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The price of poverty: The association between childhood poverty and adult income and education in Sweden, 1947–2015

Childhood poverty increases the likelihood of being poor as an adult. We know relatively little about this persistence of poverty in the past and whether it changed as modern welfare societies developed. This study both analyses determinants of childhood poverty and assesses the association between childhood poverty and economic outcomes in adulthood for men and women who grew up in southern Swede

Drake, basilisk, amphisbaena eller senmurv? : Frågor kring några tidiga fasadreliefer i Vä, Skåne

A dilemma that the iconographer is often faced with when it comes to medieval imagery is what the fantastic hybrid animals actually represent. What are they? What do they mean? On the outer walls of the mid 11th century church of Vä, in north-eastern Scania, there are a number of sadly withered reliefs that may be interpreted as representing a number of different mythological animals with complete

Quantitative relationships of perfluoroalkyl acids in drinking water associated with serum concentrations above background in adults living near contamination hotspots in Sweden

Contaminated drinking water (DW) is a major source of exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at locations around PFAS production/use facilities and military airports. This study aimed to investigate quantitative relationships between concentrations in DW and serum of nine perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in Swedish adult populations living near contamination hotspots. Short-chained (PF

The Bloch-Messiah theorem and its application to overlaps

The Bogoliubov transformation is the starting point for the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method and thus for many theoretical approaches that describe heavy nuclei. This transformation is based on two matrices, denoted by U and V, which are called Bogoliubov amplitudes. In this paper the properties of these matrices are investigated. Bogoliubov amplitudes are generated using BCS wavefunctions. The Bloc

Upplevelser av det fysiska och psykiska måendet i samband med regelbunden yogautövning - en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Utövandet av yoga har ökat i västvärlden under de senaste årtiondena och många människor har yoga som sin huvudsakliga träningsform och som en meditativ praktik som möjligen förbättrar hälsan överlag hos individen. Specifikt vad gäller stress, ångest och mentalt välmående men även det fysiska välmåendet. Studier för att undersöka på vilka sätt yoga kan användas som ett terapeutiskt verktyg vid fys

Emulating future neurotechnology using magic

Recent developments in neuroscience and artificial intelligence have allowed machines to decode mental processes with growing accuracy. Neuroethicists have speculated that perfecting these technologies may result in reactions ranging from an invasion of privacy to an increase in self-understanding. Yet, evaluating these predictions is difficult given that people are poor at forecasting their react

Visualiseringen av en skandal : en kvalitativ studie av hur Ebba Buschs husaffär bildsattes i svensk dagspress

During the summer of 2020, Ebba Busch, the party leader of the Swedish Christian democrats, bought a house from 81-year old Esbjörn Bolin. This quickly turned into a legal fight, with Esbjörn Bolin claiming that he was pressured into selling the house. The event turned into an almost two-year long media scandal, with many twists and turns. In an era and a society where the media shape most people’

Influence of airway trolley organization on efficiency and team performance : A randomized, crossover simulation study

Background: Failed management of unanticipated difficult airway situations contributes to significant anesthesia-related morbidity and mortality. Optimization of design and layout of difficult airway trolleys (DATs) may influence outcomes during airway emergencies. The main objective of the current study was to evaluate whether a difficult airway algorithm-based DAT with integrated cognitive aids

Exploring Enterprise Risk Management: A Case Study with a Global Manufacturer of High Technology Products with Operations in Sweden

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), with an emphasis on risk aggregation, is conducted in practice. The thesis starts with a scoping study to review available literature on ERM. The findings from the scoping study show that literature focus on how ERM impacts certain financial variables, e.g. return on assets, return on equity, and firm value of organ

