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Your search for "*" yielded 526115 hits

PVC flooring at home and uptake of phthalates in pregnant women

Phthalates are used as plasticizers in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) materials and it is known that phthalates may migrate into the surrounding environment and then become a source for human uptake. The aim of the study was to investigate whether residential PVC flooring was related to the urinary levels of phthalate metabolites determined in pregnant women. The data were from the Swedish SELMA study w

Lactoferrin ameliorates dopaminergic neurodegeneration and motor deficits in MPTP-treated mice

Brain iron accumulation is common in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Iron chelators have been investigated for their ability to prevent neurodegenerative diseases with features of iron overload. Given the non-trivial side effects of classical iron chelators, lactoferrin (Lf), a multifunctional iron-binding globular glycoprotein, was screened to identify novel neuroprotective pathways again

SeeMe at the crosswalk : Before-after study of a pedestrian crosswalk warning system

SeeMe is a pedestrian crosswalk warning system with automatic pedestrian detection that is mounted on crosswalk signs. Amber flashing lights are activated when pedestrians are approaching or crossing the crosswalk. The aim is to attract motorists’ attention, to improve yielding behavior and to reduce conflicts. A before-after study with a matched comparison group has been conducted in the Norwegia

Steady three-dimensional rotational flows : An approach via two stream functions and Nash-Moser iteration

We consider the stationary flow of an inviscid and incompressible fluid of constant density in the region D = (0, L) × ℝ2. We are concerned with flows that are periodic in the second and third variables and that have prescribed flux through each point of the boundary ∂D. The Bernoulli equation states that the "Bernoulli function" H := 1/2 |v|2 + p (where v is the velocity field and p the pressure)

Sju nyanser av transparens : Om artificiell intelligens och ansvaret för digitala plattformars samhällspåverkan

Detta kapitel analyserar vad man kan kalla automatiserad policyimplementering på digitala plattformar och därmed kombinationen av normativitet och plattformisering. I kapitlet fokuseras betydelsen av de automatiserade verktyg där varianter av artificiell intelligens och maskininlärning används för att moderera och effektivisera olika informationsflöden. Här tecknas tre kategorier där plattformar a

Användning av siffermaskiner för syntes och realisering av regleringssystem : Föredrag vid NordSAM 63

Denna rapport ger en översikt av linjär optimal stokastisk kontroll. De fundamentala problemen formuleras och de centrala resultaten gives, utan bevis men med utförliga fysikaliska tolkningar. Användandet av siffermaskiner både för syntes och implementering behandlas. Vidare diskuteras några praktiska problem förenade med det optimala systemets realisering: val av samplingstid, reelltidsberäkning

Scaling our world view : How monoamines can put context into brain circuitry

Monoamines are presumed to be diffuse metabotropic neuromodulators of the topographically and temporally precise ionotropic circuitry which dominates CNS functions. Their malfunction is strongly implicated in motor and cognitive disorders, but their function in behavioral and cognitive processing is scarcely understood. In this paper, the principles of such a monoaminergic function are conceptuali

Hard x-ray multi-projection imaging for single-shot approaches

High-brilliance x-ray sources (x-ray free-electron lasers or diffraction-limited storage rings) allow the visualization of ultrafast processes in a 2D manner using single exposures. Current 3D approaches scan the sample using multiple exposures, and hence they are not compatible with single-shot acquisitions. Here we propose and verify experimentally an x-ray multi-projection imaging approach, whi

Microglia in neurological diseases : A road map to brain-disease dependent-inflammatory response

Microglia represent a specialized population of macrophages-like cells in the central nervous system (CNS) considered immune sentinels that are capable of orchestrating a potent inflammatory response. Microglia are also involved in synaptic organization, trophic neuronal support during development, phagocytosis of apoptotic cells in the developing brain, myelin turnover, control of neuronal excita

Reduced cancer morbidity and mortality in a prospective cohort of women with distal forearm fractures

At the Department of Orthopedics of University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, cancer incidence and overall and cause-specific mortality were studied in a prospective cohort of 677 women who had experienced a fracture of the distal forearm in 1974 or 1975. The women were followed through population-based population, cancer, and death registries in southern Sweden. There was a significant reduction In over

Murine HSCs contribute actively to native hematopoiesis but with reduced differentiation capacity upon aging

A hallmark of adult hematopoiesis is the continuous replacement of blood cells with limited lifespans. While active hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) contribution to multilineage hematopoiesis is the foundation of clinical HSC transplantation, recent reports have questioned the physiological contribution of HSCs to normal/steady-state adult hematopoiesis. Here, we use inducible lineage tracing from ge

Combined effects of boundary layer dynamics and atmospheric chemistry on aerosol composition during new particle formation periods

Characterizing aerosol chemical composition in response to meteorological changes and atmospheric chemistry is important to gain insights into new particle formation mechanisms. A BAECC (Biogenic Aerosols - Effects on Clouds and Climate) campaign was conducted during the spring 2014 at the SMEAR II station (Station for Measuring Forest Ecosystem-Aerosol Relations) in Finland. The particles were ch

Hydration-Dependent Hierarchical Structures in Block Copolymer-Surfactant Complex Salts

Block copolymer-surfactant "complex salts" (BCPCS), containing one neutral water-soluble block and one polyion/surfactant-ion block, were prepared from poly(acrylamide)-block-poly(acrylic acid) block copolymers by neutralizing the acrylate charges with cationic dodecyl- or hexadecyltrimethylammonium surfactant counterions. The BCPCS were studied in hydrated samples containing 20-99 wt % water (and

Direct reprogramming of fibroblasts into antigen-presenting dendritic cells

Ectopic expression of transcription factors has been used to reprogram differentiated somatic cells toward pluripotency or to directly reprogram them to other somatic cell lineages. This concept has been explored in the context of regenerative medicine. Here, we set out to generate dendritic cells (DCs) capable of presenting antigens from mouse and human fibroblasts. By screening combinations of 1

A Nonlinear PID Autotuning Algorithm

A nonlinear autotuning regulator algorithm is obtained via a direct combination of the Åström-Hägglund algorithm for the linear case [1] with the sinusoidal-input describing function (SIDEF) approach to nonlinear compensator synthesis of Taylor and Strobel [2]. The basic approach for linear autotuning proceeds as follows: a. install a relay with hysteresis in series with the unknown plant to be co

Comparing effects of 4 months of two self-administered exercise training programs on physical performance in patients with chronic kidney disease : RENEXC - A randomized controlled trial

Background Exercise training is recommended to patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, the level of evidence is still low. This randomized controlled trial (RCT) compared two different and self-administered exercise training programs in a representative CKD population. Methods This single centre RCT included 151 non-dialysis dependent CKD patients, irrespective of age and comorbidity.