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Your search for "*" yielded 527909 hits

Cross-Border Investment Protection under EU Law and International Investment Agreements - Guiding EU-Based Investors Through the Intra-EU and Extra-EU Landscapes

Cross-border investment protection and dispute settlement mechanisms have sustained significant transformations, both within (intra-EU) and outside (extra-EU) of the European Union (EU). This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the legal frameworks safeguarding EU-based investors and their investments. It delves into the interplay between EU law and international investment agree

Genesis of the Digital Euro - The Relationship Between the Central Bank Digital Currency and Data Protection Law

This thesis conducts a legal investigation and critical analysis of the creation and establishment of a digital currency in the transactional agora of the European Union. The implementation of the digital euro as a new method of the European numismatic zone is a revolutionary neoteric strategy for efficiency in monetary transactions. A profound problem at the epicentre of this novel concept is the

Vulnerability Levels and Adaptative Capacities to Heatwaves of Citizens in Belgrade, Serbia

Climate observations show that Serbia has been experiencing an increase in mean temperatures and frequency of heatwaves, in part due to its high population growth and unsustainable urbanisation. The goal of this research was to establish the heatwave level of vulnerability in Belgrade municipalities and determine citizens' adaptive capacities. The MOVE framework was used to determine vulnerabi

Place Matters: Understanding the Influence of Emotional and Psychological Connections on Civic Engagement

The global trend of democracy has shown a marked decline, characterized by the erosion of democratic values and the rise of autocratic tendencies and political populism. Simultaneously, citizen participation in liberal democracies has notably decreased in recent decades. Engagement within participatory budgeting will be analyzed through the lens of sense of place. The research aims to investigate

A study on industrial heritage and building reuse in redevelopment processes - A case study on the industrial heritage and redevelopment of Västerbro

There is a trend in urban planning to redevelop industrial areas within cities into new modern residential districts. Considering sustainability goals and heritage conservation, many of these areas are often redeveloped through partial material reuse or full adaptive reuse of buildings. The thesis aims to uncover the actors, networks and processes in the redevelopment and planning processes to und

Sailing Towards Sustainable Energy - Legal and Permitting Structure Review for Offshore Wind in Denmark and Sweden

With the ambitious objectives of the European Green Deal, offshore wind energy is especially an important sector of Europe’s renewable energy strategy. This thesis aims to clarify the intricate legal and regulatory structures governing offshore wind projects, with a particular focus on the permitting process in Denmark and Sweden, and to what extent it is aligned with the Renewable Energy Directiv

Protecting Derivative Software - A Study of EU Copyright Law and Open-Source Licensing

Software applications are integral to various sectors, including manufacturing, commerce, transportation, healthcare, education, arts, and entertainment, with technological advancements, new applications continue to emerge, expanding the scope of software use. Open-source software (OSS) plays a crucial role in ensuring competition, promoting inclusiveness, and improving the digital environment, as

Rätt att leda – en kvalitativ studie hur säkrandet av rättigheter sker för allmänna va-ledningar

De allmänna va-ledningarna tillhandahålls av landets kommuner, som har ansvaret att förse fastighetsägarna med vatten och avlopp inom verksamhetsområden. Det ingår även ett ansvar att skydda ledningarna och den information som finns tillgänglig. Kommunerna kan välja att organisera arbetet i kommunalägda bolag, bilda kommunalförbund eller driva verksamheten i egen regi. Den som har hand om kommuThe supply of public drinking water and wastewater management in settled areas falls under the responsibility of local municipalities. This responsibility may be further allocated to a municipality owned company or organisation. In the occurrence of public water distribution lines and wastewater pipes crossing private property, the municipality or company must secure their rights to install, maint

Redefining Wilderness

Anthropocentrism as an ideology places humanity above nature and has long served as an excuse for its exploitation and destruction. Only by redefining nature and wilderness as intrinsic parts of ourselves and seeing other species as our extended family can we start to develop sustainable relationships with the more-than-human world. During my fieldwork in the intentional community of Auroville, I

Intellectual Property Issues of Fan Fiction

This thesis investigates fan fiction’s intellectual property issues, focusing on its legal status, copyright implications, and potential regulatory frameworks. The research explores the pathways for protecting the rights of original authors and fan fiction creators while fostering creative expression. Key topics include the definition and copyrightability of fan fiction, its potential for copyrigh

Detaljplan eller Vägplan? - En jämförelse mellan plan- och bygglagen och väglagen som medel i kommunal infrastrukturplanering

Det svenska vägnätet är uppdelat i allmänna vägar, kommunala gator och enskilda vägar. De allmänna vägarna sköts generellt av staten via Trafikverket. Ansvaret kan emellertid, om regeringen lämnat ett förordnande om det, överlämnas till den berörda kommunen. Förordnandet kan gälla för ett helt område, eller enskilda vägar. Kommunen är väghållare för de kommunala gatorna inom detaljplan med kommunaA municipality in Sweden has two different choices regarding how to plan and build transportational infrastructure such as roads. The most used way is to use the planning and building act and establish a detailed development plan, but the municipality could also establish a road plan according to the road act. This paper examines the connection between the two laws and how those apply on the munic

Fiscal Autonomy and State Aid - To what extent can the argument of fiscal autonomy prevent the characterisation of a selective advantage?

