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Malign foreign interference and information influence on video game platforms: Understanding the adversarial playbook

Vi lever i en tid där omfattningen av otillbörlig kognitiv informationspåverkan från främmande makt med syfte att påverka människors uppfattningar, beteenden och beslut ökar. Särskild uppmärksamhet har riktats mot sociala mediers betydelse ochpotentiella effekter. Men det finns en stor digital sektor som hamnat utanför strålkastarljuset – dataspel inklusive de plattformar och sociala aktiviteter s

Monitoring of engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for stability variations and genetic mutations during 7-day tank fermentations

The groundbreaking field of synthetic biology has immense potential to revolutionize our society by reducing our reliance on petroleum. With a growing demand for sustainable ingredients and molecules, companies like Amyris, who have successfully developed and commercialized this technology, are poised to reap significant rewards. I am privileged to work for a scientifically advanced organization t

Evaluation of the diagnostic and prognostic potential of optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the pulmonary arteries during standardised right heart catheterisation in patients with pulmonary hypertension : a cross-sectional single-centre experience

Background: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is diagnosed based on an invasive evaluation of the mean pulmonary artery (PA) pressure. The morphological assessment of the pulmonary arteries was only recently not feasible. With the advent of optical coherence tomography (OCT)-imaging, an accessible tool allows to study PA morphology longitudinally. The primary hypothesis was that OCT distincts the PA str

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Mot bakgrund av den globala krisen för klimatet och den biologiska mångfalden ifrågasätts jordbrukets roll i landskapet. I Danmark har man politiskt beslutat att 100 000 hektar våtmarker ska tas ur jordbruksanvändning, och nya naturförvaltningsprojekt har inletts för att främja biologisk mångfald och klimat. Den gröna omställningen är alltså ännu ett lager av externa krav och regler som pressar laIn light of the global climate and biodiversity crisis, the role of agriculture is challenged. In Denmark, politicians aim to withdraw 100.000 hectares of low-lying organic soils from agricultural production, which paves the way for new nature management projects to address climate change and biodiversity decline. Thus, the green transition adds another layer of external requirements and regulatio

Investigating health impacts of natural resource extraction projects in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mozambique, and Tanzania : Protocol for a mixed methods study

Background: Natural resource extraction projects offer both opportunities and risks for sustainable development and health in host communities. Often, however, the health of the community suffers. Health impact assessment (HIA) can mitigate the risks and promote the benefits of development but is not routinely done in the developing regions that could benefit the most. Objective: Our study aims to

Lung function deficits and bronchodilator responsiveness at 12 years of age in children born very preterm compared with controls born at term

INTRODUCTION: Very preterm birth is associated with lung function impairment later in life, but several aspects have not been studied. We aimed to comprehensively assess lung function at school age in very preterm infants and term controls, with special emphasis on bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), sex, and bronchodilator response.METHODS: At 12 years of age, 136 children born very preterm (85 wit

Digitalization: A Potential Tool for Sustainable Consumption?

Given the outsized impact that digitalization has had on consumption over the last two decades, the lack of academic interest in sustainable consumption is noteworthy. In this book chapter, we set the scene for the fundamentally important discussion about how digitalization affects consumption. We ask whether digitalization is a positive or a negative force for shaping consumption levels and patte

Ronneby PFAS Research Program (RPRP) : En sammanfattning av forskning 2014-2023

Det har nu gått snart tio år sedan det uppdagades att dricksvattnet i ett av vattenverken i Ronneby, som försörjde 1/3 av hushållen med dricksvatten, var mycket kraftigt förorenat av PFAS. Visserligen kunde rent vatten omedelbart kopplas in i vattenledningsnätet, men alla som under lång tid druckit det förorenade vattnet har fortfarande förhöjda halter av PFAS i kroppen och kommer att fortsätta ha

Strategic communication : An introduction to theory and global practice

This textbook provides an overview of the core concepts, theories and methods in strategic communication, using examples from research and experiences from practice. Strategic Communication begins by explaining the fundamental concepts related to communication, organizations and strategy, and then explores the communication processes within leadership, reputation, crisis and change. The authors wo

Projectification and the European Union

This chapter aims to provide insight into the phenomenon of European Union projectification . The paper is conceptual in nature and draws on the results of several research projects conducted by the authors, who represent two disciplines - management and political sciences . In the article we first discuss what distinguishes EU projects from other projects . Thereafter we describe the projectifica

Att skapa framtidens resande : 15 förutsättningar för lärande i innovationsarbete

Den här rapporten handlar om lärande från experiment och vänder sig till dig som arbetar med innovation i svenska regioner och kommuner. I fokus ligger frågor kring organisatoriskt lärande, som här förstås som ett medel för att uppnå strategisk förnyelse av en organisation. Lärande är således nära besläktat med förändring. Vår utgångspunkt är att allt lärande kan förstås som en form av översättnin

Applying LPJ-GUESS on the Arctic: A model evaluation and benchmarking study

Warming in the Arctic occurs at a much higher rate than the global average, which has a considerable impact on the Arctic terrestrial carbon cycle. Permafrost thawing can release substantial amounts of carbon, whilst tundra shrubification and tree-line advance, on the other hand, may compensate for this. To gain a better understanding of the Arctic carbon cycle in the future, global dynamic vegeta