree project is to design a cloth- ing item that minimizes the amount and the weight of a backpacker’s packing. The design process start- ed with interviews and ended with a final prototype, with a lot of test- ing inbetween. The result is a mod- ular coat consisting of four parts that can be disassembled in order to create multiple clothing pieces.

Utvecklingen av Underhållsprogram framtagna för Underhållsplanering av byggnader

Syftet med denna rapport var att problemen med underhållsprogram skulle undersökas och sedan till en viss mån lösas. Det fanns 3 frågeställningar i denna rapport och dessa var vilka problem som användarna upplever med underhållsprogram, hur problemen kan lösas och vad underhållsprogram används till idag och vad dessa kommer användas till i framtiden. Undersökningen genomfördes genom intervjuer medThe purpose of this report was to investigate and to some extent resolve the problems with maintenance programs. There were 3 aims in this report and these were what problems the users experience with maintenance programs were going to be enlightened, that the problems were going to be solved and what maintenance programs are used for today and what they will be used for in the future were to be i

Body size mediates latitudinal population differences in the response to chytrid fungus infection in two amphibians

Factors behind intraspecific variation in sensitivity to pathogens remain poorly understood. We investigated how geographical origin in two North European amphibians affects tolerance to infection by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), a generalist pathogen which has caused amphibian population declines worldwide. We exposed newly metamorphosed individuals of moor frog Rana arv

Studenters sömnmönster och dess påverkan på deras studieresultat och generella hälsa.

Bakgrund: Sömn är en grundläggande förutsättning för människans generella hälsa och ett gott sömnmönster är grundläggande för att individer ska kunna utföra sina dagliga aktiviteter. Detta examensarbete utgår från de beteendemässiga aspekterna av människans sömn. Sömnmönstret definieras utifrån fem parametrar: sömnlatens, antal nattliga uppvaknanden, totalt antal sömntimmar under natten, total sömA good sleep pattern is fundamental for an individual to be able to carry out their daily activities. This thesis aims to examine the behavioral aspects of human sleep patterns. The term sleep pattern is defined by five parameters: sleep latency, nocturnal awakenings, sleep duration, sleep quality and circadian rhythm. Our aim was to investigate how the sleep patterns of university students at thr

Dose-volume relationships of planned versus estimated delivered radiation doses to pelvic organs at risk and side effects in patients treated with salvage radiotherapy for recurrent prostate cancer

PURPOSE: To investigate estimated delivered dose distributions using weekly cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans for pelvic organs at risk (OARs) in salvage radiotherapy (SRT) after radical prostatectomy. Furthermore, to compare them with the originally planned dose distributions and analyse associations with gastrointestinal (GI) and genitourinary (GU) side effects.METHODS: This study is pa

Taxonomical lives : The making of social divisions in the Swedish press during the golden age of social democracy, 1945–76

This article investigates the media lives of a particular class taxonomy in the Swedish press from 1945 to 1976. Invented by the Central Bureau of Statistics in 1911, the ‘social group division’ system was abandoned in the early post-war period. Around the same time, however, it gained popularity in Swedish culture and political debate. While earlier research has noted that such bureaucratic class

The Downside of Upkeep : Analysing Railway Infrastructure Maintenance Impact on Train Operations in Sweden

Efficient and seamless railway operations depend on the systematic and well-coordinated maintenance of both rolling stock and infrastructure. However, track maintenance, or ‘trackwork’, can cause substantial delays if not properly aligned with train schedules. This study comprehensively investigates how trackwork influences train operations in Sweden. It involves an in-depth analysis of an extensi

Post-quantum nonlocality in the minimal triangle scenario

We investigate network nonlocality in the triangle scenario when all three parties have no input and binary outputs. Through an explicit example, we prove that this minimal scenario supports nonlocal correlations compatible with no-signaling and independence of the three sources, but not with realisations based on independent quantum or classical sources. This nonlocality is robust to noise. Moreo