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Your search for "*" yielded 531475 hits

Inflation Targeting Is a Success, So Far: 100 Years of Evidence from Swedish Wage Contracts

We evaluate the Swedish inflation targeting regime adopted in 1993-1995 using a novel approach based on a unique data set on the characteristics of collective wage agreements between 1908 and 2008. We find that the inflation targeting regime of 1995-2008 stands out as an exceptionally stable policy regime as judged by the willingness of wage contract-makers to repeatedly commit to three-year non-i

Hydrophobic Modification of Dextran and Applications of Modified Dextrans in Aqueous Polymer Two-Phase Systems

In this work benzoyl dextrans with a degree of substitution (DS) ranging from 0.02 to 0.29 and valeryl dextrans with a DS ranging from 0.025 to 0.2 were synthesized. The modified dextrans were characterized by viscosity, UV, HPLC and NMR measurements. The effect of reaction conditions on the DS of modified dextrans was studied. The modified dextrans were used to study the effect of aromatic and al

I brödbutiken. Surdegstrend, status och skapandet av upplevelser

Inom retaillitteraturen har det länge talats om upplevelseskapande i butik. För en butiks atmosfär spelar många faktorer roll och centreras ofta kring subtila element som musik, doft och färg. I bageriet är temperaturen av stor betydelsen, men även trängseln och det som betraktas som den genuina atmosfären. Vad betyder det för vår upplevelse att vi måste stå en stund innanför dörren innan vi ens k

Identification for Control of Biomedical Systems using a very Short Experiment

This paper presents a combined experiment and identification procedure, well suited to obtain low-order dynamic models of a patients’ response to continuous drug administration. The experiment requires no a priori information and is of very short duration. The identification method provides both a parametric low-order model, and an estimate of the parameter error covariance. It has been demonstrat

Persistent organic pollutants in the atmosphere - spatial and temporal variations

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen bygger på en studie av halter av stabila organiska miljögifter (PCB) i luften, i nederbörd och i jord. Studien har utförts vid 11 provtagnings platser i Skåne. Vidare behandlas global transport av stabila miljögifter i avhandlingen.In these thesis I have studied the spatial and temporal variations of PCBs in the atmosphere and in precipitation in southern Sweden. Further, soil-air exchange processes of PCBs were investigated. Finally, the long-range transport of PCBs and DDT was studied in the Baltic Sea region and in a tropical vs. a temporal region. On the regional scale there were significant differences in PCB concentrat

Sensor Fusion of Force and Acceleration for Robot Force Control

In this paper, robotic sensor fusion of acceleration and force measurement is considered. We discuss the problem of using accelerometers close to the end-effectors of robotic manipulators and how it may improve the force control performance. We introduce a new model-based observer approach to sensor fusion of information from various different sensors. During contact transition, accelerometers and

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Lubyanka- IIIrd Floor. Memoirs of the KGB-chairman Vladimir Semichastny This book (published in Czech language in 1998) gives the reader a chance to follow the development of those times as seen by one of the most powerful men of his days - the highest predecessor of the Commitee for State Security at the Council of Ministers of the USSR (better known under the abbreviation KGB). Considering his