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Your search for "*" yielded 531793 hits

Space-, time- and spin-resolved photoemission

This article reviews photoemission experiments that simultaneously resolve at least two of the following degrees of freedom: space (real and momentum space), time (intrinsic time scale of a fast experiment or time-of-flight) and spin. In the spatiotemporal domain, imaging of fast processes by PEEM gives direct insight into plasmon dynamics or magnetization processes. In the category real space &am

Effects of uncertainties in experimental conditions on the estimation of adsorption model parameters in preparative chromatography

Model-based process design is increasingly popular when designing pharmaceutical purification processes. The effect of uncertainties in concentration measurements on the estimation of model parameters is analyzed for two cases of non-isocratic adsorption chromatography. A model, calibrated to experiments, is used to generate data by adding a Monte Carlo sampled error in the inlet concentrations. N

Increased concentrations of nitrate in forest soil water after windthrow in southern Sweden

In January 2005, south-west Sweden was hit by a severe storm that caused large damage to the forests through massive windthrow. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of this windthrow on nitrate concentrations in the soil water below the root zone on 33 forest monitoring plots within the Swedish Throughfall Monitoring Network (SWETHRO). These sites were damaged to different extents by the

Feasibility for mapping cartilage t1 relaxation times in the distal metacarpus3/metatarsus3 of thoroughbred racehorses using delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dgemric): normal cadaver study

Osteoarthritis of the metacarpo/metatarsophalangeal joints is one of the major causes of poor performance in horses. Delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC) may be a useful technique for noninvasively quantifying articular cartilage damage in horses. The purpose of this study was to describe dGEMRIC characteristics of the distal metacarpus3/metatarsus3 (Mc3/Mt

Risk of HIV transmission from patients on antiretroviral therapy: A position statement from the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the Swedish Reference Group for Antiviral Therapy

The modern medical treatment of HIV with antiretroviral therapy (ART) has drastically reduced the morbidity and mortality in patients infected with this virus. ART has also been shown to reduce the transmission risk from individual patients as well as the spread of the infection at the population level. This position statement from the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the Swedish Reference Group

Organic removal activity in biofilm and suspended biomass fractions of MBBR systems.

The moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) wastewater treatment process is usually designed based on the assumption that all activity in the process occurs in the biofilm on the MBBR carriers, although there is always some active biomass in the bulk liquid due to biofilm sloughing and, sometimes, free-growing bacteria. In this study the removal of organic matter is evaluated in laboratory-scale MBBR re

Katolsk politisk doktrin och sociallära : religionsfrihet och mänskliga rättigheter

The 18th century witnessed profound changes in the political thinking of Western societies regarding the individual, society and the state. The principle of freedom of religion was confirmed in the American Declaration of Independence in 1776 and in the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in 1789. A guiding principle was that the civic rights of individuals were not to be de

Stakeholder Participation for Sustainable Property Development

Complexity in property development projects involves and affects stakeholders with different attributes, interests, needs and concerns. Thus, each stakeholder may influence a project negatively or positively. The literature suggests that the concepts of stakeholder, participation, social sustainability and sustainable development are intertwined and together can contribute to social change. To enh

Revision of the position of the Ordovician-Silurian boundary in southern Ontario: regional chronostratigraphic implications of delta C-13 chemostratigraphy of the Manitoulin Formation and associated strata

delta C-13 values of 142 samples from the Manitoulin Formation and subjacent strata collected from 14 exposures and two drill-cores on Manitoulin Island, Bruce Peninsula, and the region south of Georgian Bay suggest that the Manitoulin Formation is latest Ordovician (Hirnantian) rather than earliest Silurian in age. A delta C-13 excursion identified as the Hirnantian isotope carbon excursion (HICE

Patients' views on responsibility for the management of musculoskeletal disorders - A qualitative study

Background: Musculoskeletal disorders are very common and almost inevitable in an individual's lifetime. Enabling self-management and allowing the individual to take responsibility for care is stated as desired in the management of these disorders, but this may be asking more than people can generally manage. A willingness among people to take responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders and not p

Timing Diagnostics and Coherent Harmonics from a test-FEL

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling ges en introduktion till fyra artiklar där resul- tat från och delar av en frielektron-laser (FEL) beskrivs. Denna typ av laser skiljer sig från de konventionella lasrar de flesta av oss har träffat på, t.ex. i form av en laserpekare. Den första märkbara skill- naden är att frielektron-lasrar är stora, ofta flera hundra meter långa. De kräver en accelThe test free-electron laser (test-FEL) at MAX-lab in Lund demonstrated for the first time circularly polarized coherent femtosecond pulses at 66 nm wavelength. A 375 MeV electron bunch was seeded by a femtosecond laser at 263 nm and coherent harmonics were extracted in an APPLE-II type elliptical undulator. A thermionic gun with a barium oxide cathode was adapted for photocathode operation, and t

A beta dimers differ from monomers in structural propensity, aggregation paths and population of synaptotoxic assemblies

Dimers of A beta (amyloid beta-protein) are believed to play an important role in Alzheimer's disease. In the absence of sufficient brain-derived dimers, we studied one of the only possible dimers that could be produced in vivo, [A beta](DiY) (dityrosine cross-linked A beta). For comparison, we used the A beta monomer and a design dimer cross-linked by replacement of Ser(26) with cystine [A beta S

Socionomkarriärer. Om vägar genom yrkeslivet i en av välfärdsstatens nya professioner

The dissertation is about career in working life – not career solely in the sense of climbing upwards in the organizational hierarchy to management level, but career as the movement that individuals or groups make over time through working life. The focus is on social workers and their professional field. The overall aim is to describe and analyse social workers’ career patterns and careers at the

Home, health and participation for community living people with disability

The aim of this thesis was to contribute to the understanding of aspects related to home, health and participation for community living people with disability and identify different groups with different needs for interventions. Study I used focus groups to explore aspects of importance for participation. Twenty-nine people with Parkinson’s Disease participated in nine focus groups. Studies II-III

The solar map as a knowledge base for solar energy use

Our existing urban environment has a significant potential to increase the use of renewable energy, mainly by using solar irradiation for heat and electricity. Quantification of the solar potential by means of a solar map is the first step in the acceleration process for using more solar energy in our urban environments. A solar map is a GIS system providing the annual solar irradiation on buildin