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Event Detection in Eye-Tracking Data for Use in Applications with Dynamic Stimuli

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det sägs att ögonen är själens spegel och att man genom att titta på någons ögon kan säga något om personens sinnesstämning och hur personen mår. Forskning kring ögonrörelser har visat att man genom att mäta ögats rörelser kan tolka hur den visuella informationen som vi tar in genom ögonen har behandlats. Eftersom det är hjärnan som styr muskulaturen runt ögat som i sinThis doctoral thesis has signal processing of eye-tracking data as its main theme. An eye-tracker is a tool used for estimation of the point where one is looking. Automatic algorithms for classification of different types of eye movements, so called events, form the basis for relating the eye-tracking data to cognitive processes during, e.g., reading a text or watching a movie. The problems with t

Barriers to organizational learning: a case study of a change project

An attempt is made in this article to identify the success and failure factors in organizational change and learning process. The empirical study was made by following an organization-wide project that aims at changing pricing practices in highly decentralized sub-units through the efforts of corporate head office. The results show that the highly decentralized organizational structure and the ind

Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas having polarization and angle diversity and related wireless communication devices

Antenna systems are provided including a chassi (115) and first and second radiating (110, 120) elements coupled to the chassi. The first radiating element is configured to amplify excitation of the chassi and the second radiating element is configured to reduce excitation of the chassi so as to reduce mutual coupling in the antenna system. Related co- located antennas and methods of controlling m

Nonlinear dimensionality reduction of gene expression data

Using microarray measurements techniques, it is possible to measure the activity of genes simultaneously across the whole genome. Since genes influence each others activity levels through complex regulatory networks, such gene expression measurements are state samples of a dynamical system. Gene expression data has proven useful for diagnosis and definition of disease subgroups, for inference of t

Comparing parametric and non-parametric approaches for estimating trends in multi-year NDVI

The aim of this study is to systematically compare parametric and non-parametric techniques for analyzing trends in annual NDVI derived from NOAA AVHRR sensor in order to examine how trend type and departure from normality assumptions affect the accuracy of detecting long-term change. To generate annual data, the mean NDVI of a four-month long ‘green’ season was computed for fifteen sites (located

A Future Legal Coordinated Cadastre for Sweden?

This paper initially presents an introduction to the Swedish land administration system, particularly focusing on the parts of the Real Property Register that compose the cadastre. Here, a brief retrospect of the long tradition of land related registration follows by an account of the current components, functions and parties concerned. The second part of the paper then discusses a vision, express

What is the value of L1-to-L2 translation for advanced learners?

This paper presents findings from a longitudinal, experimental project investigating the effect of translation on the morphosyntactic accuracy of advanced Swedish (L1) learners of English (L2). The subjects were first-year students of English at a Swedish university. The curriculum was communicative and translation (Focus-on-Forms) was used judiciously. The research is couched in cognitive psycho