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Solar air heater performance enhancement with differently shaped miniature combined with dimple shaped roughness : CFD and experimental analysis

A numerical study was carried out in a solar air heater (SAH) using different shapes of miniature (V, arc and transverse broken-miniature) combined with dimples on an absorber panel to improve heat transfer. For an experimental and simulation study using ANSYS (Fluent), a dimple with a V-miniature rib was fabricated on a plate (absorber) as a roughness element. By providing the angle of attack (α)

En jämförelse av upplevd kunskap och förekomst av skadeförebyggande träning hos aktivt fotbollsutövande manliga och kvinnliga ungdomar

Bakgrund Skador inom fotboll är vanligt förekommande, både bland män och kvinnor. Studier visar att tillämpning av skadeförebyggande träning kan minska risken för skador. Tillämpningen av skadeförebyggande träning sker inte så ofta som den kanske borde. Syfte Syftet med studien var att undersöka och jämföra upplevd kunskap och förekomst av muskelstärkande träning hos en grupp manliga och kvinnlig

Improving inorganic composition and ash fusion behavior of spruce bark by leaching with water, acetic acid, and steam pre-treatment condensate

The present study evaluates the effect of water and acetic acid washing on the chemical composition of spruce bark in-depth. Also, washing with steam explosion condensate (SEC) was investigated which is a novel attempt. The leaching kinetics of troubling elements (TE) was studied to understand the leaching behavior of TEs and for upscaling the process. Furthermore, to study the ash transformation

Formation of ordered mesoporous thin films through templating

Pores in the size range 2.0-20 nm are considered mesopores. Using the sol-gel process and a catalog of surfactant molecules, thin films with ordered mesopores can be produced. Films formed by evaporation-induced self-assembly, growth from solution, and other methods such as vapor phase deposition and pulsed laser deposition are examined. The various patterns derived from these approaches are discu

The role of phoenixin in the proliferation and migration of ectopic epithelial cells in vitro

AimEndometriosis is one of the most common gynecologic diseases in women of reproductive age. The pathophysiology of endometriosis is still not fully understood. Phoenixin (PNX-14) is a newly discovered neuropeptide that regulates the hypothalamo–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis and reproductive functions. Recently, we reported that PNX-14, its precursor protein and receptor were expressed in human en


Bertrand Russell’s speech “Why I Am Not a Christian” (1927) triggered many theologians to defend Christian beliefs. Aside from his rational criticism of the so-called “proofs” of God’s existence, it is his humorous irony as a rhetorical weapon that made many abandon their faith in Christianity and become atheists or at least agnostics. In this article I examine two British theologians’ unsuccessfu

Molecular Imprinted Nanocomposites for Green Chemistry

Nanocomposite materials which are considered ‘green’ refer to non-toxic, biodegradable and renewable nanocomposites. The reasons of preferring green nanocomposites much more could be explained by environmental friendly, fully degradability, renewability and sustainability in all respects. Furthermore, the production of green nanocomposites should not be based on toxic chemicals. When their functio

Framgångsfaktorer som motiverar statliga tjänstemän inom arbetsförmedlingen

Vi ägnar en stor del av våra liv på arbetet och det är genom vår roll vi tvingas uppfylla de krav som förväntas på oss. Vad vi gör i våra liv avgörs till stor del av vad vi gör på jobbet men om arbetet inte är utvecklande och inte ger någon sorts tillfredsställelse riskerar vi att tappa motivationen. Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen på vilka faktorer som motiverar arbetsförmedlare oc

Amplification of Molecular Recognition Signal on Imprinted Polymers Using Hybridization Chain Reaction

Hybridization chain reaction (HCR)-based amplification strategies have shown excellent prospects of application in detection thanks to its non-enzymatic and isothermal features. For protein biomarker detection, most bioanalytical assays are dependent on antibodies or aptamers to provide specific recognition to allow single strand DNA (ssDNA) to initiate specific HCR to realize effective signal amp

The characteristics of Michelin-starred restaurants in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan

Chinese culinary culture has a long history of development and has unique characteristics, attracting people from all over the world. As a world-renowned restaurant award, the Michelin Guide in China plays an influential role in introducing Chinese culinary culture to the world and destination branding, while few studies have investigated Michelin-starred restaurants (MSRs) in China. This study th

Maldi-target integrated microfluidic PSA assay

An Integrated Selective Enrichment Target (ISET), microfabricated for efficient on-bead enzymatic digestion of proteins compatible for a direct interface with matrix-assisted laser desorption /ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) is presented.

Spatial inequality and housing in China

This paper investigates the evolution of inequality in China (1978–2015) through the lens of a dynamic spatial general equilibrium model with migration and capital formation. Due to an urban-rural income gap there is domestic migration from the rural to the urban areas which tends to reduce inequality. The resulting increase in urban house prices can, however, constitute an endogenous barrier to f

Towards Conceptualizing and Modelling Critical Flows - A Three-Tier Modelling Framework with a Swedish Example

Continuous access to flows of goods and services, such as energy, transport, information, and food, is essential and the basis for functioning modern societies. Hence, they are critical and need to be secured. Mega-trends such as climate change, changing geopolitical environment, hybrid- and cyber threats, and rapid technological advances come with new challenges and emerging threats to securing f


In this paper we provide quenched central limit theorems, large deviation principles and local central limit theorems for random U(1) extensions of expanding maps on the torus. The results are obtained as special cases of corresponding theorems that we establish for abstract random dynamical systems. We do so by extending a recent spectral approach developed for quenched limit theorems for expandi

Visuospatial ability is associated to 2D laparoscopic simulator performance amongst surgical residents

Background: The technical skills of a surgeon influence surgical outcome. Testing technical aptitude at point of recruitment of surgical residents is only conducted in a few countries. This study investigated the impact of visuospatial ability (VSA), background factors, and manual dexterity on performance in two different laparoscopic surgical simulators amongst applicants and 1st year surgical re