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Your search for "*" yielded 535718 hits

More Than a Carton: Oat milk packaging elements and their effect on customer perception and buying intentions

After a brief introduction to the current general milk industry, the emergence of oat milk is presented, as well as shifting trends in milk consumption. This study aims to analyze oat milk precisely. The analysis is done in terms of packaging. Therefore, oat milk packaging and all the packaging elements were analyzed. After a literature review of Consumer Perception, Consumer Motivation, Consume

How production offshoring impacts process innovation in the home country

This thesis investigates how offshoring influences process innovation in the home country. This topic, although stimulating, has been understudied in the past by academia. I have elaborated two innovative hypotheses according to which relocations would hurt process innovation in the home country because 1) they are used as an alternative to process innovation, and 2) they damage trade-unions. To e

En analys av avfallshanteringen på NOVA Lund

Köpcentra är ofta städade och snygga vilket gör att man som besökare inte tänker på allt avfall som kan uppstå. Men hur hanterar köpcentra, mer specifikt NOVA Lund, allt avfall som uppstår? Denna studie går till botten med vad som är rätt åtgärd att ta för NOVA för att kunna växa, men ändå klara av det ökade trycket av avfall. Detta genomfördes eftersom NOVA Lund vill uppgradera sitt nuvarande avfIn this study an evaluation of the ways in which the shopping mall NOVA Lund can improve its current waste management practices was conducted. This was done because NOVA plans to upgrade their waste management system. A survey was conducted where the staff of the 68 stores and 7 restaurants were inquired on the current system. The stores were asked to rank what kind of waste they encounter the mos

Impacts of climate change on indoor thermal comfort in typical Swedish residential buildings - Assessing risks for human health

There is strong evidence that climate change has a direct impact on humans and extreme temperatures have been linked to negative health impacts and increasing mortality. The heat wave of 2018 caused up to 8.2% more deaths compared to the year before in Sweden, with higher impacts in other parts of the world. The fact that people spent almost 90% of their times indoors makes the indoor environment

När ska jag stanna hemma? Läsbarhet på under covid-19-pandemin

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om och i så fall hur läsbarheten i Region Skånes version av 1177 Vårdguidens covid-19-information har förändrats under pandemins gång. Materialet består av två artiklar om covid-19 från som analyseras i tre olika versioner hämtade från 2020, 2021 och 2022. Artiklarnas läsbarhet analyseras utifrån infallsvinklarna disposition, tilltal och omtal och

Social Engineering: Kampen att stärka den svagaste länken - En kvalitativ studie om informationssäkerhetsutmaningar i förebyggande och mitigering av social engineering-attacker hos distansarbetande verksamheter

I samband med COVID-19-pandemin blev distansarbete vardagen för många verksamheter. Detta ser ut att bli bestående för många verksamheter. Distansarbete utgör stora risker för informationssäkerhetsarbetet i och med ändrat beteende hos anställda och dålig anpassning av verksamheter. Det kan även konstateras att den mänskliga faktorn är bristpunkten inom informationssäkerhet. Därmed är intrång genom

Revisorns roll i arbetet mot penningtvätt: Mottagandet av Revisorsinspektionens nya föreskrifter

Uppsatsen ämnar att fastställa vilken roll och betydelse som tillskrivs revisionsyrket i det brottsförebyggande arbetet och bekämpningen av penningtvätt. Det sekundära syftet för studien utgörs av en utredning för vilka egentliga anledningar och aktörer som orsakar den konflikt som råder kring revisorns faktiska roll i frågan. Studien antar en induktiv forskningsansats med ett kvalitativt angrepps

More Than Just Money - The Experiences and Perceptions of Remittance-Sending from the Perspective of Syrian Migrants Settled in Sweden

This study explores the qualitative aspects of remittance-sending. The central premise is that remittances are a concept that is socially embedded and therefore needs to be explored beyond its fiscal characteristics. The research contends that there is a gap in qualitative research where remittance-senders are concerned and argues that it is essential to understand the experiences and perceptions

Prediction of appropriate L2 regularization strengths through Bayesian formalism

This paper proposes and investigates a Bayesian relation between optimal L2 regularization strengths and the number of training patterns and hidden nodes used for an artificial neural network. The results support the proposed dependence for number of training patterns, while the dependence on hidden architecture was less clear. Finally, applying different regularization strengths on different laye

Pandemic Control

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of Management Control Systems in Swedish organizations during the Covid-19 pandemic. For this, the use of MCS, the perceived effectiveness and the differences between organizations are observed. Methodology: This study is quantitative. A self-completion questionnaire is used to collect data. Descriptive statistics and statistical tests in S

Climatic complexity: how do early life weather shocks affect labour income?

