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Popular Abstract in Swedish Den dansk-svenske forfatter Gustaf Munch-Petersen (1912-1938) betragtes som en af portalskikkelserne i den danske lyriske modernisme. Han døde 26 år gammel som frivillig i den spanske borgerkrig, en konflikt, vi i dag ofte betragter som en del af optakten til anden verdenskrig. Dette tidlige endeligt gjorde ham til en af skandinavisk litteraturs ”unge døde”. Men det er The Danish-Swedish writer Gustaf Munch-Petersen (1912-1938) is considered one of the pioneers of Danish modernist poetry. His death at the age of 26 as a volunteer in the Spanish Civil War, a conflict that was later widely understood as a prelude to the Second World War, made him one of “the young dead” of Scandinavian literature. But this is only one among several pictures of him. Self and identi


This article argues for an intersectional multisolidarity with an anti-racist, queer and feminist agenda.

Statistical and Dynamical Aspects of Intermediate Energy Nuclear Collisions

Studies of intermediate energy heavy ion reactions have revealed the existence of a number of reducibility and thermal scaling properties in nuclear multifragmentation. In particular, the probability of emitting n-fragments is reducible to the probability of emitting a single fragment through the binomial distribution. The resulting one-fragment probability shows a dependence on the thermal energy

Explorations in Behavioral Economics: Realism, Ontology and Experiments

Popular Abstract in Swedish "Behavioral Economics" är ett område inom nationalekonomin där forskningsresultat från främst psykologin inhämtas vid analys av ekonomiska fenomen, även om andra samhällsvetenskaper såsom socialpsykologi och sociologi också givit bidrag. Följande avhandling och dess fyra uppsatser undersöker delar av "Behavioral Economics" med särskild betoning på realism, ontologi och This thesis explores Behavioral Economics in terms of realism, ontology and experiments. In the introductory chapter descriptions of "Behavioral Economics", "realism" and "ontology" are offered. In the following three chapters meta-theoretical analyses are performed, while the fifth and last chapter is a report of an experiment but with a meta-theoretical undertone. In Chapter 2 two recent survey

Human neutrophil peptide-1 inhibits both the classical and the lectin pathway of complement activation

Human neutrophil peptide-1 (HNP-1) is a member of the alpha-defensin family. Defensins are cationic antimicrobial peptides, which play an important role in the antimicrobial response to microorganisms. In addition, recent studies have revealed the involvement of defensins in inflammation, immunity and wound repair. Defensins are present in the azurophilic granules of neutrophils and are released u

Effect of washing on yield in one- and two-step steam pretreatment of softwood for production of ethanol

Two-step steam pretreatment of softwood on laboratory scale has previously been shown to result in higher yields than one-step steam pretreatment. In this study, these results are verified on a larger scale. In an industrial process filtration and washing of the material between the two pretreatment steps are difficult without release of pressure. A worst case without filtration or washing was thu

Perfusion-related parameters in intravoxel incoherent motion MR imaging compared with CBV and CBF measured by dynamic susceptibility-contrast MR technique

OBJECTIVE: Perfusion-related parameters obtained by intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MR imaging (MRI) were compared with cerebral blood volume and flow (CBV and CBF), retrieved by dynamic susceptibility-contrast (DSC) MRI. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-eight volunteers (average age 68.5 years) were investigated. Spin-echo echo-planar imaging with IVIM-encoding gradients was employed (36 differen

Income Taxation of Derivatives and other Financial Instruments – Economic Substance versus Legal Form, A study focusing on Swedish non-financial companies

Popular Abstract in Swedish From an economic viewpoint, derivatives and credit-extension instruments are the basic building blocks of all financial instruments. By structuring these building blocks in various combinations, it is possible to attain the economic substance of any conventional financial instrument – regular shares or bonds, as well as more complex financial instruments such as contingThe aim of this book is to examine the Swedish income tax treatment of derivatives, to ascertain the extent to which this treatment provides tax arbitrage opportunities, and to present possible solution that may prevent existing arbitrage opportunities. This study establishes that there are two types of financial instruments that constitute the greatest challenges regarding tax arbitrage opportuni

Obstructive jaundice results in increased liver expression of uncoupling protein 2 and intact skeletal muscle glucose metabolism in the rat

Background: A majority of patients with pancreatic cancer have obstructive jaundice and diabetes with skeletal muscle insulin resistance. Surgery for these patients is associated with significant morbidity. Uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) has been proposed to regulate energy expenditure and promote liver vulnerability. The effects of obstructive jaundice on muscle glucose metabolism and expression of

Immunization for atherosclerosis

This review summarizes experimental findings that highlight the complex roles of the immune system in atherogenesis. Immune activation can have either proatherogenic or atheroprotective effects. Immune-modulation therapy via an active or passive immunization strategy aims to exploit the atheroprotective aspects of the immune system to modulate atherosclerosis. Several experimental studies have dem

Novel PPAR gamma agonists GI 262570, GW 7845, GW 1929, and pioglitazone decrease calcium channel function and myogenic tone in rat mesenteric arteries

Novel non-thiazolidinedione, tyrosine-derived peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists, GI 262570, GW 7845, GW 1929, developed by Glaxo-Smith-Kline (GSK) along with pioglitazone and nisoldipine, were studied on currents through L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCC) in freshly isolated smooth muscle cells from mesenteric arteries, and on the diameter of pressurized mesen

Diagnosis and prognosis of breast and ovarian cancer--a population-based study of 234 women

The diagnosis and prognosis for 135 women with breast cancer and 99 women with ovarian cancer in a well-defined geographical area, and a follow-up of 7-15 years are described, based on patients' records. Diagnosis was initiated in primary care for 53% of women with breast cancer, and for 57% of women with ovarian cancer. Median patient delay was 1 week for breast cancer, and 3.5 weeks for ovarian

Osteoblast-like cells complete osteoclastic bone resorption and form new mineralized bone matrix in vitro

Bone remodeling involves old bone resorption by osteoclasts and new bone formation by osteoblasts. However, the precise cellular mechanisms underlying these consecutive events remain obscure. To address this question in vitro, we have established a cell culture model in which the resorption lacunae are first created by osteoclasts and osteoblast-like cells accomplish the subsequent bone formation.

Incidence of "quasi-ditags" in catalogs generated by Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE)

Background: Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) is a functional genomic technique that quantitatively analyzes the cellular transcriptome. The analysis of SAGE libraries relies on the identification of ditags from sequencing files; however, the software used to examine SAGE libraries cannot distinguish between authentic versus false ditags ("quasi-ditags"). Results: We provide examples of qu

Amplitude Modulated Sinusoidal Signal Decomposition for Audio Coding

In this letter, we present a decomposition for sinusoidal coding of audio, based on an amplitude modulation of sinusoids via a linear combination of arbitrary basis vectors. The proposed method, which incorporates a perceptual distortion measure, is based on a relaxation of a nonlinear least-squares minimization. Rate-distortion curves and listening tests show that, compared to a constant-amplitud

Sequence specificity in CpG mutation hotspots

CpG dinucleotides are efficiently methylated in vertebrate genomes except in the CpG islands having a high C+G content. Methylated CpGs are the single most mutated dinucleotide. Sequences surrounding disease causing CpG mutation sites were analyzed from locus-specific mutation databases. Both tetra- and heptanucleotide analyses indicated clear overall sequence preference for having pyrimidines 5'