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Your search for "*" yielded 532728 hits

In Sickness and in Health- A roll-call study of the Members of the European Parliament’s voting behavior during Covid-19

The voting behavior of the Members of the European Parliament (MEP) has been widely studied. However, little is written about the effects of crises. This thesis tries to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic affected the MEPs voting behavior in relation to their European political group (EPG) and in addition their national party. This was done using the two theories: the two principal dilemma

Semites, semantics and self-image – who are the antisemites, really?

The study aims to uncover the discursive elements at work in Swedish public discourse on antisemitism. The study situates the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism in relation to Swedish discourse with the aim of measuring their congruence. A final aim is to uncover if the broadening of the term has led to marginalisation of those seen as problematic – constitutiv

Digital Surveillance in the name of National Security

Surveillance has throughout history been a widely discussed phenomenon and the debate over the delicate balancing of state power vis-à-vis privacy in the pursuit of national security equally so. In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA had been conducting digital surveillance globally and it represents a tipping point in the history of surveillance. By applying the normative logics deontology

A Capability Definition and Assessment Framework for Countering Disinformation, Information Influence, and Foreign Interference

This report proposes a capability assessment framework for countering disinformation, information influence, and foreign interference. At present, much emphasis is placed on the capability to counter disinformation and other associated phenomena. However, few have attempted to systematically define what those countermeasures are, and how they could be placed within a single, coherent capability as

Jobba för att leva eller leva för att jobba?

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: “Jobba för att leva eller leva för att jobba” Seminariedatum: 11 januari 2023 Kurs: FEKH49 - Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Jakob Burestedt, Mary Darbinyan & Fabian Zanton Handledare: Johan Jönsson Fem nyckelord: Distansarbete, Work-Life Balance, motivation, social interaktion, human relations. Forskningsfråga: Vilka möjlig

Sex matters : predator presence induces sexual dimorphism in a monomorphic prey, from stress genes to morphological defences

Inducible defences allow prey to increase survival chances when predators are present while avoiding unnecessary costs in their absence. Many studies report considerable inter-individual variation in inducible defence expression, yet what underlies this variation is poorly understood. A classic vertebrate example of a predator-induced morphological defence is the increased body depth in crucian ca

Qatar och Fotbolls-VM 2022 - En fallstudie om Qatars anledningar att arrangera Fotbolls-VM 2022

Ambitionen med denna studie är att utforska och förklara Qatars ändamål med arrangemanget av fotbolls-VM 2022. Tillvägagångssättet är en teorikonsumerande fallstudie. Analysen består i sin tur sedan av att förklara empiriskt bevis bestående av olika aktörers agerande och uttalanden sedan arrangemanget blev officiellt med hjälp av tre centrala teorier på internationella relationer: liberalism, kons

Plasma levels of CCL21, but not CCL19, independently predict future coronary events in a prospective population-based cohort

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The homeostatic chemokines CCL21 and CCL19 have been explored as biomarkers in cardiovascular disease prediction in patients with established cardiovascular disease, but associations between these chemokines and first-time coronary event incidence have not been investigated before. Here, we explored associations between CCL21 or CCL19 and first-time incident coronary events in

Extraction of circulating tumor cells from blood using acoustophoresis

We present, for the first time, separation of three different prostate cancer cell lines from leukocyte fractions by means of continuous flow acoustophoresis. This flow-through separation approach, which utilize acoustophoretic forces to extract CTCs from blood has a significant advantage over affinity based methods in the sense that it comprises a non-contact and label free separation of CTCs fro

Bacillus subtilis forms twisted cells with cell wall integrity defects upon removal of the molecular chaperones DnaK and trigger factor

The protein homeostasis network ensures a proper balance between synthesis, folding, and degradation of all cellular proteins. DnaK and trigger factor (TF) are ubiquitous bacterial molecular chaperones that assist in protein folding, as well as preventing protein misfolding and aggregation. In Escherichia coli, DnaK and TF possess partially overlapping functions. Their combined depletion results i

En svårnavigerad allians: En kvalitativ analys av Alliansen påverkan på medlemspartierna

Pre-electoral coalitions affect the involved parties in a unique and yet a quite undiscovered way. The largest and most successful pre-electoral coalition in Sweden was called the Alliance and was created prior to the 2006 parliament election.. Although pre-electoral coalitions are heavily underrepresented in coalition studies, there are existing hypotheses about the connection between parties ent

Modi operandi

India is forecast to overtake China as the world’s most populous country by 2023. Despite diligent efforts to gain independence from the British, today’s India faces new challenges: the creation of a national identity, achieving superpower status and the growth of Hindu nationalism. The aim of this essay is to investigate the use of political myths by Prime Minister Modi. Using speeches delivered

How is the problem of climate migration securitized?

This thesis analyzes the securitization discourse of climate migration as a study on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR. It’s based on material produced by UNHCR between the years 2017 - 2022. The study is accomplished with the 'What's the problem represented to be?' (WPR) approach, in combination with the securitization theory. In total are nine documents analyze

Slippery as an Eel. An analysis of the European Union's Eel Regulation Framework

This thesis uses an evaluative approach to analyse the European Union’s Eel Regulation Framework (ERF). By using theories on both legitimacy and posthumanism, the aim of the study is to answer the question of in which ways the ERF can be considered legitimate with both human and non-human stakeholders in mind. As environmental issues and biodiversity loss become increasingly severe, there is an ur

En jämlik och demokratisk klimatomställning – på vems villkor? En intervjustudie om klimatet, arbetarkollektivet och postpolitiken

While the climate crisis is gaining more attention, market mechanisms and individual behaviour changes seem to remain the dominant political answer to mitigate climate change. This thesis aims to examine how blue-collar labour unions in Sweden position themselves in the climate transition. Additionally, it explores ideological frontlines and identifies interest conflicts and power relations in the