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Cities and climate change – examining advantages and challenges of urban climate change experiments
This paper contributes to the literature on urban climate change experiments by analysing ascribed advantages and challenges of organizing climate change experiments at the urban scale, and by examining how local actions translate into effect. We here distinguish between effects of experiments in achieving actual sustainability gains (‘goal-oriented objectives’) and instigating broader institution
Tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning : Ett ramverk
Tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning (TSL) är en samling metoder som syftar till att öka kvaliteten i offentligt finansierade tjänster genom att öka tilliten till brukare och brukarmötande yrkesgrupper. Dessa metoder har utvecklats som svar på en växande kritik mot utvecklingen i den offentligt finansierade välfärdssektorn under senare år, bland annat en växande administrativ börda, stelbenta struk
Offentlig sektor med känsla för det mänskliga
Rädda för risker : statsförvaltningen dignar under höga ambitioner och krav ; det riskerar att leda till ängslighet och slutna nätverk
Biological remains
Recension av Daniel Nyström, Innan forskningen blev radikal. En historiografisk studie av arbetarhistoria och kvinnohistoria, 2015
Robot-assisted myomectomy
Uterine fibroids are the most common tumors of the uterus and the female pelvis and are associated with substantial morbidity for several women. In women with a wish to preserve fertility, a myomectomy is the surgical procedure of choice when medical therapy is inadequate. Despite evidence that minimally invasive surgery is preferable to laparotomy, most myomectomies are still performed by laparot
Intratumoural leukocyte infiltration is a prognostic indicator among pancreatic cancer patients with type 2 diabetes
Background: The life expectancy of pancreatic cancer patients remains minimal. The disease progression may be influenced by type 2 diabetes (T2D) and inflammatory status, although important gaps persist around their joint effects on disease outcome. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical significance of the tumour immune microenvironment on pancreatic cancer prognosis in relation to
Gaze-assisted remote communication between teacher and students
Use of Antipsychotic Drugs by Elderly Primary Care Patients and the Effects of Medication Reviews: A Cross-Sectional Study in Sweden
Background Antipsychotics form a class of drugs that should be used with caution among elderly people because of a high risk of adverse events. Despite the risks and modest effects, their use is estimated to be high, especially in nursing homes. Objective The aim was to explore the effects of medication reviews on antipsychotic drug use for elderly primary care patients and describe the extent of,
Prevention in the elderly: A necessary priority for general practitioners
Prevention is viewed as a key issue for general practice, yet there is a lack of evidence regarding general practitioners’ interventions in both middle-aged and elderly people. This is despite the fact that recommendations and key indicators for monitoring the use of clinical preventive strategies aimed at these groups are available and that both the World Health Organization and European Commissi
Remissyttrande: Omedelbart omhändertagande av barn och unga i vissa internationella situationer (Ds 2017:49)
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Mature murine megakaryocytes present antigen-MHC class I molecules to T cells and transfer them to platelets
Megakaryocytes (MKs) are bone marrow-derived cells that are primarily responsible for generating platelets for the maintenance of hemostasis. Although MK can variably express major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II molecules during their differentiation, little is known whether they can elicit nonhemostatic immune functions such as T-cell activation. Here, we demonstrate that mature
Health Communication : An in-depth analysis of research literature in Health communication, 2010-2016
Patients’ access to digital medical records and the struggle for professional power in the media
Do audit firm and audit costs/fees influence earnings management in Swedish municipalities?
Previous research on the private sector shows that auditors and auditing firms are important actors in ensuring high-quality reporting based on accrual accounting. The aim of this study is to explore whether audit firms and audit costs/fees influence municipalities’ probability of applying earnings management in their annual accounts. The empirical data, which covered the financial years 2011–13,