The European Commission’s (EC) interpretation of tax rulings misapplying national tax law and favouring certain multinational companies and integrated corporate groups as a selective advantage for State aid purposes poses a challenge to Member States’s fiscal autonomy. This tension between fiscal autonomy and State aid control is at the core of recent jurisprudence analysed by the Court of Justice

CO2 Mitigation for New Residential Buildings in Future Scenarios: Trade-off Between Operational and Embodied Energy

The building sector contributes to one-fifth of Sweden’s total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and consumes 40 % of the final energy consumption. To achieve the climate goals set by the Swedish government, the building sector requires rapid development to reduce its climate impact. The climate impact of buildings comes from two types of energy throughout the building's lifecycle: operational an

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Economic research emphasises the role of increasing returns to scale and critical mass in research and technology development. This suggests that countries benefit from specialising in certain technologies and can thereby bundle available resources. Using the example of the Exzellenzstrategie and the Zukunftsstrategie, we argue that German RTI policy lacks strategic prioritisation. The lack of foc

Force-ing intentions: a quantitative study of public brand communication on social media and its impact on behavioral intentions in young adults

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur varumärkeskommunikation kan användas av offentliga organisationer för att påverka unga vuxnas beteendeintentioner, samt om varumärkeskommunikation på sociala medier kan bidra till att bygga positiva varumärkesattityder. Studien fokuserar på den svenska myndigheten Försvarsmakten och hur unga vuxnas attityder och intentioner att genomföra värnplikten påverThis thesis aims to investigate how brand communication can be used by public organizations to affect young adults’ behavioral intentions, and if brand communication on social media can contribute to building positive brand attitudes. The study focuses on the authority The Swedish Armed Forces and how young adult’s attitudes and intentions towards enrolling in Swedish Defense Conscription are affe

AI mot människan

I den ständigt föränderliga marknadsföringslandskapet har framväxten av artificiell intelligens (AI) revolutionerat sättet varumärken engagerar sig med konsumenter. Den här studien undersöker artificiell intelligens genererat innehåll (AIGC) och dess påverkan på varumärkesuppfattning. Genom att utforska AI-genererat innehåll jämfört med mänskligt genererat innehåll (HGC), syftar forskningen till aIn the continuously evolving landscape of marketing, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed the way brands engage with consumers. This study examines Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) and its impact on brand perception. By exploring the nuances of AI-generated narratives compared to Human Generated Content (HGC), the research aims to reveal insights into the e

"Jag har många berättelser i mig": En studie om familjerådgivares ställningstaganden när våld förekommer i parrelationen.

Våld i nära relation är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem. Genom åren har kunskapen om våld ökat vilket innebär att våld i nära relation som fenomen nyanserats mer. Familjerådgivning är en kommunal verksamhet som arbetar med stöd till människor som upplever svårigheter i sina relationer. I den här studien undersöktes vilka ställningstaganden som görs av sex familjerådgivare i Sverige när det gälleIntimate couple violence is a global health problem. Over the years, knowledge about violence has increased, which means that violence in intimate relationships as a phenomenon has become more nuanced. Family counseling is a municipal activity that offers support for people who experience difficulties in their relationships. This study examined which positions are taken by six family counselor

Never say never to Nato

Den här avhandlingen undersöker kommunikationsstrategierna som använts av Socialdemokraterna under deras betydande omställning mot ett medlemskap i Nato under en sju månaders period, påverkad av Rysslands invasion av Ukraina den 24e Februari 2022. Studien fokuserar på två forskningsfrågor som undersöker hur den radikala förändringen diskursivt har rättfärdigats och inramats, samt hur tonen och inThis thesis investigates the communication strategies employed by the Social Democratic Party regarding their significant shift in stance on Nato membership over a seven-month period, influenced by Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, 2022. The two research questions examined are how this radical shift has been discursively justified and framed, as well as how the tone and content ha

Ett Känslomässigt SOS: Influencer och Ledare i Digital Tid En tematisk analys av digital kommunikation mellan influencer Ihor Lachenkov och president Volodymyr Zelensky

Den ständiga digitala utvecklingen kräver att människor anpassar sig till förändringar och i lägen där det råder krig är enkel och snabb informationsspridning avgörande. I Ukraina har plattformen Telegram varit signifikant sedan invasionen började den 24 februari 2022, där både politiker, journalister, militärer och privatpersoner har kunnat sprida strategisk kommunikation i form av viktiga meddel