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Maldi-target integrated microfluidic PSA assay

An Integrated Selective Enrichment Target (ISET), microfabricated for efficient on-bead enzymatic digestion of proteins compatible for a direct interface with matrix-assisted laser desorption /ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) is presented.

Spatial inequality and housing in China

This paper investigates the evolution of inequality in China (1978–2015) through the lens of a dynamic spatial general equilibrium model with migration and capital formation. Due to an urban-rural income gap there is domestic migration from the rural to the urban areas which tends to reduce inequality. The resulting increase in urban house prices can, however, constitute an endogenous barrier to f

Towards Conceptualizing and Modelling Critical Flows - A Three-Tier Modelling Framework with a Swedish Example

Continuous access to flows of goods and services, such as energy, transport, information, and food, is essential and the basis for functioning modern societies. Hence, they are critical and need to be secured. Mega-trends such as climate change, changing geopolitical environment, hybrid- and cyber threats, and rapid technological advances come with new challenges and emerging threats to securing f


In this paper we provide quenched central limit theorems, large deviation principles and local central limit theorems for random U(1) extensions of expanding maps on the torus. The results are obtained as special cases of corresponding theorems that we establish for abstract random dynamical systems. We do so by extending a recent spectral approach developed for quenched limit theorems for expandi

Visuospatial ability is associated to 2D laparoscopic simulator performance amongst surgical residents

Background: The technical skills of a surgeon influence surgical outcome. Testing technical aptitude at point of recruitment of surgical residents is only conducted in a few countries. This study investigated the impact of visuospatial ability (VSA), background factors, and manual dexterity on performance in two different laparoscopic surgical simulators amongst applicants and 1st year surgical re

Conclusion : The Quest for Gender Justice in Diplomacy

In this last chapter, a series of more general propositions about contemporary gender and diplomacy are identified from the contributions to this book. First, it provides a historical narrative on the exclusions and inclusions in diplomacy over time, suggesting the contours of general trends in the quest to end formal barriers and bring about gender parity. Second, it critically analyses the gende

A business model pattern arrives … and then? A translation perspective on business model innovation in established firms

This study examines business model innovation in an established firm. We investigate the case of a Swedish utility company that adopted and implemented a business model pattern originating from outside the firm. We draw upon Scandinavian translation theory to understand the micro-level dynamics of how business model innovation unfolds. Our findings show that the business model pattern is disassemb

A study of neural activity and functional connectivity within the olfactory brain network in Parkinson's disease

Olfactory dysfunction is an early manifestation of Parkinson's disease (PD). The present study aimed to illustrate potential differences between PD patients and healthy controls in terms of neural activity and functional connectivity within the olfactory brain network. Twenty PD patients and twenty healthy controls were examined with olfactory fMRI and resting-state fMRI. Data analysis of olfactor

Mapping trait versus species turnover reveals spatiotemporal variation in functional redundancy and network robustness in a plant-pollinator community

Functional overlap among species (redundancy) is considered important in shaping competitive and mutualistic interactions that determine how communities respond to environmental change. Most studies view functional redundancy as static, yet traits within species—which ultimately shape functional redundancy—can vary over seasonal or spatial gradients. We therefore have limited understanding of how

Factors influencing self-management behavior during the “Blanking Period” in patients with atrial fibrillation : A cross-sectional study based on the information-motivation-behavioral skills model

Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is becoming increasingly common. Effective self-management during the “Blanking Period” is critical. The Information-Motivation-Behavioral skills (IMB) model can be used to study health behaviors in chronic disease patients, but it has not been studied in AF patients. Objective: The goal of this study was to explore the influencing factors and interaction pathw

A 50 µm acoustic resonator microchannel enables focusing 100 nm polystyrene beads and sub-micron bioparticles

The manipulation and focusing of submicron/nanometre-scale objects are becoming increasingly important in the fields of biology, chemistry, and materials science. Acoustofluidics provides for the high throughput and precise manipulation of cells and particles with simple equipment. However, application to submicron/nanoparticles is challenging due to the particle volume dependence of the acoustic

Deep learning can yield clinically useful right ventricular segmentations faster than fully manual analysis

Right ventricular (RV) volumes are commonly obtained through time-consuming manual delineations of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images. Deep learning-based methods can generate RV delineations, but few studies have assessed their ability to accelerate clinical practice. Therefore, we aimed to develop a clinical pipeline for deep learning-based RV delineations and validate its ability to reduce

Det är insidan som räknas - En fallstudie om motivation i ett stort, men platt, svenskt IT-företag

Studien visar att det är de inre motivationsfaktorerna som är viktigast för de anställda samtidigt som den också visar att uppfyllandet av Herzbergs hygienfaktorer ger mer än neutral tillfredsställelse hos de anställda på Techleverantören. Trots att lönerna är lägre än branschgenomsnittet har företaget lyckats skapa ett helhetspaket som gör att de anställda både trivs och hålls motiverade i jobbetThe study shows that it is intrinsic motivation that has the most significance to the employees while simultaneously showing that the fulfilling of Herzberg’s hygiene factors provide more than a neutral satisfaction for the employees at “Techleverantören”. Despite wages being lower than the industry average the company has successfully created a comprehensive package of benefits that make employee