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Användningsgraden av WHO:s kirurgiska checklista ur ett anestesisjuksköterskeperspektiv

År 2007 utarbetade världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) en checklista i syfte att öka patientsäkerheten inom kirurgi. WHO:s kirurgiska checklista implementeras i Sverige. Syftet: Att undersöka anestesisjuksköterskans användande av WHO:s kirurgiska checklista på Skånes universitetssjukhus (SUS). Metod: En kvantitativ studie genomfördes med enkät till anestesisjuksköterskorna på SUS. Resultat: Anestesis

Applying the Black-Litterman Model on the Swedish Stock Market

This thesis investigates the applicability of the Black-Litterman portfolio allocation model on the Swedish stock market for the time period January 2008 to April 2012 and aims to bring clarity to the implementation process of the model. We also implement a new estimation approach for the confidence in analyst views. The portfolio of 36 companies used in the research was selected in order to bench

Den övertygande skönlitteraturen

Syftet med den här undersökningen var att med hjälp av Stig Dagermans novell Att döda ett barn undersöka hur en skönlitterär berättelse kan fungera retoriskt. Novellen användes 1948 i en trafikkampanj som NTF stod bakom. Undersökningen skulle göras genom att analysera hur Dagerman har använt sig av retoriska grepp, samt hur han och NTF förhållit sig till den retoriska situationen och vad detta kan

Intergenerational bahviour with regards to Risk, Fairness and the Formation of Social Norms: An Experimental Approach

Climate change is one of the most important global issues of our time. It does not only have implications on the present population but also on future generations for a long time to come. With this in mind, it is essential to understand how people act in an intergenerational setting. This thesis focuses on three aspects; risk, fairness, and indirect reciprocity together with the formation of socia

Den hegemoniska kvinnligheten - om dominerande diskurser i kvinnomagasinet amelia

The main purpose of this study was to examine how femininity is constructed in Swedish women’s magazines. The purpose was also to study whether there was a hegemonic discourse in the magazine. This presumes that femininity is a social construction, which is why the study was based on a social constructionist perspective and it´s method was discourse analysis. More specifically the essay investigat

Truth and Metaphor - A presentation and discussion of two theories on how metaphors can be true

Metaphor is the most commonly discussed form of figurative language, and can most simply be presented as statements describing one thing as another. This paper is concerned with the issue of in what sense a metaphor can be said to be true. It outlines the main features of two different theories of metaphor: Donald Davidson’s account of metaphor as presented in the article ”What metaphors mean” (19

Beslutsstödssystem - Tillförlitligheten till beslutsstödssystem vid statiskt beslutsfattande

Beslutsfattande utgör en stor del av vardagen för ledare och chefer i organisationer. Eftersom informationsmängden ständigt ökar väljer många att implementera beslutsstödssystem, vilket är datoriserade system som hjälper till att sortera ut och presentera relevant information för beslutsfattaren i den ständigt växande informationsmängden. Statiska beslut förutsätter att all information ska finnas

Fitch's paradox: Two attempts to rescue Tennant's proposal from the threat of ad hocness

Fitch's paradox is problematic to any philosopher that claims the truth to be independent of us. Neil Tennant has proposed a solution to this paradox, which has been criticized in many ways. One is that the proposal is ad hoc. In this thesis I will examine two attempts to save the proposal from that criticism. First, Tennant himself has suggested that there is a general pattern for thesis rest

”Jag kan tycka att man ska ha mer eller ja…” Biståndshandläggares bedömning av en skälig levnadsnivå inom äldreomsorgen

The aim of this study was to examine how assessment officers for the elderly were interpreting the concept of a “reasonable standard of living”. Which is described in a certain paragraph in the Swedish social services act (SoL) in assessing the application. We held qualitative interviews with various assistance officers in the south of Sweden where they gave us their view on the meaning of “reason

Stuck in the door? A study of temporary agency work as an entry point to the labor market

This thesis is a critical examination of the notion of an entry point to the labor market through a temporary work agency. By exploring the experience, content and consequences of temporary agency work I have investigated how power relations within the contemporary work life are articulated. Temporary agency work is portrayed as a labor market entry point for groups in risk of exclusion, such as i

Internetbaserade bedrägerier

Internetbaserade bedrägerier har funnits väldigt länge och är trots detta än idag 2012 ett väldigt vanligt förekommande fenomen. I vår uppsats valde vi därför titta på anledningar till att privatpersoner, som är över 18 år gamla, blir lurade av dessa bedrägerier. Vi arbetade således utifrån forskningsfrågan ”Vilka attityder och förhållningssätt har privatpersoner gentemot internetbaserade bedräger

”Är detta en bild som jag skulle kunna sätta upp på mitt kylskåp?”

