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Enterprise content management systems: En studie om misslyckade förarbeten
Enterprise content management systems (ECMS) är större verksamheters verktyg för att hantera content, integrera olika system och främja samarbete, allt på en och samma plattform. Undersökningar visar dock på stort missnöje kring verksamheters ECMS och att många projekt misslyckas redan i förarbetet till systemet. Anledningarna bakom misslyckandena är något som inte har blivit lika undersökt, därav
Business Model Innovation - Challenges and Opportunities in the Swedish Newspaper Industry
The digital era has mercilessly affected the media landscape by changing the way information and news are disseminated and consumed. This has led to an increased need to move activities online and an outdated business model among newspapers. The Swedish newspaper industry has so far struggled to do business in the digital world. Hence, the need for business model innovation is greater than ever. I
Business-to-Business Brand Pathos - Exploring Brand Fellowship in B2B Communication
Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis was to explore, define and characterise the phenomenon of Brand Fellowship within business-to-business (B2B) communication by using the rhetorical appeals of ethos, logos and pathos. Brand Fellowship was observed to be the emotional relationship between man and machine that influences how heavy-duty machine companies construct their brand. This contradict
Mirror Mirror on the Wall Who’s the Most Moderate of them all? An Exploration of Muslim-state Relations in the Era of Prevent
This work will examine how the British government engaged with Muslim-led organisations through its counter-extremism strategy Prevent in following the London bombings in 2005. Over a period of seven years two governments, Labour and the Coalition, implemented separate version of Prevent which led to distinct forms of state engagement with Muslim-led organisations. By looking at the broader histor
”Alla vet, men ingen säger något”: en studie om en lag om anonyma vittnen kan öka vittnesbenägenheten
The aim of this study is to shed light on today's witness situation. People are not willing to testify in court because of the fear of threat and pressure from criminal gangs. Because of this, we have examine how anonymous witness can increase the witness tendency among individuals with former criminal background. Anonymous witness is a suggestion from political parties in Sweden to become a l
Sex i paradiset : Konformitet i samband med sexuell aktivitet
Many university students feel that their sexual activity is either not sufficient or that it is too high. This leads to dishonesty and discomfort concerning the subject when it is discussed. This can be seen as a sign of conformity. The goal of this quantitative study was to explore a possible correlation between conformity and sexual activity in two university programs at Lund University, Sweden.
Identifying and Addressing the Challenges of Mainstreaming the Menstrual Cup in Uganda
Menstruation is a normal body function and a sign of reproductive health. Although it is a fundamental human right for girls and women to have the ability to properly manage their menstruation, it is a long-neglected issue in low-income countries. Pilot studies have provided optimism for the menstrual cup’s potential to improve the quality of life for Ugandan girls and women. Several actors are in
Tracing mangrove forest dynamics of Bangladesh using historical Landsat data
Present, accurate, and reliable estimation of mangrove forests in Bangladesh is limited. Former estimation of mangroves extent and density has been more or less restricted to Sundarbans and do not represent the whole country. In this study, a time series analysis was performed using Landsat images from four epochs, namely: 1976 (Landsat MSS), 1989 (Landsat TM), 2000 (Landsat ETM+) and 2015 (Landsa
Finlandssvenskar i jämförelse; Bakgrundsfaktorer till skillnaderna i mord- och dråpsstatistiken
Bakgrund; Enligt brottsstatistiken i Finland begår finlandssvenskar färre brottshandlingar. Till exempel begår mindre andel finlandssvenskar brott mot liv än vad finnar gör. Detta fenomen är inte utforskat i landet och därmed förekommer det inga teorier varför finlandssvenskar, enligt brottsstatistiken, är en mindre våldsam minoritet i Finland Syfte; Ställa upp sociologiska teorier och hypoteser
Urban energy and environmental policy: the case of Shanghai since the 2000’s
Shanghai has observed a fast economic growth since the market-oriented and Open-door reforms, which brought stress to the local and global environment. Economic growth is often coupled with environmental degradation. This thesis aims to illustrate how Shanghai is incorporating the concept of sustainable development to maintain its economic development. Following National goals of development, Shan
Kunskapsammanställning av dagvattenanläggningar i Södertälje kommun - En utvärdering av åtta anläggningar samt förslag på tillsynsstrategi
Bristande underhåll på dagvattenanläggningar, och vikten av tillsyn Dagvatten är regn- och smältvatten som rinner av från hårdgjorda ytor såsom tak, vägar och parkeringsplatser. Dagvatten är ett miljöproblem eftersom det för med sig föroreningar från bland annat trafik och industri ut i våra sjöar och vattendrag. Väl där kan föroreningarna försvåra för växter och djur att överleva. Ett annat probAs a result of urbanization, more impervious areas such as roofs, roads and parking lots, replace green areas. This prevents rain and snowmelt from infiltrating into the ground. As a consequence of this and the increase of precipitation due to climate change, larger amounts of contaminated storm water can pass directly to the nearest recipient. The increase of water to lakes and streams can cause
"Positiv men ambivalent" : En undersökning om privatanställda socialarbetares inställningar och motiv till att inom privat verksamhet
Undersökning visar att privatisering inom det sociala arbetet stadigt ökar (Statistiska centralbyrån 2016a) samtidigt visar forskning att socialarbetares inställning till privatisering generellt sett kan betraktas som negativ (Liljegren et al. 2008; Dellgran & Höjer 2005a; Dellgran & Höjer 2005b). Ökningen trots den generellt sett negativa inställningen tycks indikera på ett glapp mellan sSurveys shows that privatization in social work is steadily increasing (Statistiska Centralbyrån 2016a), while other research shows that social workers' attitudes towards privatization can generally be regarded as negative (Liljegren et al., 2008; Dellgran & Höjer 2005a; Dellgran & Höjer 2005b). The increase, despite the generally negative attitudes, seems to indicate a gap between soc
Assessing the Recruiter Demand for Graduates With Non-Business Bachelor Degrees and a Master in Management (MiM)
The current study addresses the proposal that students with a non-business bachelor’s degree and a masters in management (MiM) possess a profile that is T-shaped; as a result of, gaining general managerial knowledge in a MiM program (top of the T) and in-depth knowledge as a result of an undergraduate degree from a specific degree field (vertical part of the T). The key concepts that we focus on a
Konsumtionsmönster vid köp av charkprodukter till vardags
När det småskaliga charkuteriet ska ta steget från gårdsbutiken och etablera sig i dagligvaruhandeln krävs en tydlig marknadsföringsstrategi för att kunna mäta sig med de stora producenterna. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att få en bild över hur marknaden för köttpålägg ser ut idag och utröna vilka möjligheter och utmaningar en mindre producent kan ställas inför. Genom att utföra en konsumentu
Hållbarhet i ett vägprojekt - faktorer och indikatorer
Sanning och objektivitet i nationalismens tjänst: en kritisk diskursanalys av föreställningar om sanning och objektivitet i Migrationsverkets rättsliga ställningstaganden.
During the last two years there have been extensive changes in the Swedish migration policy within the current regulatory system. A necessity within the current system is to assess the credibility of the asylum seekers claims. This invites questions about truth and objectivity. The aim of this thesis is to examine the knowledge and belief system regarding objectivity and truth of the Swedish Migra
Designing a deep learning network for self-driving vehicles
Autonomous vehicles, or as we usually know them by, self-driving cars, are often presented as the transportation technology of the future. The possibility of a vehicle to drive itself without any human intervention or manual control finally becomes possible. The common machine learning algorithm that is being used in autonomous vehicles is the deep learning network. Deep learning is a machine lea
Branding the Others
In view of the fact that Western films are one of the most consumed forms of popular culture in the world market, this study argues that they are, therefore, integral to the nation branding process of non Western countries. Anchored in postcolonial theory, this research purposely turned to Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis model as a matching analytical framework. With an intention of revea
How can high-tech companies apply Student Surrogate Entrepreneurs on internal ideas
High tech companies are constantly searching for ways to innovate their business, and open innovation has become a widely known concept and an important ingredient for companies in their way to becoming more innovative. Areas and clusters around the globe where the industry and University closely collaborating are organically increasing, and have proven to be a crucial mechanism in enabling innova