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Coordination in Supply Chains
This thesis deals with a multi-levl inventory system, consisting of one central warehouse and number of retails, facing stochastic demand.
The ESS elliptical superconducting Linac consists of two types of 704.42 MHz cavities, medium and high beta, to accelerate the beam from 216 MeV (spoke cavity Linac) up to the final energy at 2 GeV. The last Linac optimization, called Optimus+, has been carried out taking into account the limitations of SRF cavity performance (field emission). The medium and high-beta parts of the Linac are compos
Optimal Linear Control for Channels with Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constraints
We consider the problem of stabilizing and minimizing the disturbance response of a SISO LTI plant, subject to a stochastic disturbance, over an analog communication channel with additive white noise and a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) constraint. The controller is linear, based on output feedback and has a structure with two degrees of freedom: One part represents sensing and encoding operations an
Field measurement performance of a MIMO terminal with adaptive impedance matching
Experiences of System Identification Applied to Ship Steering
Different system identification methods have been applied to determine ship steering dynamics from full-scale experiments. The techniques used include output error, maximum likelihood and more general prediction error methods. Different model structures have been investigated ranging from input-output models in difference equation form to the equations of motion in their natural form. Effects of d
Polytypic InAs Nanowire Studies Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Growth and characterization of wurtzite GaP nanowires with control over axial and radial growth by use of HCl in-situ etching
DFT-based Hybrid Antenna Selection Schemes for spatially correlated MIMO channels
We address the antenna subset selection problem in spatially correlated MIMO channels. To reduce the severe performance degradation of the traditional antenna selection scheme in correlated channels, we propose to embed DFT operations in the RF chains. The resulting system shows a significant advantage both for diversity schemes and for the capacity of spatial multiplexing, while requiring only a
Design of Energy Saving Windows with High Transmission at 900 MHz and 1800 MHz
This paper focuses on the radio wave propagation through energy saving windows. These panes have a metallic shielding that keeps the heat inside the building during winter and outside during summer. Unfortunately, this covering also has an opaque behaviour at microwave frequencies. A design of energy saving window panes with high transmission at 900MHz and 1800MHz is presented. The high transmissi
The lecture was considered the most interesting teaching and learning activity by teachers in problem-based learning curricula
Progress in materials grwoth and processing technology for realization of nanowire devices
Managing quality requirements: a systematic review
Tests of Pictorial Competence in Great Apes
A radical view of haemoglobin - protein engineering and characterisation
In recent years shortages of donated blood have become a growing problem for health care systems world-wide. Blood substitutes based on human haemoglobin (Hb) could potentially ameliorate this situation. However, clinical trials have indicated problems due to e.g. oxidative stress. This thesis describes ways to detoxify the Hb by modulating radical reactions or by reducing radical toxicity using a
Familjemåltiden – en (ut)märkt och laddad praktik. Måltidspraktikens kön, klass och ”ras”/etnicitet.
Mat och ätande väcker känslor till liv, det handlar om njutning och avsmak, men också om oro, frustration och glädje. Floran av idéer, trender och råd om mat och måltider tycks ständigt växa. I hushåll med yngre barn är normer kring mat och ätande särskilt starka och involverar i sin tur specifik kunskap om hur den ”riktiga” måltiden görs. I den här artikeln handlar det inte om att kritiskt gransk
UML and SystemC - Comparison and Mapping Rules for Automatic Code Generation
Today embedded system development is a complex task. To aid the engineers new methodologies and languages are emerging. During the development the system is modelled using different tools and languages. Transformations between the models are traditionally done manually. We investigate the automation of this process, specifically we are looking at automatic UML to SystemC transformation. In this pa