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Självbetjäningsteknologier och service

Denna studie syftar till att fördjupa förståelsen av konsumenters uppfattningar av värde i servicemöten som inkluderar självbetjäningsteknologier i jämförelse med personlig service. Genom att tillämpa kvalitativa forskningsmetoder utforskar studien hur konsumenter bedömer och beskriver olika aspekter av dessa servicemöten samt deras påverkan på individen. Resultaten indikerar att medan självbetjän

Influences of Using Different Satellite Soil Moisture Products on SM2RAIN for Rainfall Estimation Across the Tibetan Plateau

The SM2RAIN (soil moisture to rain) model has been widely used for rainfall estimation worldwide. However, due to the lack of sufficient ground observation, the SM2RAIN model driven by different passive microwave soil moisture products over the Tibetan Plateau has not been fully validated. In this article, four widely used satellite microwave soil moisture products (including SMAP, ASCAT, SMOS, an

Model-free MIMO control tuning of a chiller process using reinforcement learning

The performance of HVAC equipment, including chillers, is continuing to be pushed to theoretical limits, which impacts the necessity for advanced control logic to operate them efficiently and robustly. At the same time, their architectures are becoming more complex; many systems have multiple compressors, expansion devices, evaporators, circuits, or other elements that challenge control design and

The Effects of Threads in a Chat Application and How to Design Them

På senare tid har användningen av online kommunikation ökats drastiskt, speciellt angående chatapplikationer. Det gör både kommunikation snabbare och passar in väl med distansarbete. Då chatter i stora grupper kan bli röriga då det är många användare som skriver finns det potential för förbättring gällande strukturen och organiseringen av meddelandena. Det är målet med detta examensarbete att hittThe usage of online communication has increased heavily in recent times, especially chat applications. It both makes communication faster and fits well with remote work. As the chats of large chat groups can be messy with many writers there is potential for improvement in regard to the structure and organization of messages. This is the focus of this master thesis, what kind of effects using threa

Gravity water waves over constant vorticity flows: from laminar flows to touching waves

I denna uppsats studerar vi en matematisk modell av vattenvågor över djupt vatten. I synnerhet studerar vi vågor som färdas med konstant hastighet i en horisontell riktning och är likformiga i den vinkelräta horisontella riktningen. På grund av den matematiska svårigheten med den allmänna modellen är det vanligt att utgå från förenklade versioner av problemet. I denna uppsats, gör vi antaganden omIn a recent paper, Hur and Wheeler proved the existence of periodic steady water waves over an infinitely deep, two-dimensional and constant vorticity flow and subject to gravity whose profile overhangs, among which, waves whose surface touches at a point, enclosing a bubble of air. We take this further, proving the existence of a continuous curve of water waves from a laminar flow up to a touchin


A conceptual design of a year 2035 turbofan is developed and integrated onto a year 2035 aircraft model. The mission performance is evaluated for CO2, noise and NOx and is compared with a notional XWB/A350-model. An OGV heat exchanger is then studied rejecting heat from an electric generator, and its top-level performance is evaluated. The fan, the booster and the low-pressure turbine of the propu

(Pseudo-)3D Inversion of Geophysical Electromagnetic Induction Data by Using an Arbitrary Prior and Constrained to Ancillary Information

Electromagnetic induction (EMI) methods are often used to map rapidly large areas with minimal logistical efforts. However, they are limited by a small number of frequencies and by their severe ill-posedness. On the other hand, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) results are generally considered more reliable, with no need for specific calibration procedures and easy 2D/3D inversion. Still, ER

CSF MTBR-tau243 is a specific biomarker of tau tangle pathology in Alzheimer’s disease

Aggregated insoluble tau is one of two defining features of Alzheimer’s disease. Because clinical symptoms are strongly correlated with tau aggregates, drug development and clinical diagnosis need cost-effective and accessible specific fluid biomarkers of tau aggregates; however, recent studies suggest that the fluid biomarkers currently available cannot specifically track tau aggregates. We show

Recurrent allopolyploidizations diversify ecophysiological traits in marsh orchids (Dactylorhiza majalis s.l.)

