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Human vascular alpha-adrenoceptors. A study of peripheral arteries and veins in vitro and in vivo.
By means of a sensitive myograph and alpha-receptor subtype selective agonists and antagonists the postjunctional alpha-adrenoceptors were characterized in small omental and groin arteries and veins and in long saphenous veins obtained from 52 "healthy" adults during surgery. These vessels were found to have a mixed population of contraction mediating postjunctional alpha-receptors with a predomin
Drug control and drug offences in the Nordic countries: a criminal political failure too often interpreted as a success
Implicational scaling.
Socialtjänsten som kunskapskälla. En modell för psykosocial rapportering inför strategiska beslut på kommunal ledningsnivå avseende bland annat hållbar utveckling och folkhälsa.
Pia Tafdrup
Emergence criterion
Master of Science in risk management and safety engineering at Lund University
Interface and interaction
Abstract is not available
The effect of country level factors on the trade-off between cost and flexibility in mass customization
Insufficient attention has been paid to both the relationship between mass customization capability and operational performance and the contingency factors affecting this relationship. We propose a model that conceptualizes the relationship between mass customization capability, flexibility performance, and cost performance. The hypotheses are empirically tested using data collected from 5th round
New many-body approach to photoemission and spectral functions
Beta-Decay Properties of Ni-72 and Cu-72
Fotoninducerade kärnreaktioner över pionproduktionströskeln
[abstract missing]
Wallanderland. Film- och litteraturturism i Ystad
Estetisering av platser i syfte att genom affärsutveckling skapa mervärde har blivit en allt viktigare syssla för lokala entreprenörer inom turistbranschen. Genom att ge en plats en särskild aura lockas investerare att investera, människor att bosätta sig där och fler besökare att komma (Löfgren 2005). Turismen kan ses som ett praktiskt tillägnande av litteraturen och filmen, en läsakt som blir fy
Finland. A personal Balance sheet
Unaccompanied young adult refugees in Sweden, experiences of their life situation and well-being: a qualitative follow-up study.
Quick clay – an investigation in South West Sweden
De vanartiga doktoranderna
A dual input-channel software defined receiver platform for GSM WCDMA and Wi-Fi
In this paper a synchronized dual input-channel multi-mode Software Defined Radio receiver platform that we built originally is presented. The receiver platform compatible with the GSM, WCDMA, and Wi-Fi standards can detect and identify the surrounding base stations and access points. It features wide frequency range, high adaptive sampling rate and especially dual phase coherent receiving channel
Images - Screens, Brains and Bodies
Moving from the ontological question "what is an image?" to the more performative, or ontogenetic, question "what can an image do?" this paper will discuss how non-representational theory could offer new ways to approach the materialities of the image. Drawing upon Gilles Deleuze's writings on the cinematic image, Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotics and Henri Bergson's writings on duration and memo