Barnpornografilagstiftningen är mycket uppmärksammad medialt men också vetenskapligt. Ett av lagens syften är att skydda barn, en grupp som allmänt sett anses vara försvarslös. Polisen beslagtog 2009 ett stort antal mangabilder hemma hos en erkänd svensk serieöversättare av mangalitteratur. Översättaren åtalades för barnpornografibrott och dömdes 2010 i Uppsala tingsrätt. Efter fällande dom i hovr

Best living neighbourhood in the city : a GIS based multi criteria evaluation of ArRiyadh City

Popular science ArRiyadh, the capital city of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. During the last decade the population of the city has been increased to five million due to heavy migration towards the city. Due to this population pressure, the living conditions in the different neighborhoods of the city are different. The residents in any city are mainly

En analys av heterosexuella pars åldersskillnader

Författare: Gustav Kallin Titel: En analys av heterosexuella pars åldersskillnader Masteruppsats SOCM02, 30 hp Handledare: Johanna Esseveld Sociologiska institutionen, vårterminen 2012 Syfte: Ändamålet med denna uppsats är att undersöka tesen om heterosexuella parrelationers åldersförhållanden rimligen kan tänkas problematiseras utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Detta är något som analyseras genom en

Digital Citizenship

Det finns önskemål från kommunens sida att öka det kommunala engagemanget hos medborgare i allmänhet och hos yngre medborgare i synnerhet. Detta kan vara allt från att engagera sig i upprättandet av en staty, till att anmäla en nedbrunnen grillplats. Datakonsultföretaget Abou AB har i samråd med vissa kommuner kommit fram till att en mobil applikation kan vara en möjlig kanal när det kommer till aThere is a desire by the municipalities to increase local involvement of citizens in general and of young citizens in particular. Computer consultancy firm Abou AB, in consultation with some of the municipalities, has concluded that a mobile application can be a possible channel when it comes to increasing the municipal engagement. Examples may be ranging from engagement in the question of whether

Digitalt medborgarskap - Mobila applicationer för ökat medbestämmande i samhället

Det finns önskemål från kommunens sida att öka det kommunala engagemanget hos medborgare i allmänhet och hos yngre medborgare i synnerhet. Detta kan vara allt från att engagera sig i upprättandet av en staty, till att anmäla en nedbrunnen grillplats. Datakonsultföretaget Abou AB har i samråd med vissa kommuner kommit fram till att en mobil applikation kan vara en möjlig kanal när det kommer till aProblem There is a desire by the municipalities to increase local involvement of citizens in general and of young citizens in particular. Computer consultancy firm Abou AB, in consultation with some of the municipalities, has concluded that a mobile application can be a possible channel when it comes to increasing the municipal engagement. Examples may be ranging from engagement in the question o

Image enhancement in Smoky Conditions

This report investigates the improvement in visibility using digital image enhancement. Colored posters were filmed inside a room filled with smoke using two different cameras. Pictures taken from the video feed were then processed with an image enhancement algorithm and put into a presentation together with the unenhanced pictures. The presentation was then shown to a group of volunteers who were

Innovation processes in retailing: A way to green food retail?

The retailing sector plays an important role in sustainable development and climate change. The grocery retailer serves as an intermediary between suppliers and consumers, and is thus in direct contact on a daily basis with consumers. This gives all stakeholders unique position from which to influence each other, i.e. on the production and consumption part of products, but also on in-store activit

Meditators’ and Non-meditators’ Sustained Attention During a Signal Detection Task: Do They Differ?

This study investigated whether meditators and non-meditators differed on the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART). We hypothesized that the meditators would perform better than the non-meditators (fewer commission errors and faster Reaction Time (RT)) and report fewer interfering thoughts. The meditators (n = 15) and non-meditators (n = 19) filled out the Dundee Stress State Questionare (D

Microalgae biofuels: some potential - many reservations

Achieving climate policy goals and addressing the challenges of energy security requires very significant efforts from many private and public actors to bring immature technologies to competitiveness. Algae-based biofuel production is an emerging industrial sector that has great promise with regards to many sustainability aspects but faces many challenges in order to attain any meaningful market p