Whole-genome duplication has shaped the evolution of angiosperms and other organisms, and is important for many crops. Structural reorganization of chromosomes and repatterning of gene expression are frequently observed in allopolyploids, with physiological and ecological consequences. Recurrent origins from different parental populations are widespread among polyploids, resulting in an array of l

Fluorescence of Single Conjugated Chains of MEH-PPV Dispersed in Polymer Matrix : What Do We See in the Microscope?

It has been a mystery that the detected fluorescence intensity of single MEH-PPV molecules is much lower than expected based on their chain length. In this review, after re-evaluating of the literature data in the light of new specially designed experiments, we present a comprehensive explanation of this issue: The actual size of MEH-PPV molecules at single molecule level is much smaller than expe

En marknad för klass : Marknads- och opinionsundersökningar som skillnadsmaskiner 1930–1960

This article studies the rise of market research and opinion surveys in Sweden from the 1930s and onward. By focusing on the promotion of empirical knowledge by actors between the academic and the commercial world, such as the economist Gerhard Törnqvist, the article shows how new practices of classifying consumers into social classes were established among marketers and advertisers. These approac

Från papper till punktdisplay

Detta examensarbete var ett samarbete med Myndigheten för tillgängliga medier [MTM] och byggde vidare på ett tidigare studentarbete. I studentarbetet utvecklades en prototyp som erbjöd en digital genväg för läsning av papperspunktskriftsböcker. Prototypen var webbaserad och tog emot tryckerifiler vars innehåll omarbetades och gjordes läsbara med skärmläsare och punktdisplay. Syftet med det här exa

The Colour of Heating was Red: An overview of historical and policy narratives of domestic heating in Sweden, 1940 - present : JustHeat Strand II Report

This report has been written within the project Looking Back to Move Forward: a Social and Cultural History of Heating (JustHeat). The aim of the project is to unpack previous heating transitions at the home front since 1940 in order to enable more just and inclusive heating transitions in the future. The background is the notion that home heating transitions are deeply personal in the sense that

Intrahost evolution of the HIV-2 capsid correlates with progression to AIDS

HIV-2 infection will progress to AIDS in most patients without treatment, albeit at approximately half the rate of HIV-1 infection. HIV-2 capsid (p26) amino acid polymorphisms are associated with lower viral loads and enhanced processing of T cell epitopes, which may lead to protective Gag-specific T cell responses common in slower progressors. Lower virus evolutionary rates, and positive selectio

Survey of Design Methods and Material Characteristics in Rubber Engineering

The unique properties of elastomeric materials are taken advantage of in many engineering applications. Elastomeric units are used as couplings or mountings between stiff structures. Examples of these are shock absorbers, vibration insulators, flexible joints, seals and suspensions.The development of computers and of analysis programs in this area has given engineers a new tool for the design of e

Self-Heating in Gate-All-Around Vertical III-V InAs/InGaAs MOSFETs

We investigate self-heating in vertical, gate-all-around III-V InAs/InGaAs nanowire MOSFETs using pulsed IV measurements at various temperatures. Low temperature measurements reveal a negative output conductance indicating self-heating in the transistor. Under pulsed measurements, an increase in drain current (15%) and transconductance (30%) are observed at room temperature, with values influenced

Witness Reporting as Resistance and Recovery–The Swedish Missionary Alma Johansson and the 1915 Armenian Genocide

Western missionaries became important eyewitnesses of the 1915 Armenian genocide, and many reported on the events. This article analyses witness reporting from a biographical and gendered perspective, taking into account the significance of studying local activism and transnational networks in a humanitarian setting. Taking the witness accounts of the Swedish missionary Alma Johansson as an exampl