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Your search for "*" yielded 532304 hits

How to assess accessibility? : Subjective accounts, objective measurements, or both?

Since the 1990s, researchers have presented compelling links between reduced accessibility, transport disadvantage and social exclusion. This evidence has seen the transport equity policy agenda gain momentum in both the transport research and policy discourses. In tandem with this trend has come an increasing focus on accessibility to out-of-home activities as opposed to realised mobility in term

Andra världar : Vårt sökande efter extrasolära planeter

Under tusentals år trodde människan att detta var Universums mittpunkt. Tack vare vår nyfikenhet, fantasi och lust att upptäcka, vet vi nu att planeter som vår Jord inte är särskilt ovanliga i kosmos. Solen är bara en vanlig stjärna bland hundratals miljoner andra i vår galax, Vintergatan.Med hjälp av världens mest kraftfulla teleskop kan vi utforska mer och mer av Universum. Det vi hittills har uFor thousands of years, mankind thought that this was the centre of the Universe. Thanks to our curiosity, imagination and urge to explore, we now know that planets like our Earth are nothing special in the cosmos. The Sun is just one ordinary star among hundreds of billions in our galaxy, the Milky Way.With the world’s most powerful telescopes, we are able to explore more and more of the Universe

Enzyme catalysis in uni- and bi-continuous microemulsions : Dependence of kinetics on substrate partitioning

The kinetics of enzymatic conversion in a microemulsion have been investigated. Racemic 3-methylcyclohexanone was oxidized by horse-liver alcohol dehydrogenase (HLADH, E.C. using a coupled substrate-coenzyme regenerating cycle in a sodium bis-(2-ethylhexyl) sulphosuccinate (AOT)-isooctane-buffer microemulsion. Initial enzyme activity was measured as a function of the oil volume fraction

Triglyceride interesterification by lipases. 1. Cocoa butter equivalents from a fraction of palm oil

Twelve commercially available triacylglycerol lipase preparations were screened for their suitability as catalysts in the interesterification of palm oil mid fraction and ethyl stearate to form a cocoa butter equivalent. Five fungal lipase preparations were found to be suitable. The hydrolytic activity of the commercial lipase preparations was tested with sunflower seed oil and was independent of

Influence of the reaction medium on the product distribution of peroxidase-catalysed oxidation of p-cresol

p-Cresol was oxidized by hydrogen peroxide in a reaction catalysed by horseradish peroxidase and the low molecular weight products were investigated. In aqueous media Pummerer's ketone (I) was the dominating product but in organic media the product distribution was quite different; 2,2'-dihydroxy-5,5'-dimethyldiphenyl (II) was the main low molecular weight product. Similar product distributions we

Mild hypothermia does not attenuate platelet aggregation and may even increase ADP-stimulated platelet aggregation after clopidogrel treatment

BACKGROUND: Mild hypothermia is currently standard of care for cardiac arrest patients in many hospitals and a common belief is that hypothermia attenuates platelet aggregation. We wanted to examine the effects of clopidogrel on platelet aggregation during hypothermia.METHODS: Platelet reactivity at 37° C and 33° C was evaluated by light transmission aggregometry and vasodilator-stimulated phospho

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The European Directive 2008/96/CE on Road Infrastructures Safety Management gives great emphasis to road Safety Inspections SI as tool for safety management of existing roads. In this framework, development of surrogate measures of safety derived from data collected during safety inspections can provide a source of information for risk assessment. Furthermore, SIs derived information seems to be p

How to interpret differing cerebral blood flow patterns estimated with 99tcm-hmpao and 99tcm-ecd spet in a healthy population

Two radiopharmaceuticals, 99Tcm-hexamethyl propylene amine oxime (99Tcm-HMPAO) and 99Tcm-ethyl cysteinate dimer (99Tcm-ECD), are currently used to determine cerebral blood flow. 99Tcm-ECD is, by virtue of its greater stability, superceding 99Tcm-HMPAO for routine examinations. Since the clinical assessment of 99Tcm-ECD images is usually based on experience with 99Tcm-HMPAO, we used both radiopharm

Molecularly imprinted monodisperse microspheres for competitive radioassay

In the present study, molecularly imprinted affinity sorbents against theophylline and 17β-estradiol are synthesised via precipitation polymerisation, a synthetic method that yields monodisperse, spherical polymer particles in the micronscale range, quickly, cleanly and in good yield. The specific binding sites that are created during the imprinting process are analysed via radioligand binding ana

Impacts of Climate Change on Surface Hydrology in the Source Region of the Yellow River

The source region of the Yellow River contributes about 35% of the total water yield in the Yellow River basin playing an important role for meeting the downstream water resources requirements. Hydroclimatic trend and periodicity during the last 50 years were investigated to identify significant changes in time and space over the study area. Results showed that mean annual temperature increased fo

A local Monte Carlo framework for coherent QCD parton energy loss

Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are the standard tool for describing jet-like multi-particle final states. To apply them to the simulation of medium-modified jets in heavy ion collisions, a probabilistic implementation of medium-induced quantum interference effects is needed. Here, we analyze in detail how the quantum interference effects included in the Baier-Dokshitzer-Mueller-Peigné-Schiff–Zakharo

The SM and NLO Multileg and SM MC Working Groups: Summary Report

The 2011 Les Houches workshop was the first to confront LHC data. In the two years since the previous workshop there have been significant advances in both soft and hard QCD, particularly in the areas of multi-leg NLO calculations, the inclusion of those NLO calculations into parton shower Monte Carlos, and the tuning of the non-perturbative parameters of those Monte Carlos. These proceedings desc

The GALAH survey : The data reduction pipeline

We present the data reduction procedures being used by the GALactic Archeology with Hermes (GALAH) survey, carried out with the HERMES fibre-fed, multi-object spectrograph on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope. GALAH is a unique survey, targeting 1 million stars brighter than magnitude V = 14 at a resolution of 28 000 with a goal to measure the abundances of 29 elements. Such a large number of h

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The article is devoted to the concept of "conflict of interest." The author reveals the content of this concept, referring to the relevant international acts and legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, considers the main causes of the conflict of interest and puts forward a proposal regarding measures to prevent conflict of interest.