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Investigation and optimization on melting performance of a triplex-tube heat storage tank by rotational mechanism

Phase change heat storage is the backbone of energy storage technology, but its storage time is affected by the low thermal conductivity of phase change materials. Therefore, the melting performance of a triplex-tube latent heat thermal energy storage unit (T-LHTESU) in a phase change heat storage system is studied in this paper, and the rotation mechanism is applied to the unit. Firstly, a numeri

Rapid microwave-stimulated fixation of entire prostatectomy specimens

Conventional fixation of large solid surgical specimens is a slow process. Consequently, autolytic damage to tissues may occur if the fixative does not reach the central part of the specimen in time. However, as there is also a time relationship between formalin fixation and antigen masking, fixation for too long can also be detrimental. In seeking the optimum balance for fixation, microwave irrad

Plasma p-tau217 predicts in vivo brain pathology and cognition in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease

Introduction: Plasma-measured tau phosphorylated at threonine 217 (p-tau217) is a potential non-invasive biomarker of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We investigated whether plasma p-tau217 predicts subsequent cognition and positron emission tomography (PET) markers of pathology in autosomal dominant AD. Methods: We analyzed baseline levels of plasma p-tau217 and its associations with amyloid PET, tau P

Image & Identity

This chapter examines the emergence of nation brands discourse in the mid-1990s. It includes Robin Cook’s ethical foreign policy agenda which proposed a “people’s diplomacy”; the infamous discourses around Cool Britannia; a case study of the first contemporary diplomatic promotional campaign, new IMAGES, which was held in Australia in 1997; the major internal change study, Foresight; the Panel 200

Multilevel modelling for measuring interaction of effects between multiple categorical variables : An illustrative application using risk factors for preeclampsia

Background: Measuring multiple and higher-order interaction effects between multiple categorical variables proves challenging. Objectives: To illustrate a multilevel modelling approach to studying complex interactions. Methods: We apply a two-level random-intercept linear regression to a binary outcome for individuals (level-1) nested within strata (level-2) defined by all observed combinations of

Evidence of ACL healing on MRI following ACL rupture treated with rehabilitation alone may be associated with better patient-reported outcomes : A secondary analysis from the KANON trial

Objectives Evaluate the natural course of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) healing on MRI within 5 years of acute ACL rupture and compare 2-year and 5-year outcomes based on healing status and treatment group. Methods Secondary analysis of 120 Knee Anterior Cruciate Ligament Nonsurgical vs Surgical Treatment (KANON) trial participants randomised to rehabilitation and optional delayed ACL reconstru

High variability in tuberculosis treatment outcomes across 15 health facilities in a semi-urban area in central Ethiopia

Background: Despite reported tuberculosis (TB) treatment success rate of 86%, TB remains a leading cause of death in Ethiopia. We investigated patient and provider-specific factors associated with unfavorable treatment outcomes in Ethiopian health facilities providing TB care. Methods: Data on characteristics and treatment outcomes of patients registered for TB treatment at 15 public health facili

Midbrain area and the hummingbird sign from brain MRI in progressive supranuclear palsy and idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The main radiological finding in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is reduced midbrain volume. Both qualitative (e.g., hummingbird sign) and quantitative (e.g., area measurements) markers have been noted. Recent studies have shown a similar reduction also in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH). The purpose was to investigate the reliability and accuracy of th

Olfactory disorders and consequences

Generally, three functions are assigned to the sense of smell, namely warning of potential danger, social communication, and importance for eating and drinking. These functions are also reflected in some of the complaints of patients with smell disorders: occurrence of household accidents, inability to smell other people like family members, loss of flavor perception. Still, approximately 5% of th

Large-scale randomized prostate cancer screening trials : Program performances in the european randomized screening for prostate cancer trial and the prostate, lung, colorectal and ovary cancer trial

Two large-scale randomized screening trials, the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovary (PLCO) cancer trial in the USA and the European Randomized Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) trial in Europe are currently under way, aimed at assessing whether screening reduces prostate cancer mortality. Up to the end of 1998, 102,691 men have been randomized to the intervention arm and 115,322 to the contr

Prostate Specific Antigen and Prostate Cancer in Chinese Men Undergoing Initial Prostate Biopsies Compared with Western Cohorts

Purpose We determined the characteristics of Chinese men undergoing initial prostate biopsy and evaluated the relationship between prostate specific antigen levels and prostate cancer/high grade prostate cancer detection in a large Chinese multicenter cohort. Materials and Methods This retrospective study included 13,904 urology outpatients who had undergone biopsy for the indications of prostate

PSA quantification of 80 plasma samples from the clinical routine using antibody microarrays

Antibody microarrays are becoming increasingly established in clinical studies. However, the arrays are seldom used in a quantitative approach but rather for detecting up or down regulated proteins. In this study we describe a microarray procedure being standardized by placing the in-house developed porous silicon surfaces into a commercially available 96 well microtiter plate for analyzing the PS

Målkonflikter och planeringsproblem : Några perspektiv från elområdet

Den klimatdrivna energiomställningen kommer att ställa omfattande krav på elsystemet. Ny förnybar produktionskapacitet och ny överföringskapacitet måste byggas i ett mycket snabbt tempo. Detta kommer att skapa utmaningar av två olika slag: i) att planera och bygga sådan kapacitet tar lång tid där det kan ta 10 år från idé till utbyggnad, ii) skalan i utbyggnaden kommer innebära ökad risk för konfl

Last minute change to mobility. Exploring Malmö’s visions towards more sustainable mobility by implementing mobility hubs as a niche innovation.

Liksom många andra städer som är dominerade av bilar är Malmö pressat att skapa en radikal förändring mot en mer hållbar, yteffektiv och socialt rättvis rörlighet. I den här artikeln används ramverket Multiple-Level Perspective (MLP) för att analysera mobilitetsdilemmat på tre nivåer: den dominerande anledningen till förändring, förhållningssättet till förändringen och en möjlig lösning i form av Like many car-dominated cities, Malmö is pressured to enable a radical shift towards more sustainable, space-efficient, and socially just mobility. This paper uses the Multiple-Level Perspective (MLP) framework to analyze the mobility dilemma on three levels: the dominant cause for change, the approach towards it, and the possible solution in the form of mobility hubs as a niche innovation. Semi-s