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Simulations of phase transitions and capacitance, of simple ionic fluids in porous electrodes

In this work, we simulate the capacitance of a simple charged fluid model consisting of equal-sized, spherical monovalent ions, immersed in an implicit solvent. Apart from Coulomb forces, the particles interact via a truncated and shifted Lennard-Jones potential. This is a possible crude model for hydrophobic ions (assuming an implicit aqueous solvent) and allows for a possible demixing transition

Bakom chefernas masker; En kvalitativ studie om chefers upplevelse av sin chefsroll och si själva i kriser

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis paper is to create a deeper understanding of how managers perceive their manager role and themselves in a crisis. Furthermore we would like to make a theoretical contribution to the existing literature regarding manager’s identity work and crisis management by investigating how managers perceive their identity work in a crisis. Methodology: In order to fulfill t

Tendency of soil erosion dynamics by coupling radioisotopes and RUSLE model on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau in response to climate warming and human activity

Soil erosion has created landscape problems in many parts of the world and in particular in cold regions where the sensitive permafrost conditions have changed due to climate warming. Such a case occurred in the Tibetan Plateau (TP), which has been strongly affected by global warming and human activities. Monitoring technologies, like remote sensing and field surveys were used to explore soil eros

Improved acoustophoretic circulating tumor cell (CTC) separation for low target cell numbers in clinical volumes

We present an improved acoustophoretic system for circulating tumor cell separation from blood. The system is operated by pressure driven flow, including flow sensors and a feed-back loop for precise flow control. The pressure driven system provides a user interface that can be handled by a non-skilled operator, and most importantly full clinical samples of 7 mL can be processed in 70 minutes. The

Application of a Magnetic-field-induced Transition in Fe x to Solar and Stellar Coronal Magnetic Field Measurements

Magnetic fields play a key role in driving a broad range of dynamic phenomena in the atmospheres of the Sun and other stars. Routine and accurate measurements of the magnetic fields at all the atmospheric layers are of critical importance to understand these magnetic activities, but in the solar and stellar coronae such a measurement is still a challenge due to the weak field strength and the high

Whole-body MRI surveillance in TP53 carriers is perceived as beneficial with no increase in cancer worry regardless of previous cancer : Data from the Swedish TP53 Study

Background: To evaluate the psychosocial consequences of surveillance with whole-body MRI (WB-MRI) in individuals with the heritable TP53-related cancer (hTP53rc) syndrome, also known as the Li-Fraumeni syndrome, with regard to cancer worry, perceived benefits and risks to surveillance and overall health. Patients and methods: Since 2016, the national Swedish TP53 Study (SWEP53) has offered survei

Systematic errors in annotations of truncations, loss-of-function and synonymous variants

Description of genetic phenomena and variations requires exact language and concepts. Vast amounts of variation data are produced with next-generation sequencing pipelines. The obtained variations are automatically annotated, e.g., for their functional consequences. These tools and pipelines, along with systematic nomenclature, mainly work well, but there are still some problems in nomenclature, o

Rationale for randomised trials of prostate cancer screening

Screening for prostate cancer has been advocated by a number of organisations largely because there is good evidence that administration of the test for prostate specific antigen (PSA) results in the detection of cancers at an early stage. However, the mere fact that a cancer can be detected earlier in its natural history by screening is no guarantee that benefit will follow. Further, screening fo

Hur väl förklarar beroendeteorin Zambias ekonomiska- och sociala utveckling mellan 2000-2020?

Denna uppsats ämnar pröva beroendeteorins förklaringsförmåga. Detta sker genom en teoriprövande fallstudie på fallet Zambia där “fallet” i fråga är landets sociala och ekonomiska utveckling från år 2000 till 2020. Zambia har sedan landets självständighet 1964 från kolonialmakten Storbritannien haft en svår ekonomisk situation, till följd av detta reformerade Zambia sin ekonomi i enlighet med neo-l

In Sickness and in Health- A roll-call study of the Members of the European Parliament’s voting behavior during Covid-19

The voting behavior of the Members of the European Parliament (MEP) has been widely studied. However, little is written about the effects of crises. This thesis tries to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic affected the MEPs voting behavior in relation to their European political group (EPG) and in addition their national party. This was done using the two theories: the two principal dilemma

Semites, semantics and self-image – who are the antisemites, really?

The study aims to uncover the discursive elements at work in Swedish public discourse on antisemitism. The study situates the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism in relation to Swedish discourse with the aim of measuring their congruence. A final aim is to uncover if the broadening of the term has led to marginalisation of those seen as problematic – constitutiv

Digital Surveillance in the name of National Security

Surveillance has throughout history been a widely discussed phenomenon and the debate over the delicate balancing of state power vis-à-vis privacy in the pursuit of national security equally so. In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA had been conducting digital surveillance globally and it represents a tipping point in the history of surveillance. By applying the normative logics deontology

A Capability Definition and Assessment Framework for Countering Disinformation, Information Influence, and Foreign Interference

This report proposes a capability assessment framework for countering disinformation, information influence, and foreign interference. At present, much emphasis is placed on the capability to counter disinformation and other associated phenomena. However, few have attempted to systematically define what those countermeasures are, and how they could be placed within a single, coherent capability as

Jobba för att leva eller leva för att jobba?

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: “Jobba för att leva eller leva för att jobba” Seminariedatum: 11 januari 2023 Kurs: FEKH49 - Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Jakob Burestedt, Mary Darbinyan & Fabian Zanton Handledare: Johan Jönsson Fem nyckelord: Distansarbete, Work-Life Balance, motivation, social interaktion, human relations. Forskningsfråga: Vilka möjlig

Sex matters : predator presence induces sexual dimorphism in a monomorphic prey, from stress genes to morphological defences

Inducible defences allow prey to increase survival chances when predators are present while avoiding unnecessary costs in their absence. Many studies report considerable inter-individual variation in inducible defence expression, yet what underlies this variation is poorly understood. A classic vertebrate example of a predator-induced morphological defence is the increased body depth in crucian ca

Qatar och Fotbolls-VM 2022 - En fallstudie om Qatars anledningar att arrangera Fotbolls-VM 2022

Ambitionen med denna studie är att utforska och förklara Qatars ändamål med arrangemanget av fotbolls-VM 2022. Tillvägagångssättet är en teorikonsumerande fallstudie. Analysen består i sin tur sedan av att förklara empiriskt bevis bestående av olika aktörers agerande och uttalanden sedan arrangemanget blev officiellt med hjälp av tre centrala teorier på internationella relationer: liberalism, kons

Plasma levels of CCL21, but not CCL19, independently predict future coronary events in a prospective population-based cohort

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The homeostatic chemokines CCL21 and CCL19 have been explored as biomarkers in cardiovascular disease prediction in patients with established cardiovascular disease, but associations between these chemokines and first-time coronary event incidence have not been investigated before. Here, we explored associations between CCL21 or CCL19 and first-time incident coronary events in