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Civilrättsligt vårdnadsansvar i straffrättsligt ljus - Om vårdnadsansvarets inverkan på den straffrättsliga tillåtligheten i gärningar som vårdnadshavare förövar mot sina barn

Under chapter 6 of the Parental Code (FB), custodians have a far-reaching responsibility for their children. This includes, for example, meeting the child's needs, a duty to exercise needed supervision, and taking appropriate measures to prevent the child from causing harm. Furthermore, custodians have both a right and duty to decide in questions concerning the child's personal matters. A

Förekomsten av lojalitetsplikt i kommersiella avtalsförhållanden i relation till utvecklingen av Högsta domstolens prejudikatbildning

Lojalitetsplikten i kommersiella avtalsförhållanden kan definieras som skyl-digheten för parterna i relationen att tillvarata motpartens intressen utöver sina egna. Lojalitetsplikten kan härledas långt tillbaka i historien men det är först under 1900-talets andra hälft som saker började hända och denna utveckling tog rejäl fart under de senaste ca 20 åren. Lojal samverkan mellan parterna står iblaThe principle of loyalty in commercial relations can be defined as an obliga-tion for the parties to safeguard the other party’s interests in addition to their own. The principle of loyalty can be derived far back in history, but it was only during the second half of the 20th century that things started to happen, and this progress took off in the last 20 or so years. Loyal collaboration be-tween

När domstolen blundar för våldet - En genusrättsvetenskaplig diskursanalys av konstruktionen av kön i mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge där fäder brukat våld mot mödrar

Arbetet utgör en analys av vilka föreställningar om kön som skapas och åter-skapas i mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge där fäder brukat våld mot mödrar. En utgångspunkt i arbetet är att våldet förstås utifrån könskategorier, eftersom det främst är fäder som är våldsutövare och mödrar som är våldsut-satta. Arbetet antar ett feministiskt och socialkonstruktionistiskt angreppssätt, vilket innebär atThis essay constitutes an analysis of which ideas about gender that are being produced and reproduced in custody, residence and contact cases, where fa-thers have been violent towards mothers. The essay is based on the under-standing that violence is connected to categories of gender, since perpetrators primarily constitutes of fathers while mothers are usually the victims of vio-lence. The essay

Barnfridsbrottets påverkan på domstolens bedömningar i vårdnad, boende och umgängesfrågor

I Sverige har ungefär vart tionde barn någon gång blivit utsatt för att bevittna våld mellan sina föräldrar. Våld i nära relationer och barns bevittnande av familjevåld utgör således ett samhällsproblem. Den 1 juli 2021 infördes en ny straffbestämmelse om barnfridsbrott i 4 kap. 3 § BrB. Barnfridsbrottet innebär att det numera är straffbart att utsätta ett barn för att bevittna våld eller andra övIn Sweden, approximately one in ten children has at some point been exposed to witnessing violence between their parents. Domestic violence and children´s witnessing of such can thus be said to constitute a social problem. On July 1, 2021, a new penalty provision of violation of a child´s integrity was introduced into Chapter 4. Section 3. Of the Swedish Criminal Code. The crime means that it is n

Barns åsikter i frågor om vårdnad, boende och umgänge

År 2021 reformerades lagstiftningen gällande barns rätt att komma till tals i frågor om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. I 6 kap. föräldrabalken tillkom 2 b § som stadgar att barnet ska få information och ges möjlighet att framföra sina åsikter i frågor om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Barnets åsikter ska tillmätas betydelse i förhållande till barnets ålder och mognad. Detta är den rättsliga utgångspunIn 2021, the legislation regarding children’s right to be heard in matters of custody, residence and visitation was reformed. In chapter 6 of the Children and Parents Code, section 2 b was added which stipulates that the child must receive information and be given the opportunity to express their opinions in matters of custody, residence and visitation. The child’s opinions must be given importanc

En fasad av neutralitet? - En neutralitetsstudie av fåmansföretagens effekt på svensk beskattning

För att förstå skatterättens effekt på det svenska samhället krävs kontinuerlig utredning och utvärdering av regleringarna. Med anledning av detta undersöks i denna uppsats fåmansföretagsbeskattnings effekt på samhället utifrån ett neutralitetsperspektiv. Genom en fördjupad analys klargörs hur neutrala fåmansföretagsbeskattningens regleringar kan anses vara vid val av associationsform. Med dennTo understand the effect of tax law on the Swedish society, continuous investigation and evaluation of regulations is required. With this in mind, this thesis investigates the effect of close company taxation on society from a neutrality perspective. Through a deep analysis, it becomes clear how neutral the regulations for close company taxation are when choosing the form of association. Based on

Sudden cardiac death in synucleinopathies

The purpose of this study was to investigate the cause of death in subjects with α-synucleinopathies (ASs) and the confirmed presence of cardiac α-synuclein (α-syn), compared to non-AS disorders in a neuropathologically confirmed cohort. In total, 78 neuropathologically confirmed AS cases positive for cardiac α-syn were included in the study. Individuals with other neurocognitive diseases, having

Skillnader och likheter i radikaliseringsprocessen mellan islamistterrorism och högerterrorism. En empirisk studie.

Denna studie ämnade att undersöka skillnader och likheter i radikaliseringsprocessen mellan islamistterrorism och högerterrorism genom att använda sekundärdata från databasen Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (PIRUS). Vid en undersökning av tidigare forskning uppmärksammandes en skillnad i radikaliseringprocessen mellan islamistterrorism och högerterrorism, men det föreligIn this study, I intended to examine differences and similarities in the radicalization process between Islamic terrorism and right-wing terrorism by using secondary data from the Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (PIRUS) database. A review of previous research noted a difference in the radicalization process between Islamist terrorism and right-wing terrorism, however the

Medias framställning av fenomenet icke-medborgare i Sverige innan valet 2022. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av representationer av icke-medborgare och sociala problem

News reports about people being expelled from Sweden, even though they have lived in the country for several years, raise questions such as when a person can be seen as a member of the Swedish community. Even though they in some ways can be seen as a part of the community and being integrated, there seems to be more than just fulfilling some of the criteria that are often talked about in regard to

Identification of monogenic variants in more than ten per cent of children without type 1 diabetes-related autoantibodies at diagnosis in the Finnish Pediatric Diabetes Register

Aims/hypothesis: Monogenic forms of diabetes (MODY, neonatal diabetes mellitus and syndromic forms) are rare, and affected individuals may be misclassified and treated suboptimally. The prevalence of type 1 diabetes is high in Finnish children but systematic screening for monogenic diabetes has not been conducted. We assessed the prevalence and clinical manifestations of monogenic diabetes in chil

Decision analytic approach for the reclassification of concrete bridges by using elastic limit information from proof loading

Reclassification of bridges, i.e., a change in load rating, using reliability-based methods and a direct update with proof load information has been presented by many authors. However, bridge reclassification has hardly been studied from a decision analytic perspective, i.e., with quantification of the risks and benefits of different classification choices, and the expected benefit gain from proof

Estimated glomerular filtration rates are higher when creatinine-based equations are compared with a cystatin C-based equation in coronavirus disease 2019

Objectives: Estimations of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) are based on analyses of creatinine and cystatin C, respectively. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) often have acute kidney injury (AKI) and are at increased risk of drug-induced kidney injury. The aim of this study was to compare creatinine-based eGFR equations to cystatin C-based eGFR in ICU

Lärande på arbetsplatsen

Denna studie undersöker betydelsen av lärande på arbetsplatsen och vad medarbetarna anser är viktigt att lära sig på arbetsplatsen för att utvecklas i sina färdigheter. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa och öka förståelsen för lärande på arbetsplatser, vilket görs genom att undersöka vad medarbetare upplever stödjer eller hindrar deras lärande på sin arbetsplats. Mitt underlag bygger på en kvaThis study examines the importance of learning in the workplace and what employees believe is key to master so that they can improve their skills. This will improve our understanding of the workplace´s learning process and as a result, enhance its efficiency. In addition to that, the study will also investigate what employees feel supports or hinder their learning at the workplace. The study is ba

Självbestämmande kontra barnets bästa inom lagen för stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade

In 1994, a new law called “Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade” or abbreviated as LSS was admitted by the Swedish government, the law was aimed to increase the social rights of people with certain disabilities. The aim of this study was to explore how these rights were understood and implemented by supportive assistants working with children. The two main aspects we looked into

Social inequalities in famine mortality in the manorial system of the tsarist Russian province of Livland in the mid-1840s

By relying on longitudinal data on two rural parishes in the Russian Baltic province of Livland, the article analyses two questions concerning famine's short-run effects on mortality in a manorial system: (1) whether there is evidence of a social gradient in mortality during the famine of 1844–6 and (2) whether the manors could protect the peasants against the hardships. The analysis reveals that

Mechanisms underlying metabolic alterations in Huntington's disease. Beyond the brain and back.

Huntington’s disease is caused by a mutation in the gene that codes for the protein huntingtin (HTT). A therapeutic strategy for Huntington’s disease is to lower the levels of huntingtin in the brain. However, multiple clinical trials have been stopped due to adverse effects. This indicates that there is still a lot that we do not understand about huntingtin. Similarly to other neurodegenerative d

Metabolically (un)healthy obesity and risk of obesity-related cancers : a pooled study

BACKGROUND: Studies of obesity with or without metabolic aberrations, commonly termed metabolically unhealthy or healthy obesity, in relation to cancer risk are scarce.METHODS: We investigated body mass index (BMI, normal weight/overweight/obesity) jointly and in interaction with metabolic health status in relation to obesity-related cancer risk (n = 23,630) among 797,193 European individuals. A m

An Approximate Near Data Processing Accelerator for a CNN in a RISC-V Platform

In the recent years the world of electronics has faced the fact that Moore's law and Dennard scaling do not describe the progress of performance and integration of integrated circuits anymore. Alongside the costs of reducing the physical dimensions of the transistors another problem that is faced by the current technology is the limited power efficiency and memory bandwidth that results from a

"En helt annan upplevelse" : Ljudbokens band till sina läsare

Audiobooks have in recent years become widely popular. The format accordingly impacts how many contemporary readers use and experience literature. The article examines this tendency, departing from Rita Felski’s theoretical conceptualizations of uses of literature (Felski 2008). Felski represents a new attention within literary studies toward the ways in which so-called lay readers use, experience