Förmögenhetsforum i Sverige och Danmark: En nödvändig frikostighet

Förmögenhetsforum ger käranden möjlighet att föra talan där svaranden har egendom. Denna typ av forum ger i teorin ett lands domstolar mycket bred jurisdiktion att pröva internationella tvister, även om tvisten inte har någon särskild anknytning till landet. Uppsatsen jämför förmögenhetsforum i Sverige och Danmark genom att analysera ländernas lagstiftning och praxis på området. Syftet med jämförAsset forum gives the plaintiff the ability to pursue litigation where the defendant has assets. In theory, this type of forum gives a country’s courts a very wide jurisdiction in international disputes, even if the case has no con-nection to the country. The essay compares asset forum in Sweden and Denmark by analysing legislation and case law in both countries. The purpose of the comparison is

Kommunalekonomisk tillväxt i strid med nationellt skyddade riksintressen - En analys av rennäringens skydd och intressekonflikten som uppstår i kommunal planläggning

Sverige upplever just nu en form av revitalisering av näringslivet i de nordliga delarna av landet, de stora fyndigheterna av naturresurser och bil-lig elektricitet är bidragande faktorer till detta. Detta stora intresse av att etablera verksamheter i kombination med den nedåtgående trenden som många kommuner upplever leder till en svår avvägning. Kommunerna ska samtidigt som de främjar ekonomisk Sweden is experiencing an increased demand for its natural resources in the northern part of the country. Combining this with a low cost of electric-ity it comes as no surprise that many municipalities are hoping to renew their economic growth by attracting investors. This is much needed as many municipalities are facing a downward spiral consisting of a low birth-rate combined with an aging popul

Socialt nedbrytande beteende eller symptom på autism? En kritisk studie av hur normer kring neuropsykiatrisk funktion påverkar domstolarnas bedömning av ”socialt nedbrytande beteende” som symtom på autism enligt LVU 3§

Uppsatsen syftar till att problematisera synen på autism i inom gällande rätt om tvångsvård i Sverige. Enligt Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU) 3§ får unga tvångsomhändertas för “socialt nedbrytande beteende”, som syftar på beteende som bryter mot samhällets grundläggande normer. Ett undantag till detta är om beteendet är ett “uttryck för deras psykiska störning”, vilkThe essay aims to problematize the view of autism in Sweden's law of compulsory care. According to The Care of Young Persons Act (LVU) 3§, young people can be forced into custody for “socially destructive behavior,” which refers to the destruction of fundamental social norms. An exception to this is if the behavior is a “symptom of a mental disorder,” including autism. The essay looks at judgm

Psykiskt störda lagöverträdares rättsliga ställning i Sverige och Danmark - Om ett återinförande av tillräknelighetskravet

En psykiskt störd lagöverträdare behöver i majoriteten av världens länder be-dömas vara tillräknelig för att kunna hållas straffrättsligt ansvarig för en brottslig gärning, det vill säga ha insikt och kontroll över sitt handlande vid gärningstillfället. I Sverige avskaffades detta så kallade tillräknelighetskrav i samband med införandet av brottsbalken 1965. Idén bakom lagändringen byggde på föreMost legal orders contain a requirement that a mentally disturbed offender must be considered sane in order to be held criminally responsible, in other words these offenders will only be imposed liability if they have had insight and control over their actions during the criminal act. However, in Sweden, this exemption from criminal responsibility was abolished in conjunction with the passing of

Numerical simulation of biomass gasification in fluidized bed gasifiers

Numerical simulation of biomass gasification in fluidized bed reactors faces several challenges including proper modeling of the physical and chemical processes involved in the gasification and numerical stiffness of the two-phase dense particle flow problem. In this paper, the multi-phase particle-in-cell (MP-PIC) model coupled with a recently developed distribution kernel method (DKM) and a new

Remote Vegetation Diagnostics in Ghana with a Hyperspectral Fluorescence Lidar

Spectral imaging and lidar methods for the characterization of vegetation are vital for understanding plants and, in turn, food security, biodiversity, and vegetation health in a changing climate. While novel hyperspectral imaging, canopy lidar,and solar-induced fluorescence provide details on species, state, structure, and plant physiology, such data come from different instruments. Thus, post-pr