This thesis explores the impact of extreme weather events during gestation and infancy on multiple outcomes, especially early labour income. The subjects are Indian children born between 1993/94 from the Young Lives longitudinal study. The weather shocks are extracted from the NOAA geo-referenced weather data. Thanks to Mediation Analysis methodology applied, not only the Direct Effects of early l

Process Development and Textural Evaluation of an Emulsion System Stabilized by a Novel Protein Source

In this thesis, mycoprotein was utilized to make emulsion filled gels. It was found that batch-variations exist in the mycoprotein, even though they were made with the same strain of fungi and underwent the same processing steps. Four different batches of mycoprotein were examined. A small-scale benchmark activity showed that it is possible to make firmer emulsion filled gels using mycoprotein po

Organizational practices to incorporate Web Accessibility in the software development process

Web accessibility has become increasingly important to ensure all people can benefit from the information and services available on the web. Despite the multiple international web accessibility standards, studies have revealed a low compliance rate by organizations globally. This study emphasizes that the successful incorporation of Web accessibility in an organization requires a holistic vision t

The vision of the monopoly: An idea analysis of Systembolaget's campaign material through the decades

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the evolution of the Swedish state-owned company Systembolaget’s idea and message from 1970 to 2020 through advertising campaign material from each decade. The findings are then compared to Gösta Esping-Andersen’s welfare state model in Three worlds of Welfare Capitalism, changes in alcohol policy during that time period and the social marketing theory. To

Does leadership only have one gender?

Title: Does leadership only have one gender? - A study about the influence of gender and leadership roles on the leadership style and use of management controls in Sweden. Seminar date: 1 June 2022 Course: BUSN79, Degree Project in Accounting and Finance, Master level, 15 ECTS Authors: Rebecca Rosenqvist and Christina Papadopoulou Supervisor: Elin Funck Key words: Social Role Theory, Manageme

Påverkas tonen i VD-ordet av bolagets lönsamhet?

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utröna om VD-ordet förmedlar en rättvisande bild av bolagets finansiella ställning genom att undersöka om tonläge skiljer sig beroende på finansiell prestation. Teori: Legitimitetsteorin, Impression Management och Institutionell teori Metod: Studien använder en kvantitativ metod där sjuttiosex bolag på Stockholm Mid Cap undersöks. Genom datorstödd innehållsanalPurpose: The purpose of this essay is to examine if the CEO letter mediates a fair picture of the company's financial position by determining if the tone of the CEO letter differs depending on financial performance. Theoretical perspectives: Legitimacy theory, Impression management and Institutional theory. Methodology: The study uses a quantitative method where seventysix companies listed o

Förtroende är nyckeln till framgång

Titel: “Förtroende är nyckeln till framgång” - En kvalitativ studie om vad det är som gör att unga vuxna får förtroende för influencers, ur följarnas perspektiv Seminariumdatum: 2022-06-03 Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Björkenheim, Nicoline. Paulson, Stella. Åström, Carolina Handledare: Peter Svensson Nyckelord: Influencers, social mediaTitle: “Trust is the key to success” - A qualitative study explaining why young adults gain confidence in influencers, from the followers perspective Seminar date: 2022-06-03 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project In Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 Credits Authors: Björkenheim, Nicoline. Paulson, Stella. Åström, Carolina Advisor: Peter Svensson Key words: Influencers, s

The Impact of Financial Crises and Natural Disasters on the US Catastrophe Bond Market

Catastrophe (CAT) bonds bring the needs of (re)insurance companies and investors together: They insure against natural disasters by transferring risk to the capital market while at the same time promising high returns and a certain detachment from financial markets. Being an alternative investment class that has been on the rise only in recent years, academic research on CAT bonds is comparatively

The Effect of Anticholinergic Medications on People living with Dementia: A Systematic Literature Review.

Abstract: Background: Dementia is a global public health concern as it causes high dependency of the patients with Dementia (PwD) on their families and the community. Dementia is an irreversible neurodegenerative disorder for the elderly often associated with many comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, kidney diseases, etc. which require different medications for treatment. The use of A