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Pågående forskning i Lund
En rabbins tankar om kristendomen och den judisk-kristna dialogen
Multiparty Government and Economic Policy-Making. Coalition Agreements, Prime Ministerial Power and Spending in Western European Cabinets
High ptt pi0 production and angular correlations in 158A GeV p+A and Pb+Pb collisions.
Recension av: Susanna Popova, Överklass
Tyr-716 in the platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor kinase insert is involved in GRB2 binding and Ras activation
Ligand stimulation of the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) beta-receptor leads to activation of its intrinsic tyrosine kinase and autophosphorylation of the intracellular part of the receptor. The autophosphorylated tyrosine residues mediate interactions with downstream signal transduction molecules and thereby initiate different signalling pathways. A pathway leading to activation of the GTP
A Priority Lateral transhipment Policy in Inventory systems with Lost Sales
Work Environment Related Aerosol Research in the Nordic Countries
New Haven Round Trip
Test-grounds of Modernity: A Swedish Landscape in Transformation during the early 20th century
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate some examples of how landscape changes in a rural setting in Sweden during the 19th and early 20th century could be understood as processes of modernity, and how the landscape could be understood as a medium for these changes. One purpose is to to come to a closer understanding of landscape changes during a period that is not so much studied within Swedish h
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A self-tuning predictor
An adaptive predictor for discrete time stochastic processes with constant but unknown parameters is described. The predictor which in real time tunes its parameters using the method of least squares is called a self-tuning predictor. The predictor has attractive asymptotic properties. If the parameter estimation converges and if the predictor contains parameters enough, then it will converge to t
On VLSI Implementation of Square Root Algorithm for MIMO Detection
Numerical modeling of Swirling Flows in Gas Turbine Burners
The present thesis focuses on the numerical simulation of the flowfield in gas turbine burners. Due to the higher and higher requirements regarding pollutant emissions there is a need for new combustion technologies. In gas turbines one method to obtain low pollutant levels is the use of lean premixed or partially premixed combustion. However, in lean combustion problems regarding the flame stabi
Scientific Literacy - Opening the world for the learning person?
Evidence of Welfare: Swedish Ethnographic Films
Bridging the gap between clinical and patient-provided images
I will be reporting here on how a group of artists and designers and a group of patients approached the task of visualising the meaning of specific medical diagnoses without recourse to traditional medical imagery. The purpose was to investigate how people relate to images produced in healthcare and how alternative visual aids might complement printed and verbal communications between doctor and p