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Your search for "*" yielded 533857 hits

Quantifying Soil Loss in the Brazilian Savanna Ecosystem : Current Rates and Anticipated Impact of Climate Changes

The Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado) is the second-largest South American biome that corresponds to almost two-third of the national agricultural production. Extensive agricultural-driven land-use changes have significantly altered the landscape, causing increased soil erosion. Furthermore, projections of climate change effects on the Cerrado raise concerns about the potential exacerbation of soil loss

An immuno-inflammatory profiling of asymptomatic individuals in a malaria endemic area in Uganda

Malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum leads to the destruction of red blood cells (RBCs). A better understanding of how naturally immune individuals control infections should be valuable for future vaccine studies. Antibodies against RBCs and RBC surface antigens were measured together with different inflammatory markers in healthy adults living in a malaria endemic area of Uganda and compared t

Together but still alone - A qualitative study exploring how family members of persons with incurable oesophageal or gastric cancer manage everyday life

Background: Cancer affects not only the person with the disease but those around them. Being a family member is described as strenuous and, often, associated with stress, anxiety and feelings of loneliness. There is a heightened risk of distress for family of those with fast-progressing, severe oesophageal or gastric cancer. Early palliative care involving family is vital yet often overlooked. In

Tissue factor (F3) gene variants and thrombotic risk among middle-aged and older adults : A population-based cohort study

Background: Tissue factor (TF), encoded by the F3 gene, is the main initiator of blood coagulation. The molecular epidemiology of the F3 gene and the relation to venous thromboembolism (VTE) remains to be determined. Objectives: The aim was to determine the molecular epidemiology and the importance of F3 variants for incident VTE by analysis of the population-based MDC study (Malmö Diet and Cancer

A review of fire safety separation distances between camping units and caravans

Almost 20 years ago, the Swedish civil contingency agency (MSB) representatives published a general advice on fire protection at camping facilities. Within this document there contains advice on what distances are needed between camping units to reduce the risk of fire spreading between them, however how these distances were decided on is lost to history and given the changes and development in ca

Samhällsutveckling innebär nya förutsättningar för stora byggprojekt

Inte sällan beskrivs byggbranschen som konservativ och motvillig till förändringar, både av folk i branschen, av forskare samt av folk i allmänhet. Likväl har byggbranschen under årens lopp genomgått ett antal förändringar, ofta som reaktioner på nya förutsättningar skapade av förändringar i det omgivande samhället. Den här artikeln redovisar hur ett antal projektledare i stora byggprojekt uppfatt

The benefits and drawbacks of home oxygen therapy for COPD : what’s next?

Introduction: Home oxygen therapy is one of the few interventions that can improve survival in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) when administered appropriately, although it may cause side effects and be an unnecessary burden for some patients. Areas covered: This narrative review summarizes the current literature on the assessment of hypoxemia, different types of home oxy

Challenges in the engineering design, manufacture, and testing of polymer gears

Polymer gears are becoming more and more interesting parts of various machines; they are used in ever-more-demanding operating conditions. Due to their good mechanical properties, lightweight, and low noise during operation, they tend to substitute metallic gears in some traditional applications, and they also enter new applications such as e-bikes. A reliable design of polymer gears remains, to d

RF Characterization of Ferroelectric MOS Capacitors

The high-frequency capacitive and switching response of ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 (HZO) is investigated on scaled ferroelectric metal-oxide-semiconductor III-V capacitors. Spanning over six orders of magnitude, the measured frequency response allows for accurate modeling of the capacitance-frequency dispersion. The steady-state ferroelectric behavior is retained even in the mm-wave frequency rang

Climate-related loss and damage in contexts of agrarian change : differentiated sense of loss from extreme weather events in northeast Cambodia

The uneven burden of climate-related losses and damages and its implications for equity and social justice are receiving growing attention in science and policy. Smallholder farmers, indigenous groups, and ethnic minorities are often identified as particularly vulnerable and likely to experience a greater burden of climate-related loss and damage. However, limited attention has been paid to experi

Breathing techniques to reduce symptoms in people with serious respiratory illness : a systematic review

Background In adults with serious respiratory illness, breathlessness is prevalent and associated with reduced health-related quality of life. The aim of this review was to assess the impact of breathing techniques on breathlessness in adults with serious respiratory illness. Methods Electronic databases were searched to identify randomised controlled trials testing breathing techniques (technique

The EUropeanisation of Research Infrastructure Policy

Political interest in Research Infrastructures on a European scale has been a new phenomenon, marked in the early 2000s with the launch of the Lisbon Strategy and the European Research Area. European Research Infrastructure policy then developed through, first, the strategic incorporation of incumbents through new modes of coordination; second, the European Commission’s emphasis of joint responsib

Hypoxia-induced complement component 3 promotes aggressive tumor growth in the glioblastoma microenvironment

Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive form of glioma with a high rate of relapse despite intensive treatment. Tumor recurrence is tightly linked to radio-resistance, which in turn is associated with hypoxia. Here, we discovered a strong link between hypoxia and local complement signaling using publicly available bulk, single-cell, and spatially resolved transcriptomic data from patients with G

Opioids for the palliation of symptoms in people with serious respiratory illness : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Background People living with serious respiratory illness experience a high burden of distressing symptoms. Although opioids are prescribed for symptom management, they generate adverse events, and their benefits are unclear. Methods We examined the efficacy and safety of opioids for symptom management in people with serious respiratory illness. Embase, MEDLINE and the Cochrane Central Register of

How does dyslexia impact second language acquisition? : Insights from a questionnaire study with Italian and German learners of L2 English

This study compares the self-perception of first (L1) and second (L2) language competence and dyslexia awareness in two groups of dyslexic students, one German and one Italian, learning English as a second language. Based on a survey, we investigate the relationship between students’ self-perception of their L1 and L2 competence, and how perceived L1 competence, L2 learning motivation, time of dys

Sevuparin strongly reduces hepcidin expression in cells, mice, and healthy human volunteers

Hepcidin is an essential regulator of systemic iron availability mediating both iron uptake from the diet and its release from body stores. Abnormally high hepcidin levels resulting from inflammation in chronic diseases cause iron restriction with the onset of anemia. Restoring physiological levels of hepcidin could contribute to ameliorating anemia in these patients. Heparin derivatives are known

A Deep Learning Biomimetic Milky Way Compass

Moving in straight lines is a behaviour that enables organisms to search for food, move away from threats, and ultimately seek suitable environments in which to survive and reproduce. This study explores a vision-based technique for detecting a change in heading direction using the Milky Way (MW), one of the navigational cues that are known to be used by night-active insects. An algorithm is propo