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Förtjänstens förvandlingar : Carl Gustaf Leopold mellan intimpanegyrik och akademisk didaktik
Sustainability in Healthcare Organizations
Electrons, holes, and the hall effect in amorphous silicon
The double sign anomaly in hydrogenated amorphous silicon, observed by LeComber [1] in 1977, has remained puzzling ever since. Recently we attacked this problem from two different directions using the equation-of-motion method. Calculations reproduce the double sign anomaly and were rationalised in terms of the behaviour of the spectral function. In a new type of calculation the motion of a
Den lydige medborgaren : Recension av B R Brown "Planck. Driven by Vision, Broken by War"
The Effect of Illustration on Improving Text Comprehension in Dyslexic Adults
This study analyses the effect of pictures in reading materials on the viewing patterns of dyslexic adults. By analysing viewing patterns using eye-tracking, we captured differences in eye movements between young adults with dyslexia and controls based on the influence of reading skill as a continuous variable of the total sample. Both types of participants were assigned randomly to view either te
Green packaging development in theory and practice
In the light of the environmental challenges society is facing it is important thatboth products and their packaging systems are optimised from an environmental perspective. Previous research highlights that environmental optimisation of packaging requires an integrated assessment of product and packaging together.Theory on green packaging development (GPD) is comprehensive and there areexamples o
Transportation of Dangerous Goods: A Multiple Stakeholder Analysis for Improved Efficiency and Safety through Information Sharing
PurposeThe purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of multiple stakeholders’ needs, benefits and challenges, with a focus on information sharing, to improve efficiency and safety in the transportation of dangerous goods by road, rail, and sea.Design/methodology/approachInspired by grounded theory, this study is based on 21 semi-structured interviews with stakeholders representing au
On parameters testing of an innovative mortar made of rice husk to be used for housing walls
During the design and construction of house walls, certain factors such as building materials and external climatic conditions, which are essentials and influence in human comfort, are generally ignored. The rice husk is one of the most common organic wastes generated around the word, and in Ecuador this is not an exception. The aim of this work is to study the feasibility of using a mortar which
Familial Transmission of Hospital-Treated Varicose Veins in Adoptees : A Swedish Family Study
Background: Varicose veins (VVs) cluster in families, but the familial risk of VVs has not been determined among adoptees. The aim was to estimate whether the familial transmission of VVs is related to disease in biological and/or adoptive parents. Study Design: The Swedish Multi-Generation Register and the Swedish Patient Register were used to follow all Swedish-born adoptees (born 1932 through 2
Kirurgi vid obotlig kolorektal cancer kan ge förhöjd livskvalitet
20 procent av patienterna som diagnostiseras med kolorektal cancer har metastaser vid diagnos och prognosen är bister, med en femårsöverlevnad på ca 10 procent. Kring 40–70 procent har därtill symtom av sin primärtumör vid diagnos. Kirurgi brukar reserveras för patienter med försämrad livskvalitet på grund av symtom som anemi och ileus eftersom kirurgi innebär risk för komplikationer och död. Pati
À la mode : Mode mellan konst, kultur och kommers
The effect of uncertainty in a fuzzy Input-Output analysis of water consumption applied to Macedonia
This paper reconsiders the reliability of the results obtained by Hristov et al. (2012) from the input-output analysis of water consumption, by taking into account the effect of uncertainty inherent in the data. The imprecision and uncertainty is studied within a workable fuzzy environment as introduced byBeynon et al. (2005), where rank reversal is plausible. In addition, the water-intensive stru
Passivt jordbruk: inlåsning av mark eller bevarande av öppna landskap?
Blind verifiering av beräkningsverktyget WUFI i ventilerade takkonstruktioner
Modern Apprenticeship and Teknikcollege : Historical Roots of Two Current Features of Swedish Vocational Education
Vi tror vi vet : Recension av R L Numbers & K Kampourakis "Newton's Apple and Other Myths about Science"
Allt vi inte vet : Recension av H Novotny "The Cunning of Uncertainty"
Implementation of Low-latency Signal Processing and Data Shuffling for TDD massive MIMO Systems
Low latency signal processing and high throughput implementations are required in order to realize real-time TDD massive MIMO communications, especially in high mobility scenarios. One of the main challenges is that the up-link and down-link turnaround time has to be within the coherence time of the wireless channel to enable efficient use of reciprocity. This paper presents a hardware architectur
Agricultural land use affects abundance and dispersal tendency of predatory arthropods
Predatory arthropods contribute to biological control, but to become an integral part of agricultural management, it is essential to identify drivers of their spatio-temporal distribution at the landscape scale. This study focuses on how agricultural land use affects the community composition, emergence and dispersal tendency of predatory arthropods. The arthropods were collected in emergence trap