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Your search for "*" yielded 537931 hits

Management of Large Crowds in Underground Metro Stations

This report focuses on the issues associated with large occupant loads and counter-flows in underground metro stations. A basic case study is performed by simulating different countermeasures scenarios to investigate the implication that the countermeasures may have on the occupant load on the platform. The countermeasures investigated were modifications to the flow through ticket gates or escalat

Projektledaren, ledarskapet och mentorskapet

Syftet med studien är att kartlägga vilka egenskaper och färdigheter en byggprojektledare bör utveckla för att säkerställa ett projekts framgång. Studien ämnar även undersöka projektledarnas nuvarande ledarkompetenser och val av tillvägagångssätt i projekten. Detta för att bilda en uppfattning av mentorskapets effekter som kompetensutvecklingsmetod, och få en djupare förståelse för hur mentorskapeThe purpose of the study is to identify the leader characteristics and skills a construction project manager should develop in order to ensure a project's success. The aim is also to examine the project manager's current competencies and approaches. The purpose is furthermore to identify how to design a mentoring program to improve the manager’s possibilities to achieve successful projects

Integration of powdered activated carbon in tertiary disc filtration of wastewater

Mikroföroreningar är små molekyler som är restprodukter från t.ex. läkemedel, hormoner, kosmetika samt mikroplaster. Då majoriteten av dessa inte renas i våra avloppsreningsverk har mikroföroreningarna börjat ackumuleras i vattendrag och dess negativa inverkan på vattenlevande djur har börjat uppmärksammas. En av metoderna för att ta hand om och avskilja mikroföroreningarna i reningsprocessen är This thesis investigates the feasibility of integrating Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) in to chemical treatment in combination with disc filtration of tertiary wastewater. Jar and tube tests have been performed, where the suspension was filtered through a 10 μm disc filter from Hydrotech Veolia Water Technologies. The effluent has been analyzed for total phosphorus (TP), total suspended solids (T

The Puzzle of China’s Leftover Women

The aim of this thesis is to identify the roots of the leftover women phenomenon in order to understand why it has appeared. In particular, we examine why the leftover women are having difficulties in finding a husband in the Chinese marriage market. Additionally, we establish whether the leftover women phenomenon may be a consequence of the increasing patriarchal norms in China. Through an in-dep

Development of a Web Mapping Application for grazing resource information in Kordofan, Sudan, by downloading MODIS data automatically via Python

I Sudan, Kordofan, livnärs sig många från boskapsdjur och nomader har som uppgift att flytta runt dessa till diverse betesresurser. Eftersom betesresurserna varierar från år till år har det skapats ett projekt som kallas för GRIS där man ska ta reda på tillgång och efterfråga på just betesresurser. Data tillgänglig från detta projekt ska finnas tillgänglig på en kartapplikation och det är där dettIn Sahel livestock stands for an important resource. Since livestock is dependent on vegetation as food supply it is important to monitor biomass within the area to be able to assess and adapt to different situations regarding the livestock. Optimally such approximations should be available as early as possible in order for the owners to be able to make decisions while it still makes a difference.

Development of an Upconverting Nanoparticles Quantum Yield Measurement System

Fluorescence imaging is a growing biomedical technique; it can be used to localize the luminescent biomarkers inside the tissue. Lanthanide-doped upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) are promising luminescent probes for multiple applications in biophotonics. They allow acquiring autofluorescence-free recordings with high spatial resolution. How- ever, upconverting nanoparticles have a low quantum yi

Earnings Management and the Cost of Publicly Issued Debt

The purpose of this study is to empirically test whether earnings management (both accruals-based and real) has an impact on the cost of public debt (approximated by credit ratings and bond yields) issued on the European bond market. Using a cross-sectional approach, accruals-based and real earnings management are estimated. The estimates are then used as explanatory variables in both an ordered r

Bilden av Serena Williams: en studie av medias porträttering av världens bästa tennisspelare.

In this thesis it is discussed how the representation of Serena Williams in media can be understood through the lens of black feminist thought. Furthermore it is argued how the same image can be understood as empowering and oppressive. Through a combination of discourse analysis and document analysis the author examines the representation of Williams in several photographs and articles as our perc

Är revisorn vital vid anskaffande av kapital? - En studie om kreditgivares uppfattning av olika revisorer

Uppsatsens titel: Är revisorn vital vid anskaffande av kapital? - En studie om kreditgivares uppfattning av olika revisorer Seminariedatum: 2:e juni 2016 Kurs: FEKH69 - Kandidatkurs i redovisning, 15 hp Författare: Annie Lidé, André Ljungström, Eric Ridell Handledare: Niklas Sandell Nyckelord: Revision, revisionskvalité, kreditgivare, kognitiv psykologi, erfarenhet, byrå, arvode Syfte: Syfte

Social Mobility and Educational Inequality in England: A Regional Breakdown

The UK has one of the lowest rates of social mobility in the developed world. While ample research has been published on the stratification of British society resulting from this, far less UK-specific work looks to unpack the processes which ensure these divides persist. This study reviews wider social mobility literature to demonstrate how inequality of opportunity in human capital development co

Moder Svea fjättrad : En narrativ analys av Sverigedemokraternas politik med fokus på historiekultur och historiebruk

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera hur Sverigedemokraterna använder historia för att förmedla en berättelse om Sveriges historia som ger riktlinjer för nutiden. Frågorna jag ställer handlar om hur deras berättelse är uppbyggd, vilka deras syften är och varför historia är viktigt för deras politik. Jag undersöker också om det finns ändringar i deras berättelse över tid. Jag har analyserat inThe subject of this thesis is derived from the scientific problem of the encounter between history and politics. The aim is to analyse the Sweden Democrats' use of history which manifests itself in their political rhetoric. Specifically, the importance of their interest in history in their struggle to attain dominance over the interpretation and arrangement of Swedish history as a whole. My pr

Providing clean water to rural communities: Cases from Mexico

Despite the international efforts, clean water provision to all remains a task to be solved around the world. As this challenge accentuates in rural areas, this thesis contributes to the body of knowledge of clean water provision in to rural communities, focusing on seven cases from Guanajuato and Oaxaca in Mexico. The complex system set in place to guarantee the human right to access, safe, suffi

Quantum chemical studies of iron carbene light-harvesting complexes

I jakten på nya och bättre solceller har en teknik som bygger på färgämnesmolekyler innehållandes en metall seglat upp som en möjlig framtidskandidat. Dock lider dessa av att de använder dyra och sällsynta metaller vilket gör att de inte är optimala för massproduktion. Om man istället hade kunnat använda färgämnen som innehåller järn så hade dessa solceller kunnat göras billigare då järn är ett avThis thesis had the goal of investigate two dierent DFT methods, PBE0 and B3LYP*, and what eect those had on the calculations to see if the new DFT method, B3LYP*, would give results that better match em- pirical data. To do this three iron complexes were investigated with both methods so that the results could be compared and conclusions drawn. A forth complex were investigated with only PBE0 to

Privatizing the Ejido System: The Tradeoff of Land Tenure, Governance and Transaction Costs

This thesis examines the ejido system in Mexico in order to understand the dynamics of land tenure, governance and transaction costs through the lens of Elinor Ostrom’s theory of good governance. This case of the ejido system was chosen as their constitution that enabled a communal access land tenure regime in the agricultural sector, was amended to allow for privatization. The ejido serves as a p

”Det finns ju så många kulturer. Det är jättesvårt.” : En studie om aspekten kulturell kontext i text som är anpassad för andraspråksbrukare.

Kulturell kontext lyfts allt oftare som en viktig aspekt vid textanpassning för andraspråksbrukare. I den här studien har kulturell kontext, som begrepp och fenomen, undersökts och problematiserats närmare. Studien har genomförts med kvalitativa metoder i form av litteraturstudier och intervjuer med andraspråksbrukare. I resultatet av detta framgår det att begreppet kulturell kontext i dagsläget ä

Multi-layered G-Buffers for Real-Time Reflections

This thesis evaluates the use of screen space reflections combined with a deep G-buffer in computer graphics applications. Both visual inspection of rendered images and computational methods are used to evaluate the quality and performance of the reflections. Rendering reflections using screen space methods is generally faster than rendering them with other methods. The main drawback is that only

On the reporting of production performance in a global operation

As companies compete on the global market with an increasing amount of competitors trying to win market shares the need for an increasingly effective production becomes apparent. By utilizing the correct indicators the company can identify and improve their weaknesses to becoming more effective. The project is performed at five of Alfa Laval’s production sites, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The study is also

Public Perceptions of Street Children in Cairo: The Criminalization of Street Children and the Role of the Public

The present study seeks to explore the criminalization of, and punitive responses toward poor and marginalized people, through a case study on street children in Cairo. The specific focus of the study is public perceptions of the street children. Through focus group discussions with Cairo residents of different ages, gender and socioeconomic backgrounds, it explores how members of the public under

Evaluation of differences in attenuation pattern for myocardial perfusion scintigraphy between CZT and conventional gamma cameras

I dagsläget används två olika typer av kameror vid myokardscintigrafi-undersökningar, Kadmium-Zink-Tellurid (CZT)-kameran och den konventionella scintillationskameran. Kamerorna bygger på två vitt skilda tekniker vilket innebär att bilderna som de producerar innehåller vissa skillnader. Det är viktigt att läkarna som granskar bilderna är medvetna om att det förekommer skillnader i bilderna som uppThe new CZT camera has a different technology compared to conventional scintillation gamma cameras. The CZT camera have pinholes instead of parallel hole collimators, a static gantry instead of a rotating one and detection material made of a semiconductor in- stead of a scintillation crystal. The images arising from the CZT camera have a difference in appearance compared to the images produced by