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Optical Diagnostics of Laser-Induced and Spark Plug-Assisted Hcci Combustion

HCCI (Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition), laser-assisted HCCI and spark plug-assisted HCCI combustion was studied experimentally in a modified single cylinder truck-size Scania D12 engine equipped with a quartz liner and quartz piston crown for optical access. The aim of this study was to find out how and to what extent the spark, generated to influence or even trigger the onset of ignition,

Studies of the Effects of Industrial Processing on Fruit

Popular Abstract in Swedish Industriell produktion av bärkonserver innefattar flera enhetsoperationer, vilka alla påverkar sensoriska så väl som näringsmässiga kvaliteter hos produkten. Upptiningen är ett speciellt kritiskt steg eftersom förändringar i både kemisk sammansättning och textur sker. Upptining av jordgubbar i designade lösningar visade att bärens fasthet såväl som viktsförlusterna gickThe industrial production of preserves includes several unit operations which all affects sensorial properties as well as the nutritional value of the final product. Thawing is a crucial unit operation, since then both chemical and physical changes take place. Thawing strawberries in selected aqueous media could gave both firmer strawberries and smaller weight loss than if air was used as the tha

Contrast-enhanced MRI and synovial fluid molecule markers, new means to monitor joint diseases.

Emerging knowledge of cartilage metabolism and structure has stimulated efforts to develop new cartilage-monitoring techniques in health and disease. This article gives an overview of cartilage matrix structure, cartilage metabolism, and significant exogenous factors to show how such knowledge can guide the development of new means to monitor cartilage. Delayed contrast enhanced MRI of cartilage

Training Regions Research Centre Strategic Plan 2011-2013

Our world is changing and cities and regions are increasingly understood not only as places, but also as vital hubs in national and global networks, through which people, capital, goods and services flow to ensure the functioning of society, as we know it. People and capital are increasingly concentrated in these hubs, which aside of positive effects on efficiency also is associated with challenge

Origins and resolutions in Financial Crises; A Policy Dilemma

The latest insights on financial contagion and how both nations and investors can effectively deal with it The domino-style structure in which the financial system exists is a perilous one. Although historically, the financial system has been able to deal with major shocks, the fact remains that our financial system is not as secure as it should be. Recent years have brought about too many exam

Iterative Optimal Control of Liquid Slosh in an Industrial Packaging Machine

Presents an iterative approach to optimal control when modeling errors are present. The problem considered is movement of open containers containing liquid in an industrial packaging machine. The goal is to move as fast as possible without too much slosh. There is no measurement of the slosh available in the machine, therefore open loop control via the acceleration reference is the only possibilit

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Abstract in Danish Da Fukushima-katastrofen ramte Japan i dagene efter d. 11. marts 2011, forbløffede det medier i resten af verden, hvordan de japanske massemedier valgte at dække den meget alvorlige og eskalerende begivenhed. Mens vestlige nyhedsmedier efterspurgte større åbenhed og mere substans i de sparsomme informationer, de japanske myndigheder og TEPCO offentliggjorde, virkede de japanske