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Seawater signatures in the supracrustal Lewisian Complex, Scotland

Marble in the supracrustal rocks of the Lewisian Complex, Tiree, includes chlorine-bearing amphiboles, chlorine-rich apatite, sulphur-rich scapolite, albite and phlogopite, all of which are regarded as evidence for evaporites in other metamorphosed sequences. Titanite yields U-Pb ages of ∼1.6 Ga, i.e. late Laxfordian, which excludes a younger imprint of sodium metasomatism. Traces of anhydrite, an

Contingency planning and humanitarian action: a review of practice

This paper explores the current process and practice of contingency planning in humanitarian organisations. It sets out the key terms and concepts relating to contingency planning, explores the contingency planning process, explains the main models used by humanitarian organisations and presents a new concept of the process that enables a more dynamic approach than previous frameworks.The paper al

Comparison of fractal and grid electrodes for studying the effects of spatial confinement on dissociated retinal neuronal and glial behavior

Understanding the impact of the geometry and material composition of electrodes on the survival and behavior of retinal cells is of importance for both fundamental cell studies and neuromodulation applications. We investigate how dissociated retinal cells from C57BL/6J mice interact with electrodes made of vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes grown on silicon dioxide substrates. We compare electrod

Pan-cancer analysis of pre-diagnostic blood metabolite concentrations in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Background: Epidemiological studies of associations between metabolites and cancer risk have typically focused on specific cancer types separately. Here, we designed a multivariate pan-cancer analysis to identify metabolites potentially associated with multiple cancer types, while also allowing the investigation of cancer type-specific associations. Methods: We analysed targeted metabolomics data

Communicating science through competing logics and a science-art lens

This essay takes a starting point in the well-known tension between the media logic and the scientific logic and the challenges when communicating science in a mediatized society. Building on the experience of engaging in research comics, both as a method for communicating science and a creative example of a meeting between science and art, we introduce a framework — a pedagogical tool — for how sThis essay takes a starting point in the well-known tension between the media logic and the scientific logic and the challenges when communicating science in a mediatized society. Building on the experience of engaging in research comics, both as a method for communicating science and a creative example of a meeting between science and art, we introduce a framework — a pedagogical tool — for how s

Clinical course of pharyngotonsillitis with group A streptococcus treated with different penicillin V strategies, divided in groups of Centor Score 3 and 4 : a prospective study in primary care

Background: Sore throat is a common reason for prescribing antibiotics in primary care, and 10 days of treatment is recommended for patients with pharyngotonsillitis with group A streptococcus (GAS). Our group recently showed that penicillin V (PcV) four times daily for 5 days was non-inferior in clinical outcome to PcV three times daily for 10 days. This study compares duration, intensity of symp

Arbitrary position 3D tomography for practical application in combustion diagnostics

This work aims to make three-dimensional (3D) tomographic techniques more flexible and accessible to in-situ measurements in practical apparatus by allowing arbitrary camera placements that benefit applications with more restrictive optical access. A highly customizable, in-house developed tomographic method is presented, applying smoothness priors through Laplacian matrices and hull constraints b

Effect of viscosity on the pharmacokinetics and biological response to intranasal desmopressin.

he effect of viscosity on the nasal absorption and biological response to desmopressin was studied in humans. Nasal solutions of desmopressin with and without the addition of 0.25% (w/v) methylcellulose were administered by a precompression nasal spray pump to 10 volunteers. Plasma levels of desmopressin were assayed by radioimmunoassay and the biological response was measured by determination of

Trajectory Optimization for Physics-Based Reconstruction of 3d Human Pose from Monocular Video

We focus on the task of estimating a physically plausi-ble articulated human motion from monocular video. Ex-isting approaches that do not consider physics often pro-duce temporally inconsistent output with motion artifacts, while state-of-the-art physics-based approaches have either been shown to work only in controlled laboratory conditions or consider simplified body-ground contact limited to f

EU:s varumärkesrätts fula ankunge? - En uppsats om registreringshindret mot ett tecken som endast består av en form eller egenskap som ger en vara ett betydande värde

Registreringshindret för tecken som endast består av en form som ger en vara ett betydande värde har varit en del av EU:s varumärkesrätt sedan den första gemensamma varumärkesdirektivet trädde i kraft 1989. Sedan dess har registreringshindret, som idag återfinns i artikel 7.1(e) iii VMF samt artikel 4.1(e) iii, fått stå i skymundan i förhållande till de andra två registreringshindren för tecken meThe exclusion for signs that consists exclusively of the shape which gives substantial value to the goods have been a part of trademark law of the EU since the first shared trademark-directive came into force in 1989. Since that day the exclusion, who today can be found in Article 7.1(e) iii TMR and Article 4.1(e) iii, have been forced to take a backseat in comparison to the other to exclusions fo

Estimating the risk of insurance fraud based on tonal analysis

Insurance companies utilize various methods for identifying claims that are of potential fraudulent nature. With the ever progressing field of artificial intelligence and machine learning models, great interest can be found within the industry to evaluate the use of new methods that may arise as a result of new advanced models in combination with the rich data that is being gathered. For this end,

Assessing Local Climate Action Plan: A case study of Jeju Island

As climate change emerges as an urgent issue, the role of cities in responding to climate change is also becoming increasingly important. Cities can contribute to greenhouse gas reduction through local level climate action. In addition, it is essential for cities to develop local level adaptation plan in order to deal with inevitable climate change since the impacts of climate change local specifi

Exploring low-carbon procurement for public construction as a tool for decarbonizing heavy industries: An analysis of current practices in the Netherlands, Sweden and Taiwan

With the calls raised in “buy clean” within green public procurement (GPP) for construction, recently, low-carbon procurement (LCP), the subset GPP is getting more and more attention. However, not many academic publications explore LCP for public buildings or infrastructure projects. Moreover, it appears that little research further investigates its influence on the decarbonization of hard-to-abat

The role of community renewable energy in the transition to renewable heating - The case of Germany

In the past decades, community renewable energy (CRE) has significantly contributed to the uptake of renewable technology to decarbonise Germany's electricity sector. Meanwhile, the primary source of household emissions – heating – is still highly dependent on fossil fuels, especially gas. With Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the decarbonisation of heating becomes an even mo

Varför stöttade silovikerna de ryska konstitutionsändringarna 2020? Patronalistisk politik i det ryska säkerhetsetablissemanget

The purpose of this study is to examine why the Russian security forces, or siloviki, supported the 2020 amendments to the Russian constitution, using Henry E. Hale’s patronal politics as a theoretical framework. Based on this theory, the study pro-poses a hypothetical motive to explain why the siloviki supported the amendments. To strengthen the case for this motive, a number of empirical indicat

Discipline and Order: Hostile architecture in Copenhagen

Hostile architecture is a tool used to control and regulate behavior, individuals, and groups in public spaces. This research explores the use, purpose, and meaning of hostile architecture in Copenhagen. To explore the phenomenon, I conducted fieldwork and semi-structured interviews. The fieldwork consisted of sensory ethnography within a phenomenological framework of data collection and analysis.