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Augmentation Strategies for Self-Supervised Representation Learning from Electrocardiograms

In this paper, we investigate the effects of different augmentation strategies in self-supervised representation learning from electrocardiograms. Our study examines the impact of random resized crop and time out on downstream performance. We also consider the importance of the signal length. Furthermore, instead of using two augmented copies of the sample as a positive pair, we suggest augmenting

Credible and knowledgeable Enforcers

In many of Sweden’s major cities, the majority of apartments in the suburbs are managed and owned by municipality-owned public housing companies. A number of these suburbs are defined by the National Operations Branch (NOA) of the Swedish Police as vulnerable or particularly vulnerable. These definitions are based on the level of influence of criminal behavior within the areas. This study aims to

Superconductivity in monolayer and few-layer graphene. II. Topological edge states and Chern numbers

We study the emergence of electronic edge states in superconducting monolayer, bilayer, and trilayer graphene for both spin-singlet and spin-triplet superconducting order parameters. We focus mostly on the gapped chiral p+ip′- and d+id′-wave superconducting states that show a nonzero Chern number and a corresponding number of edge states. For the p+ip′-wave state, we observe a rich phase diagra

Conflicts of Interest in the Assessment of Chemicals, Waste, and Pollution

Pollution by chemicals and waste impacts human and ecosystem health on regional, national, and global scales, resulting, together with climate change and biodiversity loss, in a triple planetary crisis. Consequently, in 2022, countries agreed to establish an intergovernmental science-policy panel (SPP) on chemicals, waste, and pollution prevention, complementary to the existing intergovernmental s

Networks of Interlocking Leaders: Exploring the Links and Identifying the Elites in four European countries

This chapter aims at analysing the inter-organisational networks emerging from interlocking leaders among the most resourceful, national-level civil society organisations (CSOs) in four European countries. By comparing four different country contexts, we analyse differences in the characteristics of networks, find different mechanisms that seem to structure organisational links across the cases, a

Plasma tumour necrosis factor-alpha-related proteins in prognosis of heart failure with pulmonary hypertension

Aims: Patients with heart failure (HF) exhibit poor prognosis, which is further deteriorated by pulmonary hypertension (PH), with negative impact on morbidity and mortality. As PH due to left HF (LHF-PH) is among the most common causes of PH, there is an urge according to the 2021 European Society of Cardiology HF guidelines to find new biomarkers that aid in prognostication of this patient cohort

Incorporating history and deviations in forward–backward splitting

We propose a variation of the forward–backward splitting method for solving structured monotone inclusions. Our method integrates past iterates and two deviation vectors into the update equations. These deviation vectors bring flexibility to the algorithm and can be chosen arbitrarily as long as they together satisfy a norm condition. We present special cases where the deviation vectors, selected

Interface reduction technique for Enhanced Craig-Bampton method

Substructure coupling and model order reduction using Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) have, over recent years, gained considerable attention in the vibroacoustic analysis of complex structures. In the CMS methodology, the interior dynamics of each subcomponent in a substructured system are represented by a truncated set of normal modes within the lower frequency range, while all physical degrees of

Att ständigt vara tillgänglig - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om ungas uppfattning kring hur användandet av mobiler påverkar relationerna i en familj

Mobile devices have expanded and increased flexibility in communication, but at the same time, they can disrupt presence and create distance and isolation between people. With the help of a qualitative interview study, the purpose of this study is to examine how mobile devices can impact communication and relationships within a family in various ways, based on the perspectives and experiences of y

Grain-level mechanism of plastic deformation in harmonic structure materials revealed by high resolution X-ray diffraction

Materials with heterogeneous microstructures have been reported to have an attractive combination of strength and ductility. This is attributed to synergistic strengthening effects from the difference in strength of fine- and coarse-grained regions. Understanding the interaction of the regions is crucial for further optimization of the microstructures. In this work, we fabricated nickel of harmoni

50 Years of quantum chromodynamics : Introduction and Review

Quantum Chromodynamics, the theory of quarks and gluons, whose interactions can be described by a local SU(3) gauge symmetry with charges called “color quantum numbers”, is reviewed; the goal of this review is to provide advanced Ph.D. students a comprehensive handbook, helpful for their research. When QCD was “discovered” 50 years ago, the idea that quarks could exist, but not be observed, left m

Att vara klient i socialtjänsten - en studie om upplevt erkännande från ett brukarperspektiv

In this essay, we have attempted to gain a better understanding of client's feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction about contact with their social workers in social service and economic assistance. We wanted to gain understanding, through the lens of the theory of recognition and judgment, how individuals who receive economic assistance experience the contact in terms of satisfaction or d

Klipp och klistra i kommersialiseringens spår : om förekomsten av rewrites och byråmaterial i den digitala journalistiken

This thesis explores the effects of digitalization and commercialization within the field of journalism. As the media landscape undergoes a transformative phase, driven by rapid technological advancements and increased commercial imperatives, this study aims to unravel the complexities of how these forces shape journalistic practices. More specifically it seeks to provide a nuanced understanding o

Riskerar svenska löner att vara oskäliga? - En analys av svensk lönebildning och begreppet skälig lön

EU:s direktiv om tillräckliga minimilöner har mötts av blandad kritik samt oro på den svenska arbetsmarknaden, och anses vara ett hot mot den svenska modellen. Med hänsyn till motståndet är det relevant att utforska vilken påverkan direktivet kan komma att ha på den svenska lönebildningen samt att utreda vilken betydelse direktivet kan få för tolkningen av begreppet skälig lön. Även regeringens hö

När spricker glastaket? En arbetsrättslig studie om positiv särbehandling och könsfördelningen på arbetsmarknadens maktpositioner

Sverige är känt som ett av världens mest jämställda länder och andelen kvinnor på arbetsmarknaden är bland de högsta i världen. Trots detta finns det fortfarande stora orättvisor när det gäller fördelningen bland maktpositioner på arbetsmarknaden. Män besitter fler och mer inflytelserika chefspositioner än vad kvinnor gör. Både EU och Sverige har länge arbetat för att jämna ut könsfördelningen på