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Ice conditions in the Råne river

Ice observations were made in the Rane River 1974-1978. Observations of formation of ice, growth of ice, critical velocities, hydrodynamic stability, supercooled water, ice production in rapids and breakup were theoretically analyzed. Depending on the water velocity an ice cover formed after 40-100 negative °C-degree-days. The growth of ice took place at a static growth when the water velocity was

Basis transform in linear switched system models from input–output data

This article addresses the problem of basis correction in the context of linear switched-system (LSS) identification from input–output data. It is often the case that identification algorithms for the LSSs from input–output data operate locally. The local submodel estimates, identified individually by subspace algorithms from the input-output data, reside in different-state bases, which mandates p

Data Clustering using Two-Stage Eagle Strategy Based on Slime Mould Algorithm

Data clustering is considered an important component of data mining which aims to split a given dataset into disjoint groups having the same similarities. The developed techniques for clustering have some challenges to cluster entities in complex search space and most of them aim to maximize the sum of inter-cluster distances and minimize the sum of intra-cluster distances. This objective function

The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Poverty in Adult's SES Attainment. How Important is the Neighborhood?

Childhood poverty increases the likelihood of being poor as an adult. However, we know relatively little about this transmission of poverty in the past. What spheres of exposure could be more critical, as if only poverty at family level or the neighborhood. This study both analyses determinants of childhood poverty and assesses the association between childhood poverty and economic outcomes in adu

Tomographic reconstruction of spray evolution considering multiple light scattering effects : Characterization of an ECN Spray G Injector

Meeting stricter legal emission limits and the simultaneous introduction of new synthetic fuels are key challenges for current and future research in the field of engine combustion. A deep knowledge of spray behavior is mandatory to address these problems, as air‐fuel mixture and spray propagation in gasoline direct injection (GDI) are essential processes to achieve a highly efficient and clean co

Women’s experience of the health information process involving a digital information tool before commencing radiation therapy for breast cancer : a deductive interview study

Background: Individuals undergoing radiation therapy for breast cancer frequently request information before, throughout and after the treatment as a means to reduce distress. Nevertheless, the provision of information to meet individuals needs from their level of health literacy is often overlooked. Thus, individuals information needs are often unmet, leading to reports of discontent. Internet an

The With Or Without Olecranon K-wire (WOW OK) Trial of tension band wire fixation versus cerclage fixation without K-wires in displaced stable olecranon fractures : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Background: Displaced olecranon fractures with a stable elbow joint are classified as Mayo type 2a or 2b and are commonly operated with tension band wiring, i.e. two K-wires and a cerclage. Retrospective studies have reported fewer reoperations and complications with cerclage fixation alone when compared to tension band wiring, though with similar long-term results. We decided to compare tension b

Further development and evaluation of a questionnaire targeting person-centred outpatient care for persons with long-term conditions

Aim: To further develop the Person-Centred Care instrument for outpatient care (PCCoc), evaluate its user-friendliness and content validity, and to explore its basic psychometric properties in various outpatient settings for adults with long-term conditions. Background: Person-centred care (PCC) has been identified as a key factor to provide high-quality care. However, there is still a lack of ins

Tjugo pionjärer på tio år

Översiktlig presentation av Lunds universitets första 20 kvinnliga studerande under 1800-talet som grupp. Utgör del av den virtuella utställningen "150 år med kvinnor vid akademin".

Coastal protection through NbS in times of uncertainty. A case study of Bjärred, Sweden

Den globala klimatkrisen innebär betydande sociala utmaningar och hotar biologisk mångfald. Klimatförändringar ökar sårbarheten i kustområden, vilket leder till ökad erosion och översvämningar. Naturbaserade lösningar (NbS) erbjuder en mångfacetterad metod för att adressera dessa problem. Denna masteruppsats granskar användningen av NbS för kustskydd i Bjärred, i södra Sverige, och kommunens stratThe global climate crisis presents significant social challenges and threatens biodiversity. Climate change is increasing the vulnerability of coastal areas, leading to more erosion and flooding. Nature-based solutions (NbS) offer a multifaceted approach to address these issues. This thesis examines the use of NbS for coastal protection in Bjärred, southern Sweden, and the municipality's strat