Faustrecht der Freiheit
Short Essay on RW Fassbinder's Faustrecht der Freiheit (1975)
Short Essay on RW Fassbinder's Faustrecht der Freiheit (1975)
Would slightly better performance be significantly more valuable from a market perspective? Would significantly better performance be just slightly more expensive to implement? When dealing with quality requirements, we often end up in a difficult trade-off analysis. Aspects such as release targets, end-user experience, and business opportunities must be taken into consideration. But when is the q
Polisforskare talar idag om ”den utökade polisfamiljen”. Den traditionella polisen kompletteras av kommunala, privata och frivilliga organisationer eller grupperingar. Samtidigt står etniska minoriteter alltmer i centrum för samhällets kontrollapparat. Etnicitet har blivit en delikat fråga för myndigheter. Den här antologin uppmärksammar skärningspunkten mellan dessa två processer. På vilka sätt
Pronunciation, morphology and syntax of modern Swedish.
Antibody-based microarrays have emerged as an established proteomic technology allowing multiplexed and sensitive profiling of complex proteomes, in a high-throughput and miniaturized manner. Recently, numerous applicative efforts have been pursued generating disease-associated protein signatures that now could be further explored for improved disease diagnostics, prognostics and classification.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid diabetes råder en oförmåga att hålla nere blodsockret, i synnerhet efter en måltid. Under normala förhållanden orsakar en höjning av blodsockret att insulinfrisättningen stimuleras. Insulin ökar upptaget av glukos i vävnaderna i kroppen, vilket sänker blodsockret. Under vissa förhållanden, såsom fetma, minskar effekten av insulin, ett fenomen som även kallas insulinThe parasympathetic nerves are important for the regulation of insulin secretion, in particular after meal intake. Apart from acetylcholine, several neuropeptides can be found in the parasympathetic nerves innervating the islets of Langerhans, including gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP). Exogenous administration of either GRP or PACAP ha
Christianity has markedly patriarchal traits, and by tradition men have played the dominant role in the affairs of all churches. Men ran the churches, and the clergy long remained exclusively male, but at the parochial level women began to dominate more and more. In middle-class, liberal, anti-clerical, and socialist circles, the exercise of religion became identified as a female concern. But was
We demonstrate control of the electron number down to the last electron in tunable few-electron quantum dots defined in catalytically grown InAs nanowires. Using low temperature transport spectroscopy in the Coulomb blockade regime, we propose a method to directly determine the magnitude of the spin-orbit interaction in a two-electron artificial atom with strong spin-orbit coupling. Because of a l
The fire safety of a performance-based design is often evaluated using deterministic analysis. In deterministic analysis, a number of representative fire scenarios, the design fire scenarios, are described and analysed. A quantitative description of the assumed fire characteristics for each fire scenario must then be made. These assumed fire characteristics are referred to as the design fire, i.e.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Fylogeografiska analyser omfattar studier av släktskap mellan geografiskt skilda individer och populationer i en art. Målsättningen är att hitta genetiska spår av storskaliga biogeografiska händelser och historiska evolutionära processer. Min avhandling inbegriper fylogeografiska studier av mellansork (Microtus oeconomus), vars utbredningsområde omfattar stora delar av The root vole (Microtus oeconomus) is a rodent with Holarctic distribution. In fact, it is the only Microtus vole found in both Eurasia and North America. Phylogeographic analyses of the root vole from across its distribution range were performed using mitochondrial and Y chromosome DNA sequences. Mitochondrial cytochrome b gene data demonstrate that the root vole is divided